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Tardies Students must arrive BEFORE 8 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 8 a.m. If a student is late in first period, they MUST go to the office and get a tardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Tardies Students must arrive BEFORE 8 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 8 a.m. If a student is late in first period, they MUST go to the office and get a tardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The State of Arkansas requires student attendance of 95% or better at MCHS.

2 Tardies Students must arrive BEFORE 8 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 8 a.m. If a student is late in first period, they MUST go to the office and get a tardy slip. In 6th-12th grade, students may accumulate more than one tardy in a day. First Offense: Warning Second Offense: Detention Third Offense: Saturday School Fourth Offense and additional offenses: 1 Unexcused absence in class where tardy occurred; 1 day suspension and parent conference.

3 Example: Class Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lang. Arts T
T – Receive detention for second tardy T – Receive Saturday School A – arrived 15 minutes late T – Receive an unexcused absence in the class, 1 day suspensions and parent meeting Math Social Studies T – Receive Detention for second Tardy Science Band Lang. Arts Fdtns. PE Interventions A – checked out early

4 Absences Student is counted absent after 10 minutes of class.
An absence is considered unexcused if not approved in advance by an administrator or accompanied by a note from a parent or medical practitioner upon 5 days of returning to school. First & Second Unexcused Absence: Noted in e-school Third Unexcused Absence: Parent notification that student has missed ½ the allowed days for the semester; investigation from attendance committee in an effort to assist in resolving matters that might contribute to unsatisfactory attendance. Sixth Unexcused Absence in a class: Student will not receive credit for that course unless the attendance committee allows for credit recovery. If the student fails to receive credit for a sufficient number of courses and at the discretion of the principal after consultations with the attendance committee, the student may be denied promotion or graduation.

5 Parent Notes/Pre-Approval/Assignment Pick-Up
Pre-Approval Form Vacations are not considered excused even with a note unless there is a Principal override. Please Mrs. Spoon if your child is absent, so we can inform teachers and collect assignments – Work may not be made up for credit for absences in excess of the number of allowable absences in a semester unless the absences are part of a signed agreement. Pg. 37 Mrs. Spoon will call when assignments are ready for pick-up

6 Attendance Policy for Absence Notes - 2017
Subject: Attendance Office Ext. 336 Full name of student (first and last). Date(s) of absence. If not full day, note the class periods missed if checked out or just arrived. Note from medical practitioner or parent/guardian notes or s must have a reason for the absence. Absence note must be turned in within 5 business days post absent date or absence will count as unexcused. (Please reference the Student Handbook 6-7)

7 Other Consequences of Absences
Driver’s license exam requires proof of enrollment and regular attendance. Students that miss any part of the regular school day are ineligible to participate in games, practices, performances, contests, dances, extra-curricular events or credited work programs unless the absence is excused in advance by the Principal or Executive Director. Students shouldn’t be checked out early unless it is an emergency.

8 Exemptions for Semester Exams (pg. 39)
Students must meet the following criteria per course to be exempt from that course’s semester test: Earn an “A” on both 9 weeks’ reports for the course, and No more than 4 excused absences for the semester (0) unexcused, and No more than 3 incidents of tardiness.

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