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Stretch! Krystal Shook Room 111

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Presentation on theme: "Stretch! Krystal Shook Room 111 "— Presentation transcript:

1 Krystal Shook Room 111 425-413-5532
Stretch! Krystal Shook Room 111 Welcome- Please sign up for November student led conferences!

2 Who am I? Black Hills High School graduate
Central Washington University 12th year of teaching Maple Valley resident My family

3 STudents REaching Towards new CHallenges
STRETCH Learning! STudents REaching Towards new CHallenges ■ Approximately 45 minutes at the beginning of each day Monday - Thursday. ■ Some of this time will be for College and Career Readiness Lessons for all students, assemblies, etc. Intervention I-Stretch Enrichment ME-Stretch % of Students Math/ELA: Learning is targeted to address skill deficits. 85-90% of Students Sessions 1 & 2: Grades all follow same learning targets (Future ready, introduction to coding, novel studies) Sessions 3 & 4: Students can explore interests in offered areas OPTIONAL

4 Language Live!

5 Grading Criteria for Intervention
Pass/fail Graded on program completion No Homework Reevaluate at semester, end of year Continuing Program

6 How can I help my student succeed?
Check planner Encourage reading

7 Student notes What trait do you think your student excels in? Feel free to use the cheat sheet! Write their name and note on the index card Have a great night!

8 7th Grade Language Arts & Social Studies
Krystal Shook Room 111 Welcome- Please check out our curriculum this year and fill out a questionnaire!

9 Who am I? Black Hills High School graduate
Central Washington University 12th year of teaching Maple Valley resident My family

10 What will your student learn?
Reading Brown Girl Dreaming Jacqueline Woodson Tangerine by James Bloor Writing Personal Narrative Argumentative Informative Literary Analysis Monologue

11 Is the text available online?
Yes! Log in with Go Tahoma account and student ID

12 What will my student learn in Social Studies?
World History The Fall of Rome Rise of Christianity Imperial China Medieval Europe The Renaissance & Reformation The age of exploration & Trade

13 Washington state history
High school credit requirement. Geography Conflict between white settlers and Native Americans Railroads & Immigration WW1 and WW2 Local government Economy

14 Is the text available online?
Yes! Log in with Go Tahoma account and student ID

15 How will grades be calculated?
Language Arts 80% assessments 20% daily work Social Studies 70% assessments 30% daily work

16 Grading

17 Will my student be required to read outside of class?
YES!!!! Language Arts Weekly skill based reading logs (due Friday) Brown Girl Dreaming & Tangerine and Independent Reading Social Studies Weekly content challenge article (due Friday)

18 How do I know their grade?
Family access-Skyward 1. go to Tahoma school district homepage 2. Select skyward family access on the right 3. log in


20 Do I accept late work? Yes!
Late work must be turned in by the end of unit assessment Late work must have a reflection filled out, attached and signed by you. Late work forms are available on my SWIFT website and in class.

21 How will I know if my student is missing assignments?
They will be marked with a 0% in Skyward They will be marked as missing in Skyward Where do I/the student find the assignment? Paperclip=document available in Skyward Available on Google classroom Available in class me

22 Teacher websites-swift
1. Go to 2. Select the Staff tab 3. Select class websites 4. Find the teacher

23 How can I help my student succeed?
Check planner Check Skyward Encourage reading Check Google calendar (link on SWIFT)

24 Student notes What trait do you think your student excels in?
Write their name and note on the index card Have a great night!

25 Krystal Shook Room 111 425-413-5532
7th Grade Language Arts Krystal Shook Room 111 Welcome- Please check out our curriculum this year and fill out a questionnaire!

26 Who am I? Black Hills High School graduate
Central Washington University 12th year of teaching Maple Valley resident My family

27 What will your student learn?
Reading Brown Girl Dreaming Jacqueline Woodson Tangerine by James Bloor Writing Personal Narrative Argumentative Informative Literary Analysis Monologue

28 Is the text available online?
Yes! Log in with Go Tahoma account and student ID

29 How will grades be calculated?
Language Arts 80% assessments 20% daily work

30 Grading

31 Will my student be required to read outside of class?
YES!!!! Language Arts Weekly skill based reading logs (due Friday) Brown Girl Dreaming & Tangerine and Independent Reading

32 How will I know if my student is missing assignments?
They will be marked with a 0% in Skyward They will be marked as missing in Skyward Where do I/the student find the assignment? Paperclip=document available in Skyward Available on Google classroom Available in class me

33 Do I accept late work? Yes!
Late work must be turned in by the end of unit assessment Late work must have a reflection filled out, attached and signed by you. Late work forms are available on my SWIFT website and in class.

34 Teacher websites-swift
1. Go to 2. Select the Staff tab 3. Select class websites 4. Find the teacher

35 How can I help my student succeed?
Check planner Check Skyward Encourage reading Check Google calendar (link on SWIFT)

36 Student notes What trait do you think your student excels in?
Write their name and note on the index card Have a great night!

37 7th Grade Social Studies
Krystal Shook Room 111 Welcome- Please check out our curriculum this year and fill out a questionnaire!

38 Who am I? Black Hills High School graduate
Central Washington University 12th year of teaching Maple Valley resident My family

39 What will my student learn in Social Studies?
World History The Fall of Rome Rise of Christianity Imperial China Medieval Europe The Renaissance & Reformation The age of exploration & Trade

40 Washington state history
High school credit requirement. Geography Conflict between white settlers and Native Americans Railroads & Immigration WW1 and WW2 Local government Economy

41 Is the text available online?
Yes! Log in with Go Tahoma account and student ID

42 How will grades be calculated?
Social Studies 70% assessments 30% daily work

43 Grading

44 Will my student be required to read outside of class?
YES!!!! Social Studies Weekly content challenge article (due Friday)

45 How do I know their grade?
Family access-Skyward 1. go to Tahoma school district homepage 2. Select skyward family access on the right 3. log in


47 Do I accept late work? Yes!
Late work must be turned in by the end of unit assessment Late work must have a reflection filled out, attached and signed by you. Late work forms are available on my SWIFT website and in class.

48 How will I know if my student is missing assignments?
They will be marked with a 0% in Skyward They will be marked as missing in Skyward Where do I/the student find the assignment? Paperclip=document available in Skyward Available on Google classroom Available in class me

49 How can I help my student succeed?
Check planner Check Skyward Encourage reading Check Google calendar (link on SWIFT)

50 Student notes What trait do you think your student excels in?
Write their name and note on the index card Have a great night!

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