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Managing Complexity Through Innovation

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Complexity Through Innovation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Complexity Through Innovation
A Case Study for a Paperless Solution David Mitchell, CRM Assistant Director, E-Records Management

2 Objectives Learn about CGIRB’s integrated paperless solution
Planning and implementation Compliance and quality Examples of efficiencies and ROI

3 Background of paperless initiative
Brief overview of IRB role IRB work is paper intensive 96% of incoming documents born digital 20 – 25 linear feet produced internally every week Fileroom requests Average of 6800+/year ( )

4 Background of paperless initiative
Regulatory Considerations: 21 CFR Part 11 Electronic Signatures and Electronic Records System validation Accurate and complete copies (Trustworthiness) Limiting system access 21 CFR Parts 50 and 56 Protection of Human Subjects (FDA) & Institutional Review Board Composition

5 Background of paperless initiative
Regulatory Considerations: ICH Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice, section E6 45 CFR Part 46 Protection of Human Subjects (DHHS) IRB Records What to maintain Records retention

6 Background of paperless initiative
Started as project to handle e-documents only Realized review process could be streamlined Compliance module and 21 CFR Part 11 capabilities and e- signature Customization and integration options with Protocol Tracking System (PTS) and client-facing portal Flexible automated workflow options Size of system and cost

7 Background of paperless initiative
Initial meetings in late 2006 to plan the concept of paperless system Proof of Concept document with Xerox DocuShare® as solution Business process requirements Tasks to measure success 21 CFR Part 11 scenarios & checks Tentative configuration schedule Process flow diagrams Design specifications Testing and validation

8 Background of paperless initiative
Why it made sense for CGIRB Confidential nature of our business Use “closed systems” as defined in 21 CFR Part 11 “…an environment in which system access is controlled by persons who are responsible for the content of electronic records that are on the system.” Excellent case for e-signatures Lots of print & scan functions to eliminate Pre-existing technical architecture lent itself to integration with EDMS

9 Background of paperless initiative
Goal: To develop a 21 CRF Part 11 compliant document management system with workflow, archives, version control and electronic/digital signatures to handle incoming electronic documents. Objectives: Increase organizational responsiveness Reduce time associated with file requests, audits and submissions Enable full-text search of all live and archived documents Enforce security Provide regulatory compliance surety Protect and archive institutional knowledge Conserve personnel resources Reduce the need for paper (cost, shipping, storage)

10 Testing & Validation Time consuming but essential (and valuable)
Testing requirements Functional walkthroughs Test cases documented

11 Implementation – Phase I
Out-of-the-box functionality introduced to staff Training on: System navigation User interface Collections Searching – basic and advanced Permissioning of folders and documents All documents were read only Regulated decisions still based on paper documents

12 Implementation – Phase II
Bulk import utility implemented to upload images Compression and OCR Documents in DocuShare available to staff for reference Regulated decisions still based on paper documents

13 Implementation – Phase III
Implemented May 18, 2009 Paperless workflows Integration with tracking database Tasking for teams based on submission type E-signature functionality with all staff receiving training Revised SOPs and policies Regulated decisions made from electronic document of record Centralized team for intake

14 Implementation – Phase III
By the numbers: 923,000+ study documents 556,000+ submission documents Since 5/18/2009: 21,000+ submissions entered 34,000+ fax submissions entered 2300+ hardcopy submissions entered

15 More about integration
CGIRB ConnexusTM Integrated e-document management web portal Paperless document repository – window into DocuShare Secure online access to files and forms Submission tracking Fully validated, with complete audit trails Integration impossible without core EDMS

16 Compliance and Quality
Regulations affecting system E-signature functionality? DocuShare CPX – compliance module Testing and validation – required? Security – users trained and authorized Records retention & disposition Quality audits Content – who will audit content? Process for correcting? External audits – security features for giving access to system 12 client audits in 2010 FDA routine inspection AAHRPP accreditation inspection

17 Efficiencies and ROI Investment in compliance is priceless
E-signatures replace wet ink and day-long signing duty Board reviews – keyword searches for pharmaceutical or medical terminology enables more efficient review Shipping costs Clients accessing Connexus for approvals can save $15-$20 per site CGIRB shipping and courier expenses were ~$200/week to send meeting materials to Board members

18 Efficiencies and ROI Efficiencies realized in 3 primary areas:
File requests

19 Efficiencies and ROI Efficiencies realized in 3 primary areas: Audits
14 paper-based audits in 2009 Approx. 80 hours prep time (2 FTEs) 12 electronic audits in 2010 Approx. 1-2 hours prep time (1 FTE)

20 Efficiencies and ROI Efficiencies realized in 3 primary areas:
Submissions (104 minutes v. 3.4 minutes, N = 100)

21 Efficiencies and ROI Equipment and supplies
Paper purchases decreased over 75% Photocopier surplused - $1700/month savings Annual savings on office supplies estimated to be $101,000+ Personnel reductions

22 Lessons Learned Unrealistic timeline expectations
Processes change over time Need good communications and documentation Phased in implementation

23 Conclusion Still tracking impact of CGIRB ConnexusTM on submissions, turnaround time, shipping Technical know-how of staff must increase Empower and train to “own” data Staff may want to mirror paper-based methods in e-system Others will want to automate everything

24 Questions?

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