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DNA Lesson 3: Part 2 I can… describe how DNA becomes the traits using RNA I can… define mutations and give 3 types I can… describe some harmful mutations.

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Presentation on theme: "DNA Lesson 3: Part 2 I can… describe how DNA becomes the traits using RNA I can… define mutations and give 3 types I can… describe some harmful mutations."— Presentation transcript:

1 DNA Lesson 3: Part 2 I can… describe how DNA becomes the traits using RNA I can… define mutations and give 3 types I can… describe some harmful mutations in humans I can… explain the three possible outcomes of mutations.

2 DNA  RNA Step 1: The DNA in the NUCLEUS is copied and changed into RNA. This copy is called MESSENGER RNA (mRNA) because it will go out into the cytoplasm of the cell. Copy this strand of DNA to make it RNA… Write it at the bottom of your flow chart. (Don’t forget that in RNA there are no Ts. When you write your RNA replace all Ts with Us.) A T G G T C

3 DNA  RNA Step 2: In the cytoplasm, the mRNA goes through the RIBOSOME.

4 DNA  RNA Step 3: TRANSFER RNA (tRNA) then reads the mRNA code which tells it which amino acid to go pick out of the cytoplasm. These codes are THREE nitrogenous bases long.

5 RNA  Protein Step 4: After picking up the right amino acid, tRNA will take it back to the ribosome.

6 RNA  Protein Step 5: The RIBOSOME will link together these amino acids that the tRNA brings back to the ribosome from the cytoplasm. Linked together amino acids are PROTEINS.

7 Watch This YouTube Video
On the side of your DNA  RNA  Protein flow chart, write a short summary of the video. *** Note: You do not need to know what transcription and translation is.

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