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Reference Document Document de référence

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1 Reference Document Document de référence
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat  © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. This information is released under an Open Government Licence - Canada.  Disclaimer: This resource has been deemed to have business value but is not an official publication of the Government of Canada. It is provided in the original language and format in which it was created.    Document de référence Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada © Sa Majesté la Reine du chef du Canada. Les présents renseignements sont communiqués selon les termes de la Licence du gouvernement ouvert — Canada.  Avis de non-responsabilité: On a jugé que les présents renseignements possèdent une valeur opérationnelle, mais il est possible qu’ils soient inexacts car ils sont périmés. Ils sont fournis dans la langue originale et le format dans lesquels ils ont été créés. Open Government Canada Gouvernement ouvert Canada

2 Introduction to Open Government
Presentation to ISED March 8, 2017

3 What is Open Government?
Open Government is about greater openness and accountability, strengthening democracy and driving innovation and economic opportunities for all Canadians A key Government of Canada priority A recognized international undertaking An opportunity for public servants to more effectively deliver the programs and services Canadians want and expect Open Government definition includes: Transparency and accountability Opportunity for citizen participation Efficient and responsive government Profound transformations in technology From Tableaus and Chalks, to Tablets, Wi-Fi and Touch Screens Governments are adopting innovative tools (e.g., social media, and data analytics) to interact with citizens Recognizes that there are certain things that government is best at doing and others where citizens can make a really helpful contribution If we believe that citizens can make meaningful contributions to policy debates, then we need to equip them with relevant information For Canadians to trust their government, we need a government that trusts Canadians Opportunity for citizens to take on a much greater role in public policy Open Government is not a new concept in Canada 1880 – Hansard 1983 – Access to Information Act, and Privacy Act

4 A key Government of Canada priority
Ministerial Mandate Letters: “We have also committed to set a higher bar for openness and transparency in government” 2016 Federal Budget: Doubled TBS capacity to support open government Provided funding to make it easier for Canadians to access government information President of TBS Mandate Letter: “Accelerate and expand open data initiatives and make government data available digitally, so that Canadians can easily access and use it.” Ministerial Mandate Letters 2016 Federal Budget Openness and transparency are important priorities in today’s federal government agenda and the current government sees open government as an all-of-government affair – movement towards open by default Ministerial Mandate Letters (November 2015) Cabinet sworn in November 4, 2017; Published for the first time federally; Open and transparent government was a commitment included in each letter; TBS Minister’s mandate letter has specific OG commitments Speech from the Throne (December 2015) Commitment to an Open and Transparent Government Federal Budget (February 2016) TBS accessed Budget 2016 funds that were allocated to enhancing its capacity to support Open Government - $11.5M over five years to double TBS capacity to support engagement with Canadians, design and deliver OG strategy, and provide more digital content; $12.9M over five years to make it easier for Canadians to access government information

5 An international movement
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to: Promote transparency Empower citizens Fight corruption Harness new technologies to strengthen governance Founded in 2011 by 8 countries Canada joined in 2012 Total of 75 member countries today Canada is currently running for a seat on the steering committee Open Government Partnership formally launched in September 2011, with 8 founding governments (Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, the Philippines, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States) Since then, OGP has welcomed a total of 75 member countries to the Partnership, with Canada formally joining 2012 To become a member of the OGP, participating countries must: Endorse the Open Government Declaration , declaring commitment to promoting transparency, empowering citizens, fighting corruption and harnessing new technologies to strengthen governance Deliver country action plans developed with public consultation every two years The OGP’s Support Unit manages OGP’s external communications, supports the Steering Committee (OGP’s management body) as well as the broader membership. 5

6 Open Government Partnership
Elements of Open Government Open Government Partnership Open Government Plans Open data Open source Open maps Open access Open information Open dialogue Open license Open policy making Open by design Open budgets Open science Open standards Open state Open policies Open contracting Open heritage Open parliaments The OGP provides continuity and legitimacy for open government reform – the foundation Open Government plans are the core of a country’s participation in the OGP – they provide stability through the 2-year national action plan calendar cycle The commitments are the fruit of these plans, they are co-created between government and civil society and clustered under various themes The themes with maple leaves are areas where the GC has either made significant commitments to action, or where we are already considered a leader Leader: open data, open license, and open maps Significant commitments: open dialogue, open science, open heritage, open contracting and open budgets Open education

7 Support for Innovation
Canada’s Third Biennial Plan to the OGP The Third Biennial Plan to the OGP consists of 22 commitments organized under 4 themes: Open by Default Fiscal Transparency Support for Innovation Engaging Canadians Ensuring citizens are equipped to participate in our democracy Unleashing innovation and advancing sustainable development through data and information Enabling citizens to better understand how their tax dollars are spent Sharing government information and data wherever feasible Canada’s Third Biennial Plan to the Open Government Partnership was developed through consultation with Canadians, stakeholders, and government departments. The Plan includes twenty-two commitments that are structured around four priority areas: Open by default: Canadians can easily access government data and information in open, standardized formats. Highlight commitments: expand and improve open data, define an approach for measuring open government performance, build open government skills across the public service Fiscal transparency: Government of Canada financial and budget information is available and easy to understand, allowing Canadians to track how their tax dollars are spent. Highlight commitments: increase transparency of budget information, improve public information on corporations Innovation, prosperity, and sustainable development: Government data and information can be used by Canadians to improve their lives, and to create sustainable, inclusive social and economic progress worldwide. Highlight commitments: stimulate private sector innovation, increase openness of science activities, align open data across Canada, Engaging Canadians and the world: Canadians have the information they need to meaningfully interact with and participate in their democracy. Canada demonstrates leadership by championing open government principles and initiatives around the world. Highlight commitments: Enable open dialogue and open policy-making, promote open government globally

8 Important federal initiatives
1. Directive on Open Government “…maximize the release of government data and information to the public in support of transparency, accountability and socio-economic benefits through reuse” 2. Open Government Portal Directive on Open Government Mandatory policy instrument which includes yearly milestones for implementation by departments. Seeks to maximize the release of government data and information Upcoming milestone will be publication of departmental data inventories Open Government Portal – Open.Canada.Ca One stop shop for information on open government Currently 140,000+ data sets available placing Canada in top 3 internationally Launched as open data portal,, in Relaunched in 2013 as Open.Canada.Ca. Structured along three pillars of activity: Open Data; Open Information; and Open Dialogue. Information available in both OLs and respects Canada’s duty to meeting accessibility standards. Proactive Disclosure . On a monthly or quarterly basis, departments and agencies are required to disclose certain information regarding: Travel and Hospitality Expenses; Contracts; Grant and Contributions on the Portal so that the information will be available via a single, searchable portal Open Government License Launched in 2013, currently version 2.0 of the Open Government Licence – Canada Offers unrestricted re-use of government data and information Licence has been adopted by provinces (BC, AB, ON, NB, NS, NL) as well as some municipalities, making it easier for users to combine data from different levels government to create richer, more contextualized information and applications Open Maps Launched last year, Open Maps allows users to combine, visualize, and analyze geospatial data and collaborate with other Canadians. 3. Open Government License 4. Open Maps

9 Broader ISED Portfolio
Open Government at ISED Government data and information can be used in innovative ways by Canadians to improve their lives, their businesses, and their country; and to create sustainable, inclusive social and economic progress worldwide. Commitment 12: Improve Public Information on Canadian Corporations Commitment 14: Increase Openness of Federal Science Activities (Open Science) Tracking Progress Broader ISED Portfolio So where does ISED fit into this? One of the four priority areas is Innovation, Prosperity, and Sustainable Development. Commitments: 12 and 14 with 15 (ODX) a close match. Commitment 12: Improve Public Information on Canadian Corporations The Government of Canada will provide searchable information on Canadian businesses that is held in business registries at the federal, provincial, and territorial level. Commitment 14: Increase Openness of Federal Science Activities (Open Science) The Government of Canada will take appropriate steps to make the science performed in support of Government of Canada programs and decision-making open and transparent to Canadians. Data inventory Total: 130 Eligible for release: 77

10 Next steps Inform & enable Enhance the usability of
Publish data inventories Respond Publically report on open government progress Follow-Up on OGP Paris Declaration commitments Engage Design and implement targeted community outreach workshops Campaign for Open Government Partnership Steering Committee Collaborate Establish a permanent civil society dialogue mechanism Advance FPT collaboration on open government TBS is working to mainstream OG practices across the GC through four streams of activity: Inform and Engage Raising awareness of the opportunity of OG (both within and outside of GC) Improving content on Portal (findability), room for new content (OG Skills) and adhere more closely to the Canada Web Information Architecture Specification . Data inventories (which were ready) were published on March 3, 2017 Respond Publishing self-assessment reports at the mid and end-point of action plan cycles Work to enhance public reporting on OG commitments through public-facing dashboards on our Portal that are updated on a quarterly basis Engage One way we are seeking to increasing our engagement in the OG community is through our campaign for a seat at the OGP Steering Committee Collaborate Leading the creation of a multi-stakeholder engagement mechanism to maximize cooperation between government and civil society (currently drafting ToR) FPT aim to strengthen bilateral relationship; share information and best practices; identify common areas for collaboration; and provide advice/support (as needed) – 8 Ps engaged in 2017 Engaging multilaterally - ODI Working Group (a FPT pan-Canadian WG) meeting on March 9 Engaging municipally - MISA; Ontario Public Sector OD WG; CODS in Edmonton (June 12-14)

11 Opportunities for Public Servants
Target outcomes: Open data and information help government deliver programs and services that Canadians need and expect Canadians have trust in their government and the tools to hold it to account Leverage open data and information → Release open data and info! Explore the Portal! Align organizational initiatives with open government → Locate opportunities to champion open by default Expand public participation in decision-making → Leverage your assets to build partnerships & consider where citizen engagement adds value Pursue open government learning opportunities → Open government = enterprise-wide commitment OG offers numerous benefits to public servants (e.g., enhancing innovation, effectiveness) Benefits of OG span many areas, as reflected in OECD’s December 2016 report entitled Open Government: The Global Context and the Way Forward. Potential benefits from OECD: Ensuring better outcomes at less cost; Raising compliance levels; and, Establishing greater trust in government. Leverage open data and information Explore the Portal and consider how you can use it to generate insights and inform decisions Align organizational initiatives with open government Challenge traditional ways of working and actively locate opportunities for integrating openness into day-to-day business Expand public participation in decision-making Broadening range of people we engage, expanding public engagement across GC domains and engaging earlier Pursue open government learning opportunities. TBS is leading on OG skills across GoC and we are creating a diverse range of learning solutions as per Commitment 6 of the 3rd Biennial Plan Through skills development and enterprise-wide engagement, public servants will : Armchair Discussion with CSPS on April 12, 2017, from 1:30 to 3:00 pm National Policy Conference on March which has a webcast option Online OG module with GovLab; and Video series

12 How do I stay connected? Join the GCconnex group!
on Twitter! Check out Open Government on GCpedia! Connect with your departmental Open Government coordinator! Visit and sign up for our mailer! us

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