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- 3B8 - Universal Design Innovation

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1 - 3B8 - Universal Design Innovation
Group 12 Daniel | David | Neil | Fionn | Dave

2 Dave Carr Daniel Tobin Fionn Leavy Neil O Dowd David Farrell

3 Needfinding: This was essential for pinpointing a problem area.
We conducted needfinding through the following: - Surveys - Interviews - Clinic visits - Observations - Field Research - Secondary Research The above needfinding was conducted individually be each team member to collect unique data. Each member then pitched their needfinding to the other members and from there we were able to identify problem areas.

4 Our Stakeholders: Nursing Students – DCU/TCD
Medical Physicists – MISA St.James Hospital Occupational Therapist – Parkinson’s Research Grandparents – All Team Members Nursing home – Owner R&D Engineer – Stryker, Cork Care Worker – MISA St.James Hospital Physiotherapists

5 Method 1: Symptom Treatment
Method 2: Devices Made Simple Design 1: Tremor Tracker: Ability to track progression/stages/pattern of an individuals case. Consultants can access this information come time for consultation. Design 2: Anti – Vibe Glove: An aesthetic glove to wear with eccentric motors/gyrpscope to regulate the tremor and slowly steady the hand allowing basic tasks to be performed. Design 1: Easy-Open Lock Mechanism: Motorised and simple to use. Doesn’t require the rotation of the individuals hand but still has the option to do so if wanted. “Applying needfinding research from specialists and professional stakeholders.”

6 Design 1: Tremor Tracker
Problems: Parkinson’s is measured through a fifteen minutes consultation every sixteen months. This leaves a large amount of time where the disease isn’t monitored and this leads to overdosing/underdosing in the prescription medicine. Parkinson’s and anti-eleptic drugs are the 3rd highest drugs that result in death once overdosed – “Pharmaceutical Deaths, United States, 2010” Function: - Tracks tremors through an accelerometer. Aesthetically pleasing to eliminate the undesired to wear it 24/7 – Watch Design? FitBit?

7 Design 2: Anti – Vibe Glove
Problems: Tremors restrict the individual and they require aid to perform basic tasks such a bathing, feeding themselves and dressing. Not having the ability to perform these tasks can result in embarrassment which will lead to isolation Function: The glove fits the wearers hand and through the use of a system of eccentric motors/gyroscope it will calibrate the force of the tremors and counteract it in attempt to stabilise the hand and eliminate the tremor.

8 Design 3: Easy – Open Lock Mechanism
Problems: Having tremors result in some involuntary movements in the pronation and supination directions. So turning a key to open their door/window can prove challenging. This is also an issue for those who don’t have strong grip. For instance, those suffering from Arthritis in the hands would endure a lot of pain during the process of gripping and closing their fist. Function: A mechanism that eliminates the use of hand rotation but still offers the freedom to do so if wanted. Using a motorised 4-bar mechanism to insert and rotate the key.

9 through a method of corrective forces.”
“To dampen tremors through a method of corrective forces.” Tremor Frequency Monitor What is Equilibrium? A user friendly watch that reduces the intensity of a person’s hand tremor through the use of corrective forces. Gives back the ability to perform everyday tasks that had become difficult or impossible due to the involuntary movements caused by tremors. It is designed to provide subtlety as this is of upmost importance to the user. Battery Life Heart Rate Monitor Loudspeakers Fashionable Discrete

10 Beam – Pollycarbon Loudspeakers Demonstration Setup: A cantilever made of pollycarbon was manufactured. Loudspeakers and an eccentric motor are then attached. Simulations of experimental/human tremors were recorded. The loudspeakers were then set up in an interfering pattern in order to bring any vibration to equilibrium. Motor w/ Mass

11 Accelerometer Data: Eccentric Mass
Accelerometer Data: Loudspeakers Loudspeaker Interference

12 Thank you!

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