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Referred by property management for rental delinquency

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1 Referred by property management for rental delinquency
Legend Eviction Prevention Phone Script: NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley **If a resident does not have income, the number one priority is finding income. It is also important to encourage the resident to apply for subsidized housing in case they are unable to find a job or income in a short period of time** Resident Why did you fall behind on rent? Resident Services Coordinator Note I lost my job/ran out of unemployment benefits I had to pay a large unexpected expense I need to pay a large sum to stop my electricity from being turned off I can’t seem to pay my bills on time – I have to pay all my bills at the same time of the month If you do not have a job or any income you do not qualify for rental assistance or a payment plan in most cases. I can still refer you to rental assistance programs just in case. At NeighborWorks we want to help our residents stay in their homes. We can give you a month to find a job and a source of income. I recommend asking your family members for financial assistance. If you need help finding a job, I can help. I have many employment and training resources. I also recommend joining a job listing list. If you need a computer to search job listings, please visit our office. You may qualify for rental assistance! I will refer you to rental assistance programs. You may want to consider a small loan from your family or friends if this happens in the future. Rent should always be your priority. You need to come into the office to sit with our Resident Services Coordinator to write a budget and sign a payment plan. When are you available for an appointment? Please bring recent pay stubs with you. You must owe more than $300 to get shut-off. When you get a shut-off notice do the following: 1) Call the company & make a reasonable offer for a payment arrangement. 2) Call the Public Utilities Commission and request a hearing: Put your request in writing to Division of Public Utilities, 89 Jefferson Blvd., Warwick, RI This will temporarily stop a shut-off. 3) Call the George Wiley Center at You need to come into the office to sit with our Resident Services Coordinator to write a budget and sign a payment plan. When are you available for an appointment? Please bring recent pay stubs with you. Do you need assistance with anything else, such as childcare, healthcare or nutrition? I am able to give you referrals for many different services.

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