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Taylor Walker Computers 8

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1 Taylor Walker Computers 8
Nutrition Taylor Walker Computers 8

2 Carbohyrates Provides energy for your body
Help make organs function properly Two types Simple (sugars) Fruits and candy Complex (starches) Grains and crackers Sources Whole Grains, Vegetables, Fruits and Beans

3 Fats CHEESE Helps nervous system and brain develop
30% of calories should be from fat Three types Saturated Makes blood cholesterol skyrocket Trans Helps the hydrogenation process Unsaturated not as bad for cholesterol as saturated Sources Olive oil, Animal fat, Margarine, Fats CHEESE

4 Fibre Keeps digestive system working Prevents block-ups in intestines
Should get about 18g a day Two Types Insoluble Fruits, Vegetables, Grains Soluble Lentils, Beans, Oats Sources Fruits, Vegetables, Lentils, Beans, Oats

5 Protein Restores tissue in your body Makes up most of organs and heart
Two Types Complete Body can’t make them Incomplete Body can make them Sources Fish, poultry, beef, pork, nuts and seeds

6 Water 2/3 of your body Remove pollution from body
Regulates body temperature Brain 85% water Drink 8 glasses daily Makes metabolism work properly Sources All food

7 Vitamins Material necessary to make metabolism work
A- So you can see in the dark (milk, cantaloupe) B- Makes energy / protein (Chicken, Pork, Spinach) C- Helps you body heal ( Orange juice) D- Strong bones (Milk, Salmon, Tuna) E- helps blood flow to heart, stores vitamins (Almonds) Two Types Fat soluble Can be easily stored in body for up to 6 months Water soluble Can’t be stored in body

8 Minerals Help your body grow Keeps your heart beating properly
Two Kinds Macro minerals Calcium, Phosphorus, Sulphur Trace Minerals Copper, Iodine, Zinc Calcium make organs function properly Iron carries oxygen to tissues

9 Bibliography

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