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The Teen years: Growth and Development

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1 The Teen years: Growth and Development
Chapter 5 Ms. Faust

2 Tuesday, January 17, 2017 1. Copy your learning target- I can state the age group for teenagers. 2. Bell Ringer- 1. Grab a blue book. 2. Open to page 106 and read the chapter introduction. 3. What is the age range for teenagers?

3 Wednesday, January 18, 2017 1. Copy your learning target- I can identify the impact of various influences that impact teens’ development. 2. Bell Ringer- 1. Grab a blue book. 2. Open to page 107 and read “Physical Growth and Development.” 3. What is puberty?

4 Physical Growth and Development

5 Understanding Adolescent Growth and development
Puberty- physical transformation of child to an adult capable of reproduction Growth spurts- rapid increases in height and weight Growth usually begins with hands and feet followed by legs and arms- asynchrony Changes in hormones triggers sexual development (ex. Periods, cracking voices) Physical growth continues until about age 21

6 Coping with Physical Changes
Puberty happens on an individual basis Girls typically mature faster than boys Imaginary audience- teens typically very focused on themselves. (Believe it’s all about them; self- centered) Worried about appearance Egocentrism Body image becomes a concern

7 Thursday, January 19, 2017 1. Copy your learning target- I can identify social skills required of teens. 2. Bell Ringer- 1. Grab a blue book. 2. Open to page 108 and read “Understanding Adolescent Growth and Development.” 3. What are growth spurts? 4. What is asynchrony?

8 Cognitive Development

9 Developing Abstract Thinking
Significant changes in brain development Abstract thinking includes: Grasp concepts, such as honor and freedom Think about their future Consider multiple solutions to problems Complex math problems Metacognition

10 Understanding the Adolescent Brain
Neural connections can be strengthened through activities that repeatedly stimulate the brain Increasing the brain’s functioning during adolescence has long term benefits

11 Meeting School Challenges
Learn best through activities Like the opportunity to work with others Understand high school success is linked to future success Can research and summarize findings Better at planning and balancing activities (school, work, clubs, sports, etc)

12 Setting Goals for the Future
Know they must eventually choose a career path These sometimes change, and that’s okay Personal fables- model, actor, NFL/NBA

13 Teen Digital Relationship Survey

14 Friday, January 20, 2017 1. Copy your learning target- I can define egocentrism. 2. Bell Ringer- 1. Grab a blue book. 2. Open to page 108 and read “Coping with Physical Changes.” 3. What is egocentrism?

15 Monday, January 20, 2017 1. Copy your learning target- I can celebrate the 100th day of school! 2. Bell Ringer- Quick Write: If you had $100, how would you spend it? Tell me in one complete sentence.

16 Tuesday, January 24, 2017 1. Copy your learning target- I can identify the social skills teens need to develop for adult success. 2. Bell Ringer- 1. Grab a blue book. 2. Open to page 110. Read “Cognitive Development and Developing Abstract Thinking.” 3. What is metacognition?

17 Social-Emotional Development

18 Redefining Self Teens begin to question who they are
Work to establish a personal identity Messages from media are often different from moral values taught by parents Base feelings of worth on popularity at school Important to give teens positive feedback and emphasize their strengths

19 Moving Toward Independence
Autonomy Must develop a personal identity Look to those outside of family for advice Spend less time at home Spend a lot of time with friends Less likely to confide in parents Still needs rules and limits Building skills needed to be successful in adult life

20 Refining Relationships- Peer Relationships
Having friends gives a sense of belonging Popularity is important Influenced by peers Can develop long lasting friendships

21 Refining Relationships- Romantic Relationships
Puberty leads to different levels of interest in the opposite sex Young teens still tend to stick to friends of same sex Late teens often have a boyfriend or girlfriend of the opposite sex

22 Refining Relationships- Family Relationships
Teen years are difficult for parents Must give space to make own decisions and take responsibility Influence of peers can lead teens to question moral upbringing

23 List 8 social skills that teens need to develop or improve to function effectively in the adult world.

24 Wednesday, January 25, 2017 1. Copy your Learning Target- I can identify aspects of moral development in teens. 2. Bell Ringer- 1. Grab a blue book. 2. Open to page 119 and read “Dealing with Emotional Challenges.” 3. What is resilience?

25 Moral Development

26 Establishing Personal Values
Children are taught right and wrong from their parents at an early age Teens must decide for themselves the type of person they will be They begin by questioning the existing values their parents have established Everything seems contradictory

27 Understanding Risk Taking Behaviors
Invincibility Lots of opportunities for teens to take risks Problems arise when teens are without supervision High-risk behaviors become common in late teen years (reckless driving, sex, tobacco products, drugs, etc.)

28 On ONE sheet of paper for the group, list the following:
Name of the skill What students will learn Specific information on how to present this activity to a group of teenagers *Make sure everyone’s name is on that piece of paper!

29 Thursday, January 26, 2017 1. Copy your learning target: I can analyze the thinking skills commonly required of teens in school. 2. Bell Ringer- 1. Grab a blue book. 2. Open to page 111 and read “Understanding the Adolescent Brain.” 3. What are neural connections?

30 Chapter 5 Review Questions… Hit the QUAN!
Complete questions 1-10 on page 124. Use the following strategy: Q- read the entire (whole) QUESTION U- UNDERLINE important words or phrases in your answer A- ANSWER the question using complete sentences N- NOTE evidence from the text to prove your answers

31 Friday, January 27, 2017 1. Copy your learning target- I can describe the term invincibility. 2. Bell Ringer- 1. Grab a blue book. 2. Open to page 120 and read “Understanding Risk-Taking Behaviors.” 3. What is invincibility?

32 Monday, January 30, 2017 1. Copy your learning target: I can summarize teen development. 2. Bell Ringer- 1. Grab a blue book. 2. Open to page 112 and read “Meeting School Challenges.” 3. What is multitasking?

33 Tuesday, January 31, 2017 1. Copy your learning target: I can display my mastery of adolescent development through the quiz. 2. Bell Ringer- 1. Grab a blue book. 2. Open to page 115 and read “Moving Toward Independence.” 3. What is autonomy?

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