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English 11 English 11 Honors Mrs. C Room 185
Classroom procedures English 11 English 11 Honors Mrs. C Room 185
Classroom and academic expectations
I expect students to do the following to make sure the classroom runs smoothly:
Attend class, and arrive on time. Have materials ready when the bell rings. Listen when others are speaking. Follow directions the first time they are given Get permission before speaking. Be polite and respectful toward each other. Stay on-task and focused on English.
Academic expectations
Come to class on time and have materials ready. Follow teacher’s directions and complete assignments. Work hard and enjoy the process. Do your best. Do not complain; it poisons the atmosphere.
Daily procedures
Entering the classroom procedure
Get journals and other needed supplies (on the back table) and be seated. Begin reading. You do not need to wait for the bell.
Reading Procedure Bring a book of your choice to class EVERY DAY.
Begin reading as soon as you sit down. You do not need to wait for the bell. Read silently for the 15 minutes. If you read for the entire 15 minutes, you will get your bookmark signed. A signed bookmark is worth 5 points. Unsigned bookmarks are worth 3 points. Absences are worth no points. All points can be made up.
Journal procedure Read the journaling assignment on the board and start working. Use a new page for each journal entry. Label the top of the page with the prompt and the date. When your journal is signed, quietly and with respect of other’s property and of the teacher, put away your journal. Do NOT throw your journal into your box. Place them as neatly as possible.
Journal Grading If you have completed the writing assignment in your journal, as directed, I will initial the entry. If, for some reason you haven’t completed the journal entry as directed (not written enough, not writing for the entire directed time, not written in your journal, etc.), you will not get an initial. Each initialed entry in worth 5 pts.; entries without initials are worth 3. You can make up assigned journals by going to my blog and finding the topics. If your absence is a school excused absences, bring the journal to me and I will initial the entry. If it is not excused, I will not initial it but you still get 3 points for the entry.
Daily schedule Free Reading Time Journal assignment
Daily objective and agenda Teacher-instructions/modeling Student-guided instruction/practice Assessment/closure
Tardy procedure Enter the classroom quietly, pick up the daily handouts, and join in the classroom activities with minimal disruption. If your tardies continue, there will be consequences. (i.e.: talk with me, parent contact, administration involvement) If you are tardy more than 20 minutes late to class (unexcused), it will be counted as an unexcused absence.
Absence procedure When you are absent, check online for notes and assignments. Also, check with classmates to find out what you missed. As a last resort, ask the teacher during quiet work time AFTER Journals If you are missing work from the absence, the missing assignments will be in the organizer on the back table. As a last resort, ask the teacher.
Listening to/ responding to questions
When we are having class discussions, raise your hand to be called on and actively listen to whoever is speaking. Teacher will give specific instructions when students are to call out answers without first raising their hands. Ask only questions that are relevant to the lesson. Be respectful of all comments and ideas, even if they differ from yours.
Walking in the hall procedure
When we are walking in the hall (fire drills, writing lab, library): Stay with the group. Go quickly and quietly to the destination. No deviations. Go directly to the destination.
End of the day dismissal procedure
Hand in daily work, as directed. Put away materials. Make sure desk area is neat and trash is picked up. I’m not your mom. I wont pick up after you. When the bell rings, be seated (All students must be seated). Teacher dismisses the class NOT the bell. Push in chairs and proceed quickly and quietly out the door.
Grades A = 93% B+ = 87% B-=81% C=75% D+=67% D-60% A- = 90% B = 83%
F = 0-59%
Grading There is no letter grade penalty for turning in an assignment late. Your citizenship grade will be impacted by your late work. Your letter grade is based solely on your mastery of a skill or benchmark. If you don’t hand in an assessment, you will receive an incomplete. Any incomplete grades at the end of the term will be counted as a zero. Assignments are worth 15% of your grade, tests are worth 35% and papers are worth 35%. There will be NO EXTRA CREDIT. You may redo ANY assignment, paper or test. There may be additional requirements when you redo the assignment, paper or test.
Classroom rules
Classroom rules Do not throw or toss anything. Do not disrupt class.
Be polite and courteous to others. Stay on task and in assigned seat. Keep hands and objects to yourself. No profanity. FOLLOW TEACHER’S DIRECTIONS.
Verbal warning Seating change Send to office Conference with teacher Parent contact Other: detention, behavior contract
Students leaving the classroom
Get permission from the teacher without disrupting class. Your must have a hall pass to leave the room. Teacher will not let you use the hall pass to go to your car. Only one person at a time will use the hall pass. This includes using the bathroom.
Bathroom use The best time for bathroom use is between each class period. You should not leave class to use the bathroom unless it is truly necessary. You must get permission from the teacher without disrupting the class. Only one person at a time will be excused to use the bathroom.
Other procedures
Cell Phones There are times when we will be using our cell phones in class. I will tell you when it is OK to use them. If you are using them when it is NOT ok, I will take them. Using cell phones during class distracts you from learning. You are here to learn, so don’t deny yourself that opportunity by snap chatting during class. The first offense I will confiscate them during the class period. The second offense I will take it and keep it until the end of the day and notify your parent/guardian and it will be recorded on your permanent record. The third offense I will take it to the office and you will have to get it back from them and your parent/guardian will be notified and it will be recorded on your permanent record.
Classroom visitor You may smile and you may say hello if it is appropriate and it does not disrupt the class. Continue to work in class as you normally would. Remember to make a good impression for visitors. We want to impress them.
Substitute teacher Be polite and respectful. The teacher is a guest and we want to make a good impression. Continue to work in class as you normally would. Remember, we want to impress all visitors in our classroom.
Get to Know mrs. C Get out your phones. We are going to take a quiz!
You will answer the quiz by texting a KEYWORD to If you can’t text because your phone won’t connect, get on the school’s wifi. Join the wifi by logging into dsdwireless with your username and pin (like you do to get on the computers). Don’t use your , just your username.
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