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Bogor-Java Environment for Eclipse

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Presentation on theme: "Bogor-Java Environment for Eclipse"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bogor-Java Environment for Eclipse
MSE Presentation I Yong Peng

2 Outline Project Overview Project Requirement Project Plan
Features of components Cost Estimation Architecture Elaboration Plan SQA Plan Demo Questions & Comments

3 Project Overview Goal To provide incremental compilation of Java bytecode to BIR in Eclipse To provide a viewer to display compiled BIR To provide a launcher in Eclipse to invoke Bogor and check the complied BIR To provide a Java counter example display on top of Bogor counter example display To have a software ready for classroom use as a final product of this project

4 Project Overview(contd.)
Motivation The motivation of this project comes from the need to develop new eclipse plug-ins that is able to analyze Java programs using Bogor. Unlike Java testing tools, model checker explores all paths where testing tools only explore one path. Thus, it can consistently find concurrency bugs such as deadlocks, race conditions, etc. It will also reduce the complexity of using Bogor for Java users.

5 Project Overview(contd.)
Bytecode to BIR Viewer Eclipse Platform Depends on Incremental compilation BIR Launcher Error Trace in Java

6 Project Requirement

7 Project Requirement (contd.)
Use Case 1 – Generate BIR files To incremental compile Java bytecode to BIR using BB. BB is a Java Bytecode to BIR compiler created by Dr. Robby. Use Case 2 – View BIR Files To build a viewer to view generated BIR file. Use Case 3 – Model Check Compiled Files Using a new created builder to aggregate compiled BIR files into a complete BIR and invoke Bogor to do a model checking on it. Use Case 4 – Trace Errors To build a Java error trace display on top of Bogor error trace display.

8 Features of components
Generating BIR from Java Bytecode in Eclipse that is synchronized with Eclipse JDT build process is transparent to user. Launcher provides a familiar way to run Bogor similar to run Java. Java counter example display enhances existing Bogor functions to facilitate debugging.

9 Project Plan

10 Effort = 2.45 * Earch * (Size)^P
Cost Estimation COCOMO II Effort = 2.45 * Earch * (Size)^P Where: Effort = number of staff-months Earch = product of seven early design effort adjustment factors Size = number of function points (preferred) or KSLOC P = process exponent Effort = 2.45*0.86*(8)^1.26 = 28.9 staff-months

11 Architecture Elaboration Plan
Revision of Vision Document: The Vision Document will be adjusted based on the feedback from the first presentation. Revision of Project Plan: Updates that include cost and effort estimate, and feedback from first presentation will be made to the project plan. Architecture Design: The complete architectural design will be documented using UML. Each component in the architecture will be documented at the interface level.

12 Architecture Elaboration Plan (contd.)
Development of Prototype: To address all critical requirements in revised vision document, an executable architecture prototype will be built prior to the second presentation. Test Plan: A plan that includes evaluation criteria for all critical use cases and a set of test data deemed adequate for acceptance testing will be developed for the project to address the required tests to show that the product satisfies the requirements.

13 Architecture Elaboration Plan (contd.)
Formal Technical Inspections: Matthew Hoosier and Todd Wallentine will inspect the architecture design. A formal inspection check list will be prepared.

14 Software Quality Assurance Plan
Purpose: This SQA plan is used to ensure the high quality of the product during the project lifecycle. Reference Documents: Vision Document V1.0 Project Plan V1.0 MSE Portfolio Requirement MSE Project Portfolio IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans (IEEE Std

15 Software Quality Assurance Plan (contd.)
Media Control All project materials are available on developer’s website: Source code is available on CVS: Tools, Techniques, and Methodologies The following tools will be used for coding, testing, and documentation. Eclipse V3.1 SWT, JFACE JUnit MS Word MS Project CVS

16 Software Quality Assurance Plan (contd.)
Deliverables Phase I: Vision Document Project Plan Demonstration (prototype) Software Quality Assurance Plan Phase II: Formal Requirements Specification Architecture Design

17 Software Quality Assurance Plan (contd.)
Deliverables Test Plan Formal Technical Inspection Executable Architecture Prototype Phase III: User Manual Component Design Source Code Project Evaluation Formal Technical Inspection Letters Executable project

18 Demo Create a new project Demo-Java-Project

19 Demo (contd.) Create a new package edu.ksu.cis.demo

20 Demo (contd.) Select Bytecode-to-BIR nature

21 Demo (contd.) Check to see if Bytecode To BIR Builder in project Properties

22 Demo (contd.) Create a new Demo Class

23 Demo (contd.) A BIR folder and BIR file are created.

24 Demo (contd.) BIR file is deleted along with the deletion of class file.

25 Demo (contd.) Open Bytecode-To-BIR viewer

26 Demo (contd.) BIR file shows in the viewer.

27 Demo (contd.) BIR file is updated when Java file is changed.

28 Demo (contd.) If Uncheck the “link to editor” button in viewer, the changes in Java editor will not show in the viewer.

29 Demo (contd.) The BIR launcher.

30 Demo (contd.) The BIR launcher.

31 Questions & Comments

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