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Advances in biotechnological processes for lactic acid production

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Presentation on theme: "Advances in biotechnological processes for lactic acid production"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advances in biotechnological processes for lactic acid production
project „Use of integrated bioprocesses in production of lactic acid” ( , Key Researcher Srđan Novak, Full Professor) supported by Ministry od Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia Advances in biotechnological processes for lactic acid production Anita Slavica, Antonija Trontel, Božidar Šantek, Srđan Novak The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 1

2 chemical synthesis of LA
Industrial bioprocesses for LA production - state of the art fermentation chemical synthesis of LA microorganism simple carbohydrates fermentation LA LA - lactic acid The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 2

3 Industrial bioprocesses for LA production - state of the art -
consolidation of subsidiaries subsidiary investment production of food and feed products land holding and real estate production of sugar and by-products production of LA and its derivatives engineering and production of equipment production of energy The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 3

4 Industrial bioprocesses for LA production - world raw sugar
market price source: FINASUCRE The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 4

5 - traditional use (food industry, pharmaceutical industry,...)
Use of produced LA - traditional use (food industry, pharmaceutical industry,...) - production of other chemicals and biodegradable polymers (polylactides, PLA) drives global LA demand LA PLA unit The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 5

6 renewable raw material
Advances in industrial bioprocesses for LA production (1) - main principle of new bioprocesses fermentation microorganism simple carbohydrates fermentation LA simultaneous (semi-)solid substrate saccharification and fermentation to LA microorganism renewable raw material (polysaccharides) simple carbohydrates hydrolysis fermentation LA The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 6

7 Advances in industrial bioprocesses for LA production (2)
- microorganism Lactobacillus amylovorus DSM 20531T - lactic acid bacterium with proteolytic, amylolytic and fermentative activity The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 7

8 Advances in industrial bioprocesses for LA production (2)
- microorganism Lactobacillus amylovorus DSM 20531T cells stained by Gram colonies corn grits particle the total magnification of microscope 1000X MRS medium / 45C / t = 12 h cgs100 / 45C / t = 31 h cgs100 - corn grits suspension in demineralized water S0 = 100 g L-1 The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 8

9 Advances in industrial bioprocesses for LA production (3)
- bioreactors and media stirred tank bioreactor horizontal rotating tubular bioreactor The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 9

10 Advances in industrial bioprocesses for LA production (3)
- bioreactors and media media: MRS-starch100, MRS-cg100 and cgs100 medium cgs60 MRS-starch100 and MRS-cg100 - starch and corn grits in MRS medium without glucose S0 = 100 g L-1 cgs100 and cgs60- corn grits suspension in demineralized water S0 = 100 and 60 g L-1 The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 10

11 Advances in industrial bioprocesses for LA production (4)
- comprehensive analytical toolbox Methods: - gravimetric - spectrophotometric - chromatographic - enzymatic - SDS-PAGE cgs100 / 45C / pH 5.5 carbohydrates, end products of metabolism, analytical HPLC-IEX t = 0 h t = 2 h t = 6 h t = 72 h t = 216 h activity of phosphoketolase (EC ) C6H11O5PO42- + PO43- + H+  C2H3OPO42- + C4H7O3PO42- + H2O a-amylase (EC ) preparative LC-AF SDS-PAGE amino acids, GC The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 11

12 Efficiency of the new bioprocesses for LA production
L. amylovorus DSM 20531T SACCHARIFICATION MRS-starch (%) stirred tank bioreactor 45C / pH 5.5 / 400 min-1 t = 146,0 h MRS-cg100 45C / pH 5.5 /400 min-1 t = 153,5 h cgs100 t = 216,0 h cgs60 horizontal rotating tubular bioreactor 20-35C / pH / 10 min-1 t = 118,0 h (+) The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 12

13 Efficiency of the new bioprocesses for LA production
L. amylovorus DSM 20531T SACCHARIFICATION FERMENTATION YLA/S MRS-starch (%) (%) (g g-1) stirred tank bioreactor 45C / pH 5.5 / 400 min-1 t = 146,0 h MRS-cg100 45C / pH 5.5 /400 min-1 t = 153,5 h cgs100 t = 216,0 h cgs60 horizontal rotating tubular bioreactor 20-35C / pH / 10 min-1 t = 118,0 h (+) (+) (max = 8.90 g L-1) The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 13

14 Efficiency of the new bioprocesses for LA production
L. amylovorus DSM 20531T SACCHARIFICATION FERMENTATION YLA/S MRS-starch (%) (%) (g g-1) stirred tank bioreactor 45C / pH 5.5 / 400 min-1 t = 146,0 h MRS-cg100 45C / pH 5.5 /400 min-1 t = 153,5 h cgs100** t = 216,0 h cgs60** horizontal rotating tubular bioreactor 20-35C / pH / 10 min-1 t = 118,0 h (+) (+) (max = 8.90 g L-1) **(Ala, Gly, Val, Leu, Ile, Pro, Asn, Asp, Met, Glu, Phe, Lys, Trp, Tyr) The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 14

15 Bachelor of Biotechnology Master of Bioprocess Engineering or PhD
Youth on the move project „Use of integrated bioprocesses in production of lactic acid” ( , Key Researcher Srđan Novak, Full Professor) supported by Ministry od Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia Bachelor of Biotechnology Master of Bioprocess Engineering or PhD Master of Molecular Biotechnology Martina Andlar Ana Batušić Antonija Trontel Tea Blaško Vanda Baršić Filip Cingesar† Vedrana Buljan Ines Ivanuša Ivana Dusper Dijana Petrić Tomislav Grzunov Ivana Gusić Nuša Jelovac Željka Kosovec Nikolina Mataga Iva Marković Morana Peklić Jadranka Sučević Vedrana Tadić The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 15

16 Where the new bioprocess for LA production is now (1)
The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 16

17 Innovative bioprocess was developed √
Where the new bioprocess for LA production is now (1) Innovative bioprocess was developed √ The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 17

18 Innovative bioprocess was developed √
Where the new bioprocess for LA production is now (2) Innovative bioprocess was developed √ More resource efficient, greener and competitive bioprocess was developed √ The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 18

19 Innovative bioprocess was developed √
Where the new bioprocess for LA production is now (3) Innovative bioprocess was developed √ More resource efficient, greener and competitive bioprocess was developed √ The performance of education system was enhanced and the entry of young people to the labour market was facilitated (Youth on the move) √ The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 19

20 The project 058-0581990-1997 is following E U R O P E 2 0 2 0
Where the new bioprocess for LA production is now (4) project „Use of integrated bioprocesses in production of lactic acid” ( , Key Researcher Srđan Novak, Full Professor) supported by Ministry od Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia The project is following E U R O P E A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 20

21 Thank you for your attention!
Contact Anita Slavica, Associate Professor University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology ( Department of Biochemical Engineering Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering, Industrial Microbiology, Malting and Brewing Technology Pierottijeva 6/IV HR Zagreb Tel.: +385-(0) Fax.: +385-(0) The 2nd International Symposium „VERA JOHANIDES“ - BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CROATIA BY 2020 21

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