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Chapter 17 Careers in Sport Management

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1 Chapter 17 Careers in Sport Management
G. Clayton Stoldt and Mark C. Vermillion Chapter 17 Careers in Sport Management

2 Goal of Sport Management Professions
To provide support services, facilities, and other amenities to make physical activity experiences—performance as well as spectatorship—as enjoyable as possible Chapter 17 - Hoffman (2005)

3 Figure 17.1 Chapter 17 - Hoffman (2005)

4 The World of Sport Management
Sport managers are more involved in the activities and job responsibilities surrounding the actual event than they are in the sport or activity itself. Chapter 17 - Hoffman (2005)

5 Growth in the Sport Industry
The sport industry has grown significantly in both variety and complexity since the 1800s. Growth related to technological developments, greater discretionary monies and time, flexible work assignments, changing demographics and psychographics, evolving consumer needs and desires, and other societal influences. Chapter 17 - Hoffman (2005)

6 Sport Management Settings
Sport entertainment Sport participation For-profit participation segment Nonprofit participation segment Support services Sporting goods Sport services (such as insurance, licensing, travel) Chapter 17 - Hoffman (2005)

7 Professions in Sport Management
Event management Financial management Human resource management Risk management Marketing management Public relations management Program management Scheduling Facility and equipment maintenance Chapter 17 - Hoffman (2005)

8 Marketing Management Research and development Sport promotion
Sponsorship Advertising Merchandising Distribution Chapter 17 - Hoffman (2005)

9 Education The North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) competency standards Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Doctoral degree The Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) Internships and field experience are critical Chapter 17 - Hoffman (2005)

10 Advice to Sport Management Students
The field of sport management is hyper-competitive, so it is critical to gain as much practical experience as possible (internships are key), seek a mentor, and build a professional network. The field of sport management is diverse, so be sure to account for this in your preparation. Chapter 17 - Hoffman (2005)

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