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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy!

2 100 200 300 400 500 Fats Food Additives Carbs Food Safety Protein
Nutrition Labels Label Glossary Food Safety Fats Carbs Protein Food Additives 100 200 300 400 500

3 A food substance required for growth and maintenance of body cells

4 3 or less grams of fat per serving

5 Fat=9 Carbohydrate=4 Protein=4

6 3 nutrients which should be limited in our diets each day

7 The % number given to each nutrient listed on a nutrition label

8 Nutrients are added to a food to replace those lost during processing

9 A food that contains added vitamins and minerals

10 A food that has had its formula altered so that it has less nutritional value the product it resembles

11 Food that contains less than 40 calories per serving and less than 0
Food that contains less than 40 calories per serving and less than 0.4 calories per gram

12 These foods may contain honey, glucose, fructose, xylitol or sorbitol,
but no sucrose (table sugar)

13 Combat Cross-Contamination, and Chill
Clean, Cook, Combat Cross-Contamination, and Chill

14 A technology used by processors to preserve foods by adding acids and rendering food safe from harmful bacteria.

15 A process which kills harmful bacteria and microorganisms on Spinach and Lettuce by using doses of radiation

16 Epidemiologists can determine the source of bacteria in foods by examining the pathogen's unique "fingerprint."

17 A chemical used in plastic containers including baby bottles which as of 4/2008 is under FDA review

18 Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Are elements that make

19 Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen

20 Two types of fat that increase LDL colesterol

21 Galactose are three types of this sugar
Glucose, Fructose, Galactose are three types of this sugar

22 The common name for a type of unsaturated fat with trans-isomer fatty acid(s). This fat may be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated but never saturated

23 Prevent food spoilage from bacteria, molds, fungi, or yeast;
slow or prevent color change; maintain freshness.

24 Two additives which improve or maintain a foods nutritional value

25 A food additive used as a flavoring and preservative in food and beverages, especially soft drinks

26 Allow smooth mixing of ingredients, prevent separation,
reduce stickiness, control crystallization, keep ingredients dispersed

27 Serve as propellant, aerate, or create carbonation

28 What is a Nutrient ?

29 What is low fat?

30 What is Calories per gram?

31 What are Fat, Cholesterol, Sodium?

32 What is Percent Daily Values?

33 What is Enriched?

34 What is Fortified?

35 What is Imitation?

36 What is Low-calorie?

37 What is Sugarless or Sugarfree?

38 What are the 4-C’s of Food Safety ?

39 What is Acidification?

40 What is Irradiation?

41 What is DNA?

42 What is Carbohydrate?

43 What is Bisphenol A or BPA?

44 What is Protein?

45 What are Trans fat And Saturated fat?

46 What are Simple sugars?

47 What is Trans fat?

48 What are Preservatives?

49 What are Vitamins and Minerals?

50 What is Citric Acid?

51 What are Emulsifiers?

52 What are Gases?

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