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Presentation on theme: "STRESSBUSTERS & ANTIDOTES FROM PSALM 23"— Presentation transcript:


2 The seven greatest sources of stress.

3 PSALM 23 1 The LORD is my shepherd: I shall not be in want.
 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside quiet waters,  3 He restores my soul: He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.  4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies: You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.  6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

4 The first cause of stress we looked at was Worry.
We all have pet worries: finances, jobs, relationships, marriage, family, kids, health... There are some problems with worry: It is unhelpful. It is unreasonable. It is unhealthy. It is unnecessary.

5 The 2nd Source of Stress is BUSYNESS
We're going to look at a prescription for people under pressure.

6 The 3rd Source of Stress is DAMAGED EMOTIONS
We're going to look at a prescription for people with damaged emotions.

THE PATH TO EMOTIONAL HEALING "He restores my soul" Ps. 23:3

8 "He restores my soul" Ps. 23:3 This is good news; we all need to have our soul restored periodically. We get hurt -- life's tough. We get beat up by discouragement, depression, despair. We have fatigue, failure, frustrations, fears. We all have hidden hurts from our past. We carry wounds, battle scars, emotional garbage. God wants to take away your emotional garbage. He wants to restore your soul.

9 He does that when you allow Him to make three changes in your life
“How does He do that? He does that when you allow Him to make three changes in your life

10 The Three Changes 1. Let God remove my guilt.
2. Let God relieve my grief. 3. Let God replace my grudges. Guilt, grief, grudges are the three things that keep you in emotional instability.


Nothing destroys a soul faster than guilt. "Ps. 38:4&6 "My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear... I am bowed down and brought low; all day long I go about mourning."

13 There are two problems with guilt:
1. We all have plenty reasons to feel guilty. We are all imperfect. We all make mistakes. By nature we easily carry guilt in our lives. 2. We can't get away from it. It's in our mind. Even if we go to a new location we carry a guilty conscious with us. It sticks with us.

14 1. LET GOD REMOVE MY GUILT "The Lord gave us a mind and a conscience. We cannot hide from ourselves." Pr. 20:27 How do you get rid of guilt? How do you deal with the guilt in your life?

15 There are a lot of options:
You can deny it, pretend it doesn't exist. You can bury the past -- but it doesn't work. If it's still alive it resurrects itself. Just about the time you think it's buried, the feeling comes back into your mind at the most inappropriate time. Denying guilt does not relieve guilt.

16 Options: You can minimize it. "It was no big deal, not that big of a sin." Then why do you still remember it? Why can't you forget it? Minimizing it doesn't work.

17 Options You can compromise it just by lowering your standards. If you feel guilty about something you just say "I don't believe it's wrong anymore. Fortune cookie: Commit a sin twice and it won't seem like a sin anymore." The tenth murder isn't nearly so bad as the first one. It's true. If you keep doing something over and over, your conscious will eventually become seared to it, but that doesn't relieve the guilt.

18 Options You can rationalize your guilt -- "Everybody does it.“
In the first place, everybody doesn't do it. Even if they did, justifying it by somebody else's behavior doesn't make it any easier on you. You can always find somebody who is worse than you are. "Rationalize" means "rational lies". Whenever I rationalize my guilt I'm trying to convince my heart about something I know is wrong with my head by saying "it's OK". But your heart always wins out over your head.

19 Options You can blame other people. In our mind we have a scales between what I do wrong and what you do wrong to me. We balance it -- I feel bad about this so I'll blame you for that. When you're blaming other people it doesn't make it any easier on you. Most of us beat ourselves up. We self administer punishment. Inside we know that somebody has got to pay for the wrong in my life. Subconsciously we set ourselves up to pay for our sin.

20 Consequences of Guilt Can guilt make you sick? You bet it can. Can guilt cause depression? Absolutely. Can guilt cause you to set yourself up for failure? Without a doubt. How many successful people go along fine and then cave in? Why? There is a little guilty feeling: you don't deserve to succeed. None of these things work.

21 You've got to give it to God. He's the only one who can remove it.
There is only one solution to your guilt. You've got to give it to God. He's the only one who can remove it. Romans 3:23-24 "All of us have sinned... yet God declares us `not guilty' IF we trust in Jesus Christ, who in mercy freely takes away our sins."

22 GOD declares us not guilt
"All of us have sinned... yet God declares us `not guilty' IF we trust in Jesus Christ, who in mercy freely takes away our sins." Rom 3:23-24 The most basic truth of Christianity is Jesus Christ has already paid for all of your sins. Everything you've ever done wrong has already been paid for. Everything you've already committed, the stuff you're going to do later, all of the sins, mistakes, regrets in your future have already been paid for.

23 Ask GOD to forgive you. You just need to ask God to forgive you and accept what Jesus Christ did for you on the Cross where He already paid for all of your sins. Just accept it. That's how your guilt will be removed. No other way. No psychologist can remove your guilt; they don't have the power to forgive you. You didn't hurt them. But the Creator of the universe does have the power to forgive you. I don't know what you've done but it doesn't matter because your forgiveness is not based on how bad you've been, but how good God is. What matters is not what you've done, but what Jesus Christ has already done for you.

24 Accept Jesus Christ's free gift
"If we trust in Jesus Christ". How do you get forgiveness from God? Trust. You don't beg God. You don't bribe God. You don't bargain with God. Just believe. Trust. Accept Jesus Christ's free gift. That's why it's such good news: it's a free gift. I can wipe my slate clean, start over, have a clear conscious.

25 What if you still feel guilty?
But you've asked God to forgive you many times and you still feel guilty. No matter how many times you ask, you still feel guilty. That means you don't understand how God forgives, how it is immediate, free, complete, unconditional, how it wipes out the guilt the first time you ask. If you keep asking God to forgive something you've already asked Him, you're saying you don't believe He forgave you the first time -- that's sin. If you feel guilty about a sin you've already confessed to God and still feel guilty about it, that guilt is not from God, it's from the devil. He wants you to feel bad, to continue to feel uptight.

26 Satan’s Strategy Before you commit a sin, Satan minimizes the sin -- "It's no big deal". After you commit the sin he says, "This sin is so big, God could never forgive you!"

27 How does God forgive? Col. 2:13-14 "He has forgiven ALL your sins. He has utterly wiped out the evidence of broken commandments which always hung over our hearts, and completely annulled it by nailing it to the cross!" ALL your sins. WIPED OUT the evidence. COMPLETELY annulled it. When God forgives, He forgives completely. He takes your sins, throws them in the deepest part of the ocean, puts up a "No fishing" sign and says "forget it!"

28 God already forgot your sins.
Some of you confess a sin to God and keep bringing it back to Him. When you get to Heaven, you'll find that it was forgiven the first time you asked. God not only forgives, He forgets. That's one of the most amazing things in the Bible -- that the creator of the universe who made you and me can actually forget. Not that He can, but that He chooses to. He chooses to forget sin that has been confessed and forgiven. He wipes it out. That means never to be brought up again. God's not going to bring it up again. He says He completely annulled it. That means it has been paid for.

29 Jesus said: It’s finished.
When you pay a bill do you still worry about it? No. The moment you pay a bill you stop sweating over it. Jesus, on the Cross, said "It's finished. I've paid for your sins". So what are you worried about? If God forgets confessed sin, shouldn't you? Why keep beating yourself up over something God isn't beating you up over? If you don't really feel forgiven, every time something goes wrong in your life you're going to think, "God's getting even with me!" He's not. If you've put your faith in Christ, God's not going to get even with you because all of your punishment was taken by Jesus Christ. Why punish you when He's already punished Christ. Jesus voluntarily took it. He paid the penalty so you wouldn't have to. Jesus was nailed to the cross so you can stop nailing yourself to the cross. Let God remove your guilt.

30 The Shepherd restores the sheep.
When a shepherd restores a cast down sheep, it doesn't just happen immediately. It takes time to restore a cast down sheep. First a shepherd will come to the sheep laying on its back with its legs sticking straight up in the air. The first thing the shepherd does is lovingly massage the four legs to get some circulation back up in the four legs. Then he begins to talk in a reassuring tone to the sheep, "You're going to make it." Then he gently turns the sheep over, puts his hand under the sheep's belly and lifts it up because it cannot stand up on its own because of its unstable feet. He will lift up the sheep and hold it there while the sheep begins to get some equilibrium. The blood begins to flow in the legs again and it begins to get some stability. When the shepherd realizes and can feel that the sheep can stand on its own feet that it's got it's equilibrium back, then that shepherd will lovingly and gently let the sheep go.

31 Only God can restore your soul.
What a picture of what God wants to do for you! When you're on your back and flailing around and the grief, guilt, or grudges are overwhelming you and you think you're going to die in that position, the Lord is your Shepherd. He lovingly comes with reassuring words and tender hands, picks up His little lamb, sets him up straight until he can get on his own feet again and carries it until it's got that stability back. Jesus Christ wants to restore your soul. If you've been cast down for any reason, He's the only one who can help you get back up on your feet again. When He restores your soul, He restores your confidence and your joy and peace and strength. We can restore a lot of things -- cars, paintings, sound recordings, buildings -- but only God can restore a soul.

32 Jesus Christ wants to heal your damaged emotions.
Jesus Christ wants to heal your damaged emotions. He will restore your soul if you'll let Him. Jesus Christ wants to heal your soul. How does He do it? "Put your heart right, reach out to God... then face the world again, firm and courageous. Then all your troubles will face from your memory, like floods that are past and remembered no more." Job. 11:13-16.

33 Jesus will restore your soul. Let Him be your Savior and your Shepherd.

34 Make The Three Changes 1. Let God remove your guilt.
2. Let God relieve your grief. 3. Let God replace your grudges. LET THE SHEPHERD JESUS RESTORE YOUR SOUL TODAY.


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