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Independent Study Contracts

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1 Independent Study Contracts
John Green Elementary

2 What is an Independent Study Contract (ISC)
It is imperative that your student attends school daily. Students participate in group discussions and projects in class, requiring their attendance daily. However, if you find that you need an extended absence during the school year, parents will need to request an Independent Study Contract. This approved contract will allow students to receive work for the time they are out of class. This does not guarantee that they will receive the exact work that they would get if they were in class. This is why daily attendance is critical. Independent Study Contracts are designed for emergency situations, preventing the child from attending school. If work is not received the day the student returns to school, the contract will be considered incomplete and voided. The absences will then be considered unexcused.

3 How does a child qualify for an ISC
How does a child qualify for an ISC? Below are the guidelines and policy for requesting an ISC. Parent must notify the Office at least 10 school days prior to the absence. No contract is issued the first 10 days of school or the last 10 days of school. Students who have had an ISC in the past and did not complete it are not eligible. One ISC per school year is allowed. Contracts are issued for a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 20 days. After 21 days, your child will be dropped from school. Students whose achievement is below grade level standards or have excessive absences are not eligible. A student with an IEP, as defined by Ed Code 56026, are not eligible. Contracts may not be faxed or mailed. Work is given to the student the day before they leave.

4 Procedure for an ISC Parents first come to the office and talk to Mrs. Jacquez if their child is going to be out over a period of time. Mrs. Jacquez presents the ISC and reviews the guidelines and policy with the parent(s). Parents fill out the ISC and return the form to Mrs. Jacquez. Mrs. Jacquez will check the school calendar to make sure they are within the 10 school day notification. If they are not, she let’s them know that it will most likely be denied due to our 10 day policy. Mrs. Jacquez tracks the ISC in our designated binder and gives the binder and the ISC to the Assistant Principal, Ms. Estep. Ms. Estep checks our attendance reporting system, Infinite Campus, and looks for the following: excessive tardies, excessive absences, prior ISC and if they were fulfilled in previous years, and whether the child has an IEP.

5 Procedure for an ISC (cont’d)
Ms. Estep checks the student’s record file for prior/current report cards to make sure child is not performing below grade level. Ms. Estep may also check in with the classroom teacher. If all checks out, Ms. Estep approves the ISC and returns the contract and binder to Mrs. Jacquez. Mrs. Yacquez places the ISC in a plastic folder and put the contract in the teacher’s box. Teacher has 10 school days to pull work and prepare the ISC for the time the student will miss. ISC must be returned with all work complete on the first day the student returns to school.

6 Procedure for an ISC (cont’d)
The classroom teacher looks through the work turned in to make sure that it is complete and correct. The classroom teacher signs off on the ISC and returns the contract and work to Mrs. Jacquez. The teacher has 24 hours to do this. Mrs. Jacquez collects all ISC and submits to the District Office at the end of the school year.

7 What this costs the District
Every day a student misses school, even for excused absences, the school loses $31.33 per day. Two year comparison of money lost due to denied or incomplete ISC at JGE: (as of 1/4/16) 6 denied ISC – 51 days total 9 denied ISC – 55 days total 51 $31.33 per day $31.33 per day $1, lost to date $1,

8 Unexcused Absences and ISC
(as of 1/4/16) 163 unexcused absences to date 51 of these days from denied ISC 31% of unexcused absences from denied ISC 293 unexcused absences 55 of these days from denied ISC 19% of unexcused absences from denied ISC

9 Suggestions to improve ISC
Putting together ISCs is a lot of work for teachers. It would be great to somehow streamline the process or lighten the load considering we have so many at JGE. Create generic IS packets (one packet per trimester, per grade level) based on CC Standards Streamline the ISC process so it’s all done online (including the application process and the student work) It was discussed at our AP PLC that we are going to bring this up at our next District AP meeting. We thought either we could create an online process and work for the teachers or utilize our Districts Coaches to help create this, in order to lighten the work required of the teachers. Middle school and high school shared that many already use an online process for their ISC.

10 Questions/Comments/Feedback

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