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IASC IASC Certifies Aloe for Content & Purity PLUS

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Presentation on theme: "IASC IASC Certifies Aloe for Content & Purity PLUS"— Presentation transcript:

1 IASC IASC Certifies Aloe for Content & Purity PLUS
International Aloe Science Council Certifies Aloe for Content & Purity PLUS IASC Certification Certifies or Inspects Facilities IASC Protecting the INTEGERITY of products “with Aloe” Certification R R

2 Protecting the INTEGERITY of
“with Aloe” 3 Ways! IASC Certified Raw Material Re-certification required annually Step 1. R IASC Certified Finished Product Re-certification required annually Step 2. R IASC Facility Certification or Inspection Re-certification required every 3 years Step 3. Certification R

3 IASC Product Certification Certification Application
Candidate fills out an IASC Certification Application Certification

4 IASC sends an IASC Certifier to
the manufacturing facility to witness the manufacturing process of the products to be IASC Certified. Certification

5 IASC Product Certification Certifier brings or ships samples to
4 raw material samples 4 finished product samples PLUS: Product Labels & Literature Certification

6 Quality & Purity analysis testing
IASC Product Certification IASC sends blinded samples to Independent Laboratories for Quality & Purity analysis testing Certification

7 “with Aloe” IASC Product Certification
IASC Certification testing used to protect the Integrity of products “with Aloe” Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy 2. A/A For Calcium & Magnesium 3. L malic Acid Testing 4. Total Solid testing Certification

8 Minimum To receive IASC Certification
IASC Product Certification To receive IASC Certification a finished product must contain IASC Certified Aloe equal to a Minimum of 15% of the total contents of the finished product. Certification

9 Reports are sent to IASC
IASC Raw Material Product Certification IASC Product Certification When the Quality & Purity analysis testing is completed by Independent Laboratories Reports are sent to IASC Certification

10 IASC sends blinded Analysis Reports, Labels and Literature to
IASC Product Certification IASC sends blinded Analysis Reports, Labels and Literature to IASC Certification Chairperson to be reviewed. The Certification Chairperson does not know the identity of the applicant. Certification

11 IASC Certification or IASC Product Certification
IASC Certification Chairperson reviews the test results from the Independent Laboratory as well as Labels and Literature then.… Accepts the product for IASC Certification or Certification R R

12 IASC Product Certification
Disapproves the product for IASC Certification and provides specific reasons for the disapproval and the corrections necessary to obtain IASC Certification. Certification

13 IASC Facility Certification Facility Certification
Option Certification

14 IASC Facility Certification Facility Certification
Applicant fills out Facility Certification application form Certification

15 IASC sends a IASC Certifier to inspect the manufacturing facility.
IASC Facility Certification IASC sends a IASC Certifier to inspect the manufacturing facility. Certification

16 IASC Facility Certification
IASC Certifier provides Facility Report to IASC Certification

17 or Facility for IASC Certification IASC Facility Certification
IASC sends the report to IASC Certification Chairperson who reviews the Facility Report then… Approves the Facility for IASC Certification or R R Certification

18 IASC Facility Certification.
IASC Product Certification Disapproves the Facility for IASC Certification and provides specific reasons for the disapproval and the corrections necessary to obtain IASC Facility Certification. Certification

19 Certification Option: Product Certifications Facility Certification
IASC Certification Option: Product Certifications and Facility Certification can be performed on the same visit by the IASC Certifier. Certification

20 IASC Certification IASC Reserves the right to:
Re-inspect the facility and or products with valid cause IASC may Request samples for additional testing or re-visit the facility to collect product retains. Certification

21 Protecting the INTEGERITY of
“with Aloe” 3 Ways! IASC Certified Raw Material Re-certification required annually Step 1. R IASC Certified Finished Product Re-certification required annually Step 2. R IASC Facility Certification or Inspection Re-certification required every 3 years Step 3. Certification R

22 REMARKABLE Aloe is when it is Certification R

23 International Aloe Science Council
CERTIFIED IASC Seal IASC Seal International Aloe Science Council Certification R

24 IASC Voting Membership with Benefits
# of People Eligible for Newsletter Company’s Annual Revenue Annual Dues $1,100 $ ,999 $ 4,999,999 $ 9,999,999 $24,999,999 $1,250 $1,600 $1,800 $2,000 - $0 $ 1,000,000 $ 5,000,000 $10,000,000 $25,000,000 1 5 3 7 10 Certification fees are separate from membership Membership is billed annually . The first year dues are prorated based on the time of the year you join IASC. Certification

25 4. Fee for each additional product recertified at the same time
Product Certification Fee Schedule Member Non- Member 1. Initial certification fee for first product $1,000 $1,500 2. Fee for each additional product certified at same time $500 $700 3. If other products are certified after the initial certification date, they will be subject to the same fee schedule as the initial certification. $1,000 $1,500 4. Fee for each additional product recertified at the same time $500 $700 Certification fees are separate from membership Certification

26 Product Certification Fee Schedule cont.
Member Non- Member 5. Inspection Fee Per Day (Any part of a day is considered an entire day) Per Day $455 $455 6. Airline, cab, car rental exact cost and/or mileage allowance per mile (Inspector to/from airport or at certification location) Per Mile $0.28 $0.28 Certification fees are separate from membership Certification

27 Product Annual Recertification Fee Schedule
Member Non- Member 1. Annual Recertification Fee - First Product $750 $1,000 2. Each Additional Product at the same time $500 $700 3. Raw Material Supplier Change $400 $600 4. Fee to certify products with the exact same formula but with different labels (The company displaying the seal must be a member or pay the higher Non member fee) $400 $600 Certification fees are separate from membership Certification

28 Additional Expenses: All transportation, food and lodging costs will be paid for by the requesting certification company. IASC will arrange for airline tickets, car rental and hotel when required. Certification fees are separate from membership Certification

29 Fee to Certify a Facility
The certifier’s fee, airline, travel, meals, and lodging will be an additional expense if the certifier is only validating the facility. If the certifier is also certifying product/s at the facility, these additional fees are not duplicated. If the certifier is required to re-visit the facility due to just cause or because the facility has moved, these additional expenses will be charged for the re-visit. Member Non- Member $1,000 $1,000 Certification fees are separate from membership Certification

30 Should a product not pass certification or
Annual monitoring and random sampling of all certified products or facility inspections will be conducted at the discretion and option of the IASC Certification Committee. Should a product not pass certification or revalidation is required, the certifier will be requested to revisit the manufacturing facility and the company being revisited will pay only the airline (if any), travel, certifier’s fee, meals, lodging and lab fees. This random review insures that the companies maintain product certification compliance. Revised 7/04 Certification fees are separate from membership Certification

31 Aloe passed the REMARKABLE test of time!
Aloe was there! Records from 1500 BC detail Egyptian use of Aloe for burns, infections and parasites. Beauty-obsessed Cleopatra used Aloe as part of her skin care regime. Aloe vera is known as the “miracle plant” and the “plant of immortality” Aloe is there! Dr. Lawrence Plaskett, Aloe Research Cancer remission studies Dr. Byung Pal Yu, Aloe Research Longevity - Cancer Heart Attacks - Strokes Dr. Joe Vincent, Aloe Research Bio-Availability of C & E Aloe is there! Dr. Robert Davis, Aloe Research Wound healing – Blood Sugar - Nutrient delivery Dr. Terry Moule, Aloe Research Restraining cancer cells from spreading Dr. Byung Mu Lee, Aloe Research Lab animal liver cancer study Aloe is NOW! IASC Aloe ingredient added in 1,557 new product launches in a 12-month period. Protect the Ask for IASC Certified Aloe for Content + Purity = Quality Consumers trust Aloe vera! consumers’ trust of “with Aloe” R Certification Contact us about Membership & Aloe Information International Aloe Science Council web page

32 International Aloe Science Council Protecting the integrity of
“with Aloe” IASC is the way UP! IASC Content Purity Quality R International Aloe Science Council Protecting the integrity of “with Aloe” Certification

33 Content Purity IASC Quality Insist on the IASC Certified QUALITY
of “with Aloe” IASC Content Purity Quality R International Aloe Science Council Protecting the integrity of “with Aloe” Certification

34 Thank You! International Aloe Science Council web site
Contact us about Membership & Aloe Information International Aloe Science Council web page Certification

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