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Welcome to Class 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Class 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Class 3

2 Daily routines

3 Non-negotiables Each week we will:
Take part in two SPAGERCISE starters Take part in two spelling starters Complete one spelling test Hear everyone read at least once (once assessments are completed) Read to the class at least once a week Provide opportunities for independent reading Practise handwriting weekly Complete one mental maths test or one arithmetic challenge Take part in counting activities each day Practise calculations daily Choose a worker of the day each day Hold a Celebration Worship Display work on the WOW wall Hold an in-class worship

4 The number fourteen is written as 40?
How is Maths taught? True or false: The number fourteen is written as 40? Reasoning Fluency Problem solving Challenge!

5 How can you help your child with Maths?
Discuss and use the maths vocabulary sent home for each topic. Take advantage of practical maths opportunities at home: weighing and measuring, telling the time, using and saving money and counting. Challenge children with: show me… Convince me… Same and different… Always, sometimes and never questions Encourage children to adopt a positive I Can Do It attitude towards Maths. Practise times tables and related division facts.

6 Whole Class and paired reading
How is English taught? SPAGERCISE Hot and cold writes Writing linked to topic theme and WOW experiences Variety of writing genres covered Self and peer marking Drafting and editing Cursive handwriting Whole Class and paired reading Class novels

7 How can you help your child with English?
Encourage children to read daily. 30 minutes daily is the expectation for children in Key Stage 2 Paired reading Encourage children to read a range of texts Encourage children to write whenever possible. For example: diaries, shopping lists, thank you letters and signs Support children with learning GPS terminology

8 Thank you for your time. Please take a look at the materials in class and I’ll be here to answer any questions. Mrs Carbert

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