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Hello Future! Here We Come!

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Presentation on theme: "Hello Future! Here We Come!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello Future! Here We Come!

2 Time to know your interests!
Interest Inventory Naviance Dream It Do It Square Peg Careers

3 OPTIONS….Consider Them!
College: Naviance Big Future by The College Board Apprenticeship: Military: US Military Work: Work One Center Columbus & Area Manufacturing Companies

4 Think About…..

5 to be admitted and to go to college?
What does it take to be admitted and to go to college?

6 Factors to Consider Diploma Type
Transcript (GPA, classes, grades, test scores) Honor’s classes AP classes Dual credit classes Number of classes Senior year -number of academic classes Grade Improvement/Credit Recovery GPA is a guide

7 Scholarships! Investigate Scholarship Opportunities:
-College/University -Community -Businesses -21st Century Scholar -CEHS scholarship newsletter - College and Scholarship Newsletter -Fastweb

8 Resources Helpful Financial Aid Resources: FAFSA by March 1st!!!
* FAFSA by March 1st!!!

9 Other Considerations Letters of Recommendation:
-Give writer at least two weeks notice! -Ask in person! -Choose adults who know you well! -Resume/Brag Sheet to Counselor Essays -Well written -Good grade -Provides insights beyond what can be read on an application or resume NCAA Requirements – Transcript must be sent at end of junior year to remain eligible for Division I & II

10 Explore Colleges Examine Websites: Naviance
Big Future by The College Board - College/University websites (.edu) Identify at least 2-3 Schools VISIT!!! - 3 excused absences from school – each year, Junior and Senior years - Personal v/s Group visits

11 Extracurricular Activities
In-School Clubs, organizations, school activities Out-of-School Paid services/volunteer experiences Resume ** School involvement/Community Service is VERY important (especially for selective schools) What sets you apart from other good students?

12 Entrance Exams SAT: Evidence Based Reading & Writing, Math
Score Range: pts. ACT: English, Math, Science, Writing Score Range: 1-36 pts. (All Juniors will East in April) Consider taking both Colleges will take the best combination of scores “SuperScore”

13 Entrance Exams Testing Preparation: * PSAT – Wednesday 10/19
- NO registration fee - National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Exam -Must register in the bookstore by 9/30/2016 SAT – ACT – Sylvan Learning Center practice test – 2/18/17 at North Heather Hester for information

14 Next Steps Junior computer lab – Naviance, Tomorrow 09/28
Orange Room During students’ resource Update 4 year plan Start College Search Update addresses If 21st Century Scholar, update info to Plan, Prepare, Pay for College Junior Milestone Conference Individual meetings with each junior and his/her counselor

15 Senior Year Timeline August October November January March
Most college applications are available on August 1 Lilly scholarship application due October FAFSA available on October 1 Work on college applications November Submit college applications by November 1st January Heritage Fund Combined application due March FAFSA due by March 10, 2018 (encourage to submit by March 1)

16 THANKS FOR ATTENDING! Andy Taube 376-4363 A’s
Brian Hansen B - J DD Stott K - S Kristin Schuetz T – Z Updates? Text and

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