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Introduction to NIH Alan J. Snyder, Ph.D. VP and Associate Provost for Research & Graduate Studies May, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to NIH Alan J. Snyder, Ph.D. VP and Associate Provost for Research & Graduate Studies May, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to NIH Alan J. Snyder, Ph.D. VP and Associate Provost for Research & Graduate Studies May, 2017

2 Outline About NIH: Scale, organization and character
Grant programs and applications The review process Advice Resources

3 Scale, organization and character


5 Organization: Institutes & Centers (IC’s) Set agendas and fund research

6 What gets funded Lots of basic science, with a substantial health/disease focus Truly outstanding science with logical but possibly intangible relationship to understanding and treating disease Sound science with clear opportunity for impact

7 Potential clinical impact
What gets funded Potential clinical impact Iogical, but intangible or remote major, tangible Quality of science sound excellent outstanding No Yes

8 Funding and review process are usually separate
How things get funded Funding and review process are usually separate Institutes and Centers (IC’s) Set agendas, offer programs and fund grants Center for Scientific Review (CSR) Reviews the majority of grant applications

9 Your program official Works for the Institute or Center (career position) Interested in having a productive portfolio Can be your friend and advisor Has little discretion in funding

10 The Center for Scientific Review
Scientific Review Officers (career position) Assign applications to review groups (“study sections”) Recruit peer reviewers, conduct review sessions, prepare feedback Peer reviewers Your university colleagues Majority nominated to standing study sections for 4 years Standing members are R01 or higher PI’s Others “ad hoc”

11 Institute/Center Council
Final approval of all grants Most approvals en masse Larger grants require specific approval

12 Grant programs and applications

13 Terminology: Grant Mechanisms
R01 – research project grant – the “flagship” R21 – exploratory/developmental grant R03 – small research grant R15 – AREA grant P series – program project and center grants U series – cooperative grants

14 Terminology: Solicitations
Investigator-initiated (unsolicited) - most common Calls for proposals in identified areas: Program announcements PA – No funds set aside and no special review PAR – No funds set aside but special receipt dates and/or review process PAS – Funds set aside Request for applications (RFA) Funds set aside, separately reviewed

15 R01 vs. R21 R01 – “flagship” investigator-initiated grant R21
Normally requires preliminary data (but check PA or PAR) Usually renewable (traditionally, over and over) R21 Requires only rationale (but see below) Not renewable (gateway to R01) Both R01 and R21 Require a well-constructed and specific plan Require clear and convincing evidence that you can do everything you say you’ll do

16 New and Early Stage Investigators
Average age, PhD with first R01, is ~42 NI (new) – prior to first R01 or larger grant ESI (early stage) – NI within first 10 years (plus any extensions) of terminal degree Individual institutes and centers may give preferences to new and ES investigators See

17 New steps to share the wealth
NEW Grant Support Index (GSI) R01 PI = 7 points Applicants with GSI > 21 must explain how they’ll reallocate their efforts Expected impact on 6-7% of investigators Could free up funds for ~1,600 new awards/year NIH expects to implement the GSI starting with the September 2017 due date

18 Application structure
Abstract – your story in a nutshell (write this last) Introduction (amended apps only) Specific Aims – your goals (write these first) Research Strategy – your story Significance – Aims and proposed work in context Innovation – departure from the obvious and from the pack Approach – your plan Preliminary studies/rationale/progress report – your proof etc. (not that these things don’t matter!)

19 The review process

20 Assignment New applications are assigned to
an Institute or Center (IC) according to the content. Dual assignment is possible a review panel (“study section”). Amended applications generally go to the same review panel. Renewal applications go to the same IC.

21 Review criteria Significance How does the world change if this project is done? Investigators Are these people the best prepared to do it? Innovation Does the work challenge current paradigms? Approach Are studies well designed and poised to succeed? Environment Do the investigators have everything they need?

22 Review process Each application reviewed in advance, usually by 3 assigned reviewers. Written reviews posted prior to the live meeting. Per initial triage, about half of applications are not discussed and receive a score of “UN” (unscored). Lots of experiments, e.g., with pre-reviews.

23 Scoring system Criterion scoring – by assigned reviewers
Integer scores from 1 … 9 corresponding to Exceptional…Poor (sort of) Impact (“priority”) score – by all panel members, only if discussed Integer score from 1 … 9 Average x 10  score from 10 … 90

24 Review process Reviewers provide an impact score from 1 (best) to 9 (worst) Reviewers do not recommend funding Reviewers may, and do, recommend budget changes, especially to carve out weak portions Reviewers may, and do, recommend reduction in years of funding 5-year plan commonly yields 3 years’ funding

25 Trends in CSR review Mail reviews / pre-reviews (two-stage)
Use of less experienced reviewers

26 Funding: from CSR to the IC
Impact score  percentile within the review group Applications ranked by percentile across review groups Funding per available funds in IC or program subject to across-the-board cuts to hit goals for numbers of funded projects some program officer discretion at the margins potential for partnering among IC’s Program offices must justify funding based on the rankings from CSR.

27 Implications of the review system
Percentile is determined by the application’s position within the batch reviewed by the review panel. Funding is determined by percentile rank and available funds at the Institute or Center. Therefore, both competitiveness (or openness to your ideas) at the review panel and ”payline” at the IC affect your chances.

28 Some advice

29 Tips for NSF investigators
Most NIH grants are meant to be renewable, or gateways to long lines of research Proposed work should usually be put in context of a longer-range plan, yet should be self-contained as a project.

30 Tips for NSF investigators
NIH reviewers expect very specific plans DO describe alternatives to key, less than fully proven techniques. DON’T list mere possibilities without providing a clear sense of your intended approach. Goal: Make reviewers fully confident in your ability to complete the work.

31 Tips for NSF investigators
NIH reviewers evaluate proposals. do not recommend for or against funding. NIH program officials fund proposals based on reviewer evaluations. NEVER say in a proposal that the program officer liked your idea or suggested that you apply.

32 Tips for NSF investigators
NIH expects to cover salary and benefits for all faculty effort, year-round. Absence of year-round faculty effort on the budget page can cause reviewers to question your commitment to the project. Unless you have good reason to limit your grant budget, request full salary recovery. Always show your full time commitment clearly.

33 Keys to success Know your audience
What they know, what they don’t know Be cognizant of multidisciplinary and disease/system-oriented study sections Remember: most reviews are done by overworked people on nights and weekends

34 Keys to success Telling a good story Engaging from the very start
Momentum/anticipation/surprise A meticulously prepared, well-written, well-referenced, easy to read application A clear, specific plan With alternatives as appropriate in limited, critical, areas

35 Your goals Make the reader care about your research question
Make the reader want to know what happens (when you get to do the work) Convince the reader that you can do it

36 Making them want to know
A clear problem or possibility important to people other than you patients (but never stretch the argument) caregivers (ditto) scientists (more than those just like you) A novel, interesting and promising approach

37 Convincing them that you can do it
A meticulously prepared, well-written application No logical gaps Demonstrated facility with key techniques A sound structure to the overall plan

38 Things to avoid at all costs
A plan of unrealistic scope The descriptor “ambitious” can be a positive, or a big negative. “Specific Aim fatigue” Think long and hard about more than three specific aims. Hyperbole Never call your own work “innovative.” That’s for reviewers to decide.

39 Things to avoid at all costs
Getting mired in technical details Skipping over key details An application that is, in any way, hard to read Your own system of acronyms 

40 Use a cover letter to steer your application
…to an Institute or Center Check success rate data online. But be certain it’s a good fit. Dual assignment is possible. Speak with program officer(s) about fit. …to a study section Check rosters online. Consider both individuals and disciplines/perspectives. Again, be certain it’s a good fit.

41 The cover letter List expertise needed for review
Request IC and/or study section assignment Point out RFA or PA Request any exclusion of reviewers competitor, long-standing scientific disagreement, conflict of interest

42 Work within NIH structure/culture
Address the right audience, separately and one at a time: Review process – SRO, CSR Advice & counsel, interpreting critique – program office Grant application – peer reviewers NEVER quote or characterize a conversation with your program office in an application

43 Resources Applicant AND reviewer guidelines, study section rosters, and more… OER home page RePORT success rate data

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