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Solving Graphically Ex 1: View using the following windows.

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Presentation on theme: "Solving Graphically Ex 1: View using the following windows."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving Graphically Ex 1: View using the following windows.
a. x: [-2,2] y: [-2,2] b. x: [-4,4] y: [-4,4] c. x: [-10,10] y: [-5,30] Ex 2: View and using the window: x: [-1,3] and y: [-2.5,1.5]. Do they intersect? No - they don’t.

2 Ex 3: How can we graph using
a graphing calculator? We must enter 2 functions:

3 Solving by Graphing To solve an equation by graphing, we set the equation equal to zero, graph y=f(x), and find the zeros of the function. Ex 4: Solve: Ex 5: Solve:

4 Ex 6: Solve on the interval [1,6]:
To solve an inequality, move everything to one side and find out where the statement is true. Ex 8: Solve the inequality:

5 Assignment S 2.3: pg 177 #1,2,7,8,24,26,38,40,42,46,49,51

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