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Handout 2: Office equipment

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1 Handout 2: Office equipment
PowerPoint presentation Principles of providing administrative services Handout 2: Office equipment

2 It is important that you know how to use it correctly
Equipment Work in an office relies heavily on a range of (mostly electrical) equipment. It is important that you know how to use it correctly follow the manufacturer’s instructions. The size of the organisation and the breadth of your job role will dictate how many different pieces of equipment you will have to use. Whatever the equipment you use, you must be sure to use it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This will ensure: its correct and efficient operation its safe use you avoid damaging it you do not invalidate the guarantee. Your organisation may also offer training on the equipment as well. You will be expected to produce the work to an appropriate standard and within the time set for completion – the deadline. Where the use of equipment is involved in producing the task, you need to factor in some time for both the actual use and the possibility of breakdown or failure. For example, you may work hard to finish creating a computer presentation within the deadline, but forget the time involved in photocopying all the accompanying handouts.

3 Printers, scanners, photocopiers
May be combined within the same machine, ie a machine that can perform all three tasks and is linked to the computer system. Printers: high output are usually mono (black ink only) laser printers ink-jet printers suitable for low output or as individual printers. Scanners enable paper documents to be converted into computer files. High output are usually mono (black ink only) laser printers as these tend to be quicker and can deal with a high volume of printouts. Small companies, or where there is a requirement for an individual printer, may employ ink-jet printers that are not so expensive to buy initially but are not really suited to high output.

4 two-sided copying (duplexing) collating (sorting) stapling/punching
Photocopier features two-sided copying (duplexing) collating (sorting) stapling/punching reduce/enlarge multiple paper size, eg A4 and A3, and auto paper tray select different media, eg envelopes, card, transparencies scanning zoom and cropping to adjust ‘wonky’ originals brightness/contrast adjustment. Usually the cheapest way of making multiple copies of documents.

5 Telecommunications equipment
telephone fax answerphone machine .

6 Telecommunications equipment features
An answerphone machine takes messages out of hours or over busy periods when all operators are busy will require someone to listen and transcribe the messages every morning. Fax machine for sending immediate written messages has largely been overtaken by the use of still useful for sending diagrams or documents containing a signature the original paper document is retained by the sender. Documents with diagrams or containing a signature would otherwise first have to be scanned into a computer before enabling despatch by . The disadvantage of a fax is that it relies on someone being at the receiving fax to receive or pass on the document, and is also less confidential than sending by .

7 Miscellaneous equipment
Binding machines – to bind papers into a booklet. Jogger/collator – a jogger shakes pages into a straight pile for punching or binding, while a collator sorts pages into sets. Laminator – enables documents to be sealed in plastic, therefore preventing damage. Guillotine or paper trimmer – incorporating a measure to accurately cut paper to size. Shredder – to shred confidential papers. Audio transcription machine – to use for transcribing recorded dictation. Binders may use plastic or wire combs where the papers are first specially punched and then held together with a spiral. Thermal binders use heat to bind the pages to a spine.

8 Mail room equipment franking machine weighing scales letter opening machine folding equipment addressing and labelling machines wrapping and rolling machine labelled trays or pigeonholes date stamp (manual or automatic) remittance book special items book.

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