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National Leadership Retreat Concept Note: February 2, 2009

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1 National Leadership Retreat Concept Note: February 2, 2009

2 Principles of the Kivu Leadership Retreat
Kivu retreat will focus on delivery and unblocking the key barriers to development to enable Rwanda to escape aid dependency – in particular, the crisis of delivery; It will allow closer scrutiny of mindset barriers in Economy, Social & Governance sectors by allocating a day to each domain; The Kivu Retreat will require tailor-made and sector-wide collaborative work that identifies strategic issues, key problems and solutions for removing barriers to transformation.

3 Day 1: Keynote Day Key theme: Collectively unblocking barriers to development – Achieving Mindset Change Prime Minister: ‘State of government execution & delivery’; President of Senate: ‘State of legislative process & delivery’ Speaker of Chamber of Deputies: ‘State of legislative process & delivery’ Chief Justice of Supreme Court: ‘State of judicial process and delivery’ President of PSF: ‘State of customer service delivery and can-do- attitude’; Presidential keynote address on the ‘culture of mediocrity’ and its rejection.

4 Day 2: Economy The sector actors (MINECOFIN, MINICOM, MINAGRI, MININFRA, MINIRENA, RDB, RRA and PSF) to present four main strategic challenges for unblocking and unleashing prosperity and wealth creation in Rwanda e.g.: How can we create a manufacturing capability to move us into more productive, value adding activities and enable us to benefit more from increases in agricultural, minerals production and other key inputs such as energy? How do we grow SMEs and create sufficient, meaningful jobs for young people? How can we improve the business and financial environment to stimulate new, productive foreign and domestic investment? How can we improve customer service in the public & private sector?

5 Day 3: Social The sector actors (MINEDUC, MIFOTRA, MINISANTE, MINISTRY OF YOUTH, MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND SPORTS, Workforce Development Agency, RDB & PSF) to present three main strategic challenges for creating a healthy, skilled and civic- minded workforce– for the emerging and future industries e.g.: How can Rwanda unlock and accelerate human capital development in line with Rwanda’s development strategy? How can Rwanda empower young people to actively participate in the economic development and social progress of the country? How can Rwanda tackle the high population growth, child and maternal mortality rates in order to promote economic growth and social progress in Rwanda?

6 Day 4: Governance The sector actors (including MINIJUST, MINALOC, MINADEF, MINAFFET, MINEAC, RDB, PSF) to present three main strategic challenges to creating dynamic governance structures for effective service delivery e.g.: What can be done to improve the governance structures for effective service delivery? What should be done to improve the levels of transparency and accountability in Ministries and government institutions? How do we speed up the pace of legislative and judicial processes  to improve the business environment  and access to justice in Rwanda?

7 Day 5: Putting it all together
Each sector incorporates advice and views from the Kivu Retreat into their strategies and commits to delivering these; Kivu Retreat validates and commits leaders of these sectors with the Prime Minister, Minister in Charge of Cabinet Affairs, Minister in the President’s Office to address the strategic challenges identified; Presidential closing statement.

8 Preparatory Steps for a Productive Kivu Leadership Retreat
Further development of this concept note; Briefing leaders of all branches of government; Comprehensive engagement of all Ministries in sector groups (Economy, Governance, Social) with each sector proposing solutions to these fundamental challenges – and why previous resolutions have not had desired results; Each sector presents at Kivu the challenges and solutions in a candid fashion for validation and collective ownership; All Sector working groups commit to a post-Kivu work plan; these work plans are combined into a National Action Plan; All Sector groups responsible for delivering National Action Plan; Prime Minister, Minister in Charge of Cabinet Affairs, Minister in the President’s Office to monitor process and take responsibility for delivery.

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