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Using cleaned up mine water for fracking

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1 Using cleaned up mine water for fracking
Chuck Slavish, Ryan Bowman, Grace Graham, Malik Alston, Darian Durkin

2 Acid Mine Drainage Acid mine drainage is created when water mixes with coal and other rocks unearthed during mining, taking on toxic levels of minerals and heavy metals. This toxic water leaks out of abandoned mines to contaminate groundwater, streams, soil, plants, animals and humans. As a result an orange color can blanket the river, estuary or sea bed killing plants and making surface water unusable as drinking water. Sources of acid mine drainage can remain active for decades or centuries after a mine closes.

3 Environmental Impact of Fracking
As fracking continues to grow in popularity, water contamination is becoming increasingly common Fracking wells nationwide produced an estimated 280 billion gallons of wastewater (2012) Most of the wastewater has to be permanently disposed of, taking billions of gallons out of the water supply annually Annually, fracking releases 450,000 tons of pollutants into the air that can have immediate health and environmental impacts Fracking produces significant volumes pollution that has the possibility of leading to global warming

4 Environmental Impact of Mine Drainage
Due to its acidity and metal ions, abandoned main drainage increases the toxicity of water It also disturbs the reproduction systems of aquatic life such as fish, decreasing their population The chemicals found in abandoned mine drainage also increase the corrosive effects of the water Acidic drainage is difficult to contain or stop and can continue for years after a mine has been shut down


6 Cleaned Up Mine Water and Fracking
One way to limit abandoned mine drainage is by collecting runoff or seepage to contain acid Water that is collected and treated to get rid of its toxicity can be reused for other purposes By using cleaned up mine water for fracking, a large quantity of toxic water is removed from the environment, which is beneficial for aquatic ecosystems The pollution and erosion caused by abandoned drainage is also eliminated when the drainage is removed by the environment Millions of gallons of clean water are saved by turning towards cleaned up mine water as an alternative source of fuel for fracking

7 Legality When fracking, it is always good to use non-clean water in order to leave clean water for other uses (drinking water). There is a huge liability involved with using mine water. Many companies are not willing to take on that liability.

8 Good Samaritan Act Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
Intended to encourage landowners and others to reclaim abandoned mineral extraction lands and abate water pollution caused by abandoned mines and oil and gas wells. Takes liability away from landowners (persons, corporations, nonprofit organization or government entity) who attempt to clean up mine water As long as it is not fracking company Those not protected from liability: Those who deliberately cause injury/property damage Violate the law Fail to warn those working on the project about dangerous conditions

9 Clean Streams Act Goals:
To preserve purity of waters of Commonwealth for for the protection of public health, aquatic life and for industrial consumption, and recreation. To provide protection of water supply and water quality, regulating the operation of mines and regulating the impact of mining, water quality, and supply and quantity.

10 Advantages of Using Cleaned Up Mine Water for Fracking
Takes pollution out of rivers Gas drillers will help pay to clean up mine water Drillers have a source of water that is not local streams and rivers Residual barium sulfate can be sold to be used in paints and drilling fluid

11 Sources
acid-mine-drainage-for-fracking/stories/ fracking/ file:///C:/Users/cslav/AppData/Roaming/Zotero/Zotero/Profiles/7bg44716.default/zotero/storag e/CV7AX2SW/pennsylvanias-treated-mine-water-act-and-its-potential-impact.html file:///C:/Users/cslav/AppData/Roaming/Zotero/Zotero/Profiles/7bg44716.default/zotero/storag e/Q8MFE46E/can-fracking-solve-problem-polluted-mine-water-pennsylvania.html

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