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Safety Program.

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1 Safety Program

2 Safety Committee Mission Statement
The Safety Committee will promote open communication and exchange accurate, timely information to promote employee awareness in all aspects of Mangan field and office work safety. We will focus on policy direction, system concerns, employee training, and measurement of the entire health and safety process.

3 Health and Safety Charter
Health and Safety of persons and property are among the core values of Mangan. This charter defines our objectives and provides guidelines on how we expect to achieve these objectives. The Safety Charter can be found on the Google Safety Resource Site

4 2011 Year in Review Over 80 new employees processed
ZERO recordable injuries in 2011! Over 590,000 safe working hours

5 2011 Year in Review cont… 19 Flash reports -
Theft: 2 Property damage: 4 First aid: 2 Incident: 6 Near miss: 4 Auto accident: 1 Flash Report Summaries will be available on the Google Safety Resource Site. Each office Safety Representative has been provided a report through the 3rd Quarter for 2011.

6 We’re Growing!

7 Some areas of growth… Pipeline Renewables Bio-pharm
Proving – pipeline flow verification Renewables Solar panel roof top installation projects expanded to car ports Bio-pharm Client growth in the east coast region

8 Some areas of growth… Refinery
Increased activity in the Southern California refineries Gulf Coast offices – employee number doubled in 2011

9 Increased growth means increased

10 Safety Program Purpose
To provide employees with a safe work environment To comply with company mandated policies and procedures To comply with Federal and Cal OSHA requirements Injury and Illness Prevention Program General Duty Clause

11 Safety Program Purpose – Client Requirements
Pre-qualify for work on client sites Pass third party client audits Maintain an EMR (Experience Modification Rate) of under 1.0 2010 Interstate .85 (all but CA) 2010 Intrastate .64 (CA) Maintain an ORIR (OSHA Recordable Incident Rate) of under 1.0 2011 ORIR 0 (zero) 2010 ORIR .52 Five years prior the rate was zero EMR rate = Experience Modification Rate For a good explanation follow this link ORIR rate = OSHA Recordable Incident Rate For more detailed explanation follow this link

12 Safety Program Purpose - Savings and Marketing
Save $$ on insurance premiums Market to our clients our low injury rate Currently at over ½ a million hours since last injury 1.7 million hours achieved for previous record The savings on our insurance premiums directly affects Workers’ Compensation, however Mangan would not be classified as a high risk by the underwriters of our insurance due to our safety program and our record. All of the industries in which we work will review and assess our safety program and injury record and factor that in to whether we are awarded contracts. A good safety record and a program that is active is a good marketing tool when bidding on projects.

13 Regulations KPI Compliance Matrix Methods of Compliance
SMART Cards BiWeekly Refresher Training BiWeekly Safety Meetings Driver’s License Verification Auto Insurance Verification Hearing Exam Verification of Current Status I, C O, C Hazard Communication Corrective Action Suggestions Inspections Refresher Training Lessons Learned C Regulations How do we satisfy the state, regulatory, and client requirements? How do we train our employees? How do we keep complacency from setting in? This chart represents the program components that address the requirements by either OSHA, the client, or our insurance carrier. O = OSHA C = Client I = Insurance

14 The SMART Card Program The cards bring value to the company by…
Verifying the employee’s understanding of the company’s safety requirements through a self audit Providing an avenue for employees to communicate hazardous situations Documenting hazardous situations and follow through with corrective action Documenting their surroundings Provides the safety department an insight to the employee’s work environments Used as a training tool for cross office workers SMART Journals are posted on the Google Site: SAFETY-SMART

15 BiWeekly Safety Meetings
Provide mandatory refresher training on OSHA and client subjects Provide a method for keeping current with important policy information Opportunity for employees to relate subject material to local office or project activities Share lessons learned on reported incidents both from client and company Leadership representation of support for our safety culture Opportunity for employees to ask questions and provide suggestions

16 BiWeekly Safety Training
Online training Provides mandatory refresher training on OSHA and client subjects and verification of understanding Provides a method for keeping current with important policy information Information includes lessons learned on company reported incidents FlexTrain

17 Vehicle Driver Requirements
A current license in the state where you reside on file The minimum required automobile insurance limits for the state in which you live on file This is required by State authorities Mangan’s insurance provider Clients

18 Annual Audiogram Federal / Cal OSHA and client requirements when hearing protection is necessary: Assess hearing protection needs Wear and maintain hearing protection Take a baseline audiometric exam at the time of hire Take an annual audiometric exam for duration of work in the field Cal/OSHA has established exposure limits for occupational exposure to noise, including an Action Level of 85 dBA (decibels on the A-weighted scale) and a Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of 90 dBA. The Action Level and Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) are set for 8-hour time-weighted average exposures. Employees whose noise exposure may exceed the Cal/OSHA Action Level will be included in this Hearing Conservation Program, will receive training and audiometric testing, and will be provided with hearing protection

19 Guide to Compliance SMART Cards
Complete a minimum of two cards per month (this is tracked for compliance on the KPI Report) For work in the field, employees are to fill out one card per week or more if the project dictates Turn in your card to the office receptacle or complete an electronic version and send it to

20 Guide to Compliance BiWeekly Safety Meeting BiWeekly Safety Training
Attend your office safety meeting Share your experiences, client feedback, and suggestions BiWeekly Safety Training Respond to the training enrollment notices on your FlexTrain dashboard within two weeks of the date of enrollment (this is tracked for compliance on the KPI Report)

21 Guide to Compliance Driving Annual Hearing Exam
Turn in your updated Driver’s License and Insurance information prior to the expiration Annual Hearing Exam Send an to the safety department when you take your annual hearing exam and let us know the date you took the exam and the name of the clinic These are tracked for compliance on the KPI Report Send your information to

22 Program Measurement The program is measured based on the minimum requirements through monthly Key Point Indicator (KPI) graphs. The KPI report includes: Support information on employee performance Office grades based on overall office performance (Report information found on the Google Site under Safety KPI Reports)

23 KPI Company Grade = A

24 Additional Programs The previous slides represented the program elements tracked on the monthly KPI reports. Three other programs are worth reiterating in this training due to the high importance of their affect on the company’s continued business and employee personal safety.

25 Job Safety Analysis Our method for performing a hazard analysis for each project regardless of whether the work is in the field or office Analyzing the risk Assigning the responsible party Mitigating the risks Performed prior to work and throughout the life of the project Reference the JSA Training guide on the Google Safety Site – Program Purpose Completing a JSA Risk Analysis is the first step in working through the JSA on any project. Compliance is tracked through a Weekly JSA Preliminary Report published on Friday’s and a JSA Report (final) published on the following Monday. The safety person responsible for tracking JSA compliance will make every attempt to notify a Project Manager whose project has been open over two weeks with no JSA activity and more importantly, a Project Manager whose project has charges but no JSA activity. For projects with charges and no completed JSA Risk Analysis and where attempts to discuss the reason for a delinquent JSA Risk Analysis go without response, on the Tuesday following the Monday JSA Report the project will be closed in accounting for entering time, charges, and billing until the issue can be resolved. In addition, the Project Incentive Bonus will be affected with a percentage deducted due to non-compliance.

26 Accident Investigations
Flash Reports covering Client incidents Injuries, no matter how insignificant Auto accidents and citations Damage to company or client property Accident Investigation to determine the root cause and provide lessons learned Manage the event to minimize further injury or damage Reference the Accident Investigation and Injury Case Management guide on the Google Safety Site – Program Purpose The company’s Accident Investigation Program encompasses reporting, root cause analysis, corrective action, and sharing the lessons learned. When an injury is involved prompt attention can mitigate complications or further injury. The company maintains a Return to Work program to enable employees able to work at some level to participate in the daily activities of work keeping them productive which promotes healing.

27 Touch & Go Keep your Touch & Go current
Our work takes us in many directions The industries where we work can be volatile In the event of an emergency a head count is necessary The use of Touch & Go is important so we can conduct a head count in the event of an emergency. When we hear about a site fire or explosion or even a local or nationwide natural or man-made disaster we can conduct a head count to determine who may be in danger and to warn before going into a dangerous environment. We are aware of the software issues with our current system and will be addressing alternatives at our next Safety Committee in June. In the meantime use the system we have in place.

28 Points for Participation
to provide positive reinforcement for continued participation in vital safety program elements. Google Sites: SAFETY – POINTS FOR PARTICIPATION

29 Resources The ADP Portal hosts the company’s safety policies and forms along with links to the safety websites such as: FlexTrain Syntrio (E-Learning Site) Touch & Go Safety Resource site on Google This site hosts KPI reports, Points for Participation Program, and subject specific such as Emergency Action and Accident Investigation information Keep in mind this document can be updated. The Google Safety Resource Site will host the most current information.

30 In Summary Our clients are aware
Our safety record is recorded on numerous third party audit sites To stay in business we need to satisfy the regulatory requirements To work on our client sites we need to maintain a low incident rate Office work affects our safety rating as much as field work Neither OSHA nor the client differentiate between the two In addition, before we work for a new client or when it is time to renew our contract, those clients not affiliated with the third party administrators listed in the slide will require an in-depth pre-qualification form to be completed. The form requests information on our safety program, training practices, injury statistics, and citation background. If we do not qualify we will not win the work.

31 In Conclusion A sound safety program is a small investment toward the goal of personal safety, increased savings for the company, and the opportunity for continued work.

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