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Understanding Your Health

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1 Understanding Your Health
Chapter 1 Understanding Your Health

2 What do you know?? What is the difference between health and wellness?
How do you know if you are healthy? What is the difference between health and wellness? What does physical health mean? > -social health? -emotional health? Health is the combination of physical, social, and emotional health. Those all make up your total health. Wellness is a state of well-being, or total health.

3 Learn From a Child

4 What happens when?? Top Arrow- Practices good habits and behaviors and stays informed. Bottom Arrow: Practices unhealthy habits and behaviors: lacks up to date information.

5 QUICK QUIZ STAND UP- Shake it out
Think of a social health action List one way you could build your physical health 1.2.3 Name an important habit for teens 1.2.3 Expressing yourself is an example of….. Name three sides of the health triangle 1.2.3 Share with your neighbor the difference b/t health and wellness

6 Changes during the Teen Years
PUBERTY..yes the dirty word!! Puberty is the time when you start developing physical characteristics of an adult. ( what do we know now??) Puberty occurs because of hormones. Hormones are chemical substances, produced in glands, that help regulate many body functions. Questions.. My phase..ask your parents

7 How fast do you grow 2nd to Fastest period of physical growth is adolesence

8 Tell Me More…

9 Relationships and you!! Family Relationships
Has your relationship changed as you got got older. Peers- ??? What does that mean?? Are your opinions and behaviors influenced by your friends? In what ways can peer pressure be a positive influence?? Community service- volunteer programs whose goal is to improve the community and the life of its residents. During your teen years every person is very impressionable….. Their character is formed by who they are around… what are some things you can do as teenagers to show character… Has anyone done any community service? Where in Monett can you do community service? What have I done..why would I want to… Awards, scholarships, and citizenship. QUIZ TIME!!

10 Not Your Friend - People you usually don't associate with under normal circumstances.
Acquaintance - This group of people includes those that you might see in school, but you don't associate with out of school. You might occasionally cross their path out of school, but you wouldn't normally seek them out. Wannabe Friends - These are people you might want to be friends with for some selfish reasons, such as hoping to be more popular. People who fall into this category are never your true friends because the foundation for the friendship does not have a solid basis. True Friends - These are the ones in the small, close group of people that you confide in and you know that they have your best interest in mind. The people in this group are those whose influence on your life makes you a better person.

11 Take Responsibility of Your Health
Lifestyle factors-behaviors and factors that help determine a person’s level of health and wellness. ( It’s a lifestyle choice) Give me one of your lifestyle factors (positive or negative) My lifestyle factor..My mom is very active, my dad’s family eats the wrong things.. I know what the difference looks like. Sleeping eight hours, avoiding tobacco, alcohol, eating well balanced meals, following safety rules.

12 Risks Risk behaviors are actions or behaviors that might cause injury or harm to yourself or others Smoking, running with scissors, push people on stairs, etc. You will be taking riskjs your whole life… and you will have consequences to every risk you take…some will be good some will be bad. Some of those risks you take in your teenage years will very much will form the rest of your life…. For example what you do after high school, how you do in high school, wher you go to college, what your degree will be in… your first real job,…. Although some people will take risks that arent the best…tianna story..

13 Risks and Precautions Sedentary lifestyle…
Cumulative risks are related risks that increase in effect with each added risk What are precautions we can take…. Drivers ed course, not texting and driving no drinking. Seat belt, knee pads, properly trained, good shape Preventions- taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse. Medical and dental checkups Defensive driving, proper stretching after exercise

14 Risky Business

15 Abstinence What is this??
Abstinence benefits all sides of your triangle. Tell me three benefits of abstinence. What is your attitude? A personal feeling or belief. “Taking responsibility for your health means more than just recognizing healthy choices and risk factors. It means believing that good health habits can have a positive effect. It’s hard when your young and you don’t think anything is risky. But it is.. I know from experience. Just remember if you want to change something..anything..someone will help.. I will help. All you have to do is come up with a plan!!

16 Review Time!! Find a partner, near you and complete 1-11 on page Write COMPLETE sentences. One person will look up the answer and one person will write. On the next question switch jobs. You have 15 minutes to complete the assignment. Please put both names and hour at the top of the page. WHEN FINISHED GO TO GLENCOE AND DO SUMMARIES!

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