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MY ROOTS IN THE WORLD Honouring the Turtle!

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Presentation on theme: "MY ROOTS IN THE WORLD Honouring the Turtle!"— Presentation transcript:

1 MY ROOTS IN THE WORLD Honouring the Turtle!
Level: Kindergarten MY ROOTS IN THE WORLD Honouring the Turtle!  

2 Activity: My roots in the world
Legend of the Great Turtle

3 LEVEL: Kindergarten TALKING STICK “The person who takes the stick has something to say and asks that others listen carefully and respectfully, without interrupting him.” .

The dreamcatcher was used to filter dreams. Il allowed good dreams to filter through its web while entangling nightmares and anything that could disturb the sleeper. In the morning, Grandfather Sun’s rays would destroy all bad energies. In Aboriginal culture, a dream is the vehicle of communication between men and the Great Spirit and the expression of a soul’s needs. It is essential to meet the needs of the soul as well as those of the body. A dream frees the soul and restores balance.

5 LEVEL: Kindergarten RATTLES Rattles are shaken to call up the spirit of life when someone is sick. The Elder also uses a rattle to summon the spirits governing the four directions (north, south, east, west) to help participants who are seeking spiritual and physical cleansing to start a "new" life during a sweat lodge ceremony.

LEVEL: Kindergarten THE Tuttle, SYMBOLISING MOTHER EARTH “Traditionally, the turtle represents peace, the connection to Mother Earth and is a symbol of Aboriginal roots and patience. According to Aboriginal Legends, the American continent is referred to as ‘Turtle Island’.”

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