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Epi-Pen Training for Non-Licensed Staff

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1 Epi-Pen Training for Non-Licensed Staff
Green is Epi-Pen Jr. Yellow is Epi-Pen 6/10/10 version

2 What is an Epi-Pen A disposable, pre-filled automatic injection device (auto-injector) Used for allergic emergencies (anaphylaxis) Contains a single dose of epinephrine

3 Epi-Pens Types Epi-Pen Junior for students weighing less than 66 lbs (30 kg) Epi-Pen for anyone weighing over 66 lbs

4 Epi-Pen Dispensing Epi-Pens may be dispensed by the pharmacy as a one or two per package. Some Epi-Pen packages come with a trainer which does not contain medication; it is intended for practice use only Epi-Pen trainers need to be removed from the package and given to Health Services All new Epi-Pens must be checked in by Health Services

5 What is Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is potentially and rapidly life threatening if not treated immediately Can be caused by allergies to food, medication, latex, chemicals, insects bites or stings

6 Signs and Symptoms of Anaphylaxis
Hives (rash) Swelling of the throat, lips, tongue, or around the eyes Difficulty breathing or swallowing Other common symptoms of anaphylaxis may include: Metallic taste or itching in the mouth Generalized flushing, itching, or redness of the skin Abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea Increased heart rate Sudden decrease in blood pressure (and accompanying paleness) Sudden feeling of weakness Anxiety or an overwhelming sense of doom Collapse Loss of consciousness

7 Your Responsibilities
Know which students have allergies and what they are allergic to (allergens) Know which students carry Epi-Pens and where to find them Epi-Pens must be checked daily Monitor the environment for things your students may be allergic to Be prepared to respond rapidly if a student is exposed to an allergen

8 When to Use the Epi-Pen Immediately if the student begins to experience any of the signs of anaphylaxis after exposure to something he/she is allergic to

9 The Epi-pen must be kept with the student at all times

10 Epi-Pens may only be administered by staff trained and cleared by Health Services

11 How to Administer Check the 5 Rights Before Administering
right student right medication right dose right route right time

12 Caution Check directions for use
Never put thumb, fingers or hand over black Do not remove from carrier and do not remove blue safety release until you are ready to use Do not use if solution is discolored appears in clear window Do not place patient information sheets or any other foreign objects in carrier with auto-injector, as this may prevent you from removing the Epi-Pen from the carrier

13 To Remove Auto-Injector From Carrier Tube
1. Flip open the yellow cap of the Epi-Pen or the green cap of the Epi-Pen Jr. Auto-Injector Carrier Tube.

14 2. Remove the Epi-Pen or Epi-Pen Jr
2. Remove the Epi-Pen or Epi-Pen Jr. Auto-injector by tipping and sliding it our of the carrier tube

15 To Use the Auto-Injector
Grasp unit with the orange tip pointing downward. Form fist around the unit (orange tip down). 3. With the other hand pull off the blue safety release

16 Stop and Check Check the expiration date
Check the window to be sure the solution is not discolored If there is a problem or question: Contact the nurse on-call Use a different Epi-pen

17 4. Hold orange tip near outer thigh
Do not inject into buttock

18 5. Swing and firmly push against outer thigh until it clicks so that unit is perpendicular (at 900 angle) to the thigh Auto injector is designed to work through clothing

19 6. Hold firmly against the thigh for 10 seconds to deliver medication
6. Hold firmly against the thigh for 10 seconds to deliver medication. (The injection is now complete. The window on the auto-injector will be obscured). 7. Remove unit from thigh (the orange needle cover will extend to cover needle) 8. Massage the injection area for 10 seconds

20 Call 911 Call Health Services Call your Supervisor
When open Mon-Fri 8-4:30 call #7800 Evenings/Weekends call Call your Supervisor Call the AEC during evenings/Weekends

21 While Waiting for the Ambulance
Have the person lie down and remain calm If difficult breathing, the student may be more comfortable sitting up Continue to monitor the student Do not leave the student alone Sometimes the person may need a second dose if he/she continues to have difficulty breathing, speak with a nurse if this may be necessary Contact the student’s parent/guardian

22 To Destroy used Epi-Pen
Take the used auto-injector with you to the hospital emergency room or give to Health Services to destroy

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