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Tech resources to help Support ELL students

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1 Tech resources to help Support ELL students
Kim bartell ELL Moulton Elementary

2 Learning Target Learners will explore and adapt available technology resources to help support the ELL students in their classrooms and/or in small group settings.

3 Using videos to help build background knowledge
Use short video clips to help students visualize topics and catch their interest Look for videos with limited narration that matches the images shown, or no narration at all on occasion Use to “purify” You Tube videos to eliminates commercials and pop up images at the end of the video Store videos on to access them easily

4 Some examples…

5 Resources to get literacy in the hands of kids
Epic! Books (online digital library of books and videos) Unite for Literacy ( First Book ( Power Point (when you can’t find the books you need…create your own, or have students improve their tech and writing skills by having them create one!) Newsela (relevant news articles written at a variety of lexile levels)

6 Kahoot! Add fun and engagement to an endless number of topics, and can add vocabulary development with purposefully chosen pictures and answer choices Allows all students to “respond” and answer questions, increase interaction and discussion between peers Add picture support to help ELL students “Stitch” pictures together to help with kids knowing what the answer choices are (

7 Kahoot! Quiz (can be played with or without leaderboard) Survey Jumble Discussion

8 Kahoot! Use “Ghost Mode” to give students a chance to play against themselves instead of whole class Download results to get data You can change the number of answer choices and the amount of response time to fit the needs of your students You can create your own Kahoot or search for thousands that are already created. You can edit them to customize them for your needs by clicking “duplicate”

9 Kahoot! Not enough devices?
Preview Mode – a ”tablet” appears on the teacher’s screen and can be used with interactive projectors/whiteboards Team Mode – allows kids to play as teams that are sharing devices, gives team wait time to discuss their response before they can answer, can support ELLs and help them feel more successful Classic Mode – beg, borrow and steal (well, maybe not steal…) devices from other teachers to play 1-1

10 Possible Kahoot topics
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Beginning/ending sounds, syllables, words in a sentence, rhyming words, number of sounds, cvc words, short/long vowels, vowel teams, etc. Vocabulary Newcomer basic vocabulary, math, science or social studies vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, context clues, etc. Reading Comprehension Text structures, theme, main idea/details, text features, sequencing, compare and contrast, etc. Math Telling time, elapsed time, basic facts, multi digit problems, geometry, story problems, data interpretation, fractions, money, place value, etc.

11 Kahoot! To make and search for Kahoots:
For students to access Kahoots when you’re ready to play: or use Kahoot! app on iPads or other devices.

12 HEARTLAND AEA 11 Resources
resources/k-5th-grade/ Books in other languages Many digital resources Professional development books about teaching ELL students

13 Heartland AEA 11 Resources
Playaways – individual devices with a book preloaded for students to listen to an audio version of the book. Many students like to follow along with the print copy as they listen

14 What do you USE? me tech resources you use to support ELLs and I will add them to this Power Point for us all to access!

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