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Unit 4: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

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1 Unit 4: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

2 Section 1: Energy in a Cell
Where do living organisms obtain their energy? _____________- are able to make their own food Example:________________________ ________________- obtain energy from the food that they consume Example: _______________________ Autotrophs trees, grass, plants Heterotrophs lions, humans, animals

3 Section 1: Energy in a Cell
_______ comes in many forms including _______, ____________, and _________ _________ can be stored within chemical ______________ the primary chemical compound used in living organisms to store energy is __________ ___________ or _______ Energy light electricity heat Energy compounds Adenosine Triphosphate ATP

4 Section 1: Energy in a Cell
ATP consists of _________, a _____________ called _______, and _____ _________ groups ______ is released when the bond is ________ on the ___________ groups Adenosine 5- Carbon Sugar Ribose 3 Phosphate Adenosine Phosphate Ribose P P P broken Energy phosphate

5 Section 1: Energy in a Cell
Once the phosphate group is broken the molecules is convert into ___________________ or _____+___ Adenosine Diphosphate ADP P Adenosine Phosphate Ribose P P P

6 Section 1: Energy in a Cell
ATP is helpful with ___________ energy, but it is not good for storing large amounts of _________ over a long period of time For energy _______ cells use _______, which is a ___- ____________ A single molecules of _______stores up to ___ times more energy than ATP Cells can generate _______ from _______ as needed to transfer __________ transfering energy storage glucose 6 carbon sugar glucose 90 ATP glucose energy

7 Section 2: Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis: Abbreviated: ________________________________________________________________________________ Formula= 6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 PSN Converts the energy of sunlight into chemical energy stored in the bonds of glucose and oxygen Light Energy

8 Section 2: Photosynthesis
Where does PSN take place? _______________________ Categorized as ______________ Location within plants- _____________ ____________________ In plant cells autotrophs leaves Stoma (stomata) Mesophyll cells

9 Section 2: Photosynthesis
How do plants gather the sun’s energy? through light absorbing molecules called ______________ plant’s principal pigment= ________________ there are two main types of chlorophyll _____________________ When chlorophyll absorbs light most of the _______ is transferred to __________ it is these high energy ____________ that make _____ work Chlorophyll is located in the ___________ Pigments Chlorophyll Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll b energy electrons electrons PSN Chloroplast

10 Section 2: Photosynthesis
Chloroplasts ____________: where PSN takes place Consist of a ___________________________________ ______________________ ______________________(singular granum) Double outer membrane stroma thylakoids grana

11 Section 2: Photosynthesis
The light energy within the formula for _____ enters through the light absorbing ________ called the __________ But where does the ____ and the ________ enter into the equation? _____ enters the leaf through ____________ ________ enters into the plant through the ________ or ________ PSN pigments chlorophyll CO2 H2O CO2 Stoma H2O roots Stoma

12 Section 2: Photosynthesis
Stoma (stomata) _________ within a plant’s ___________ _____________ is the thick waxy outer covering on a ___________ ____________ and __________ are exchanged between the _________ and the ______________ pores cuticle cuticle leaf gases water plant atmosphere

13 Section 2: Photosynthesis
Inside the leaf are a few layers of ______________ These contain most of the plants ________________ Mesophyll cells Chloroplasts

14 Section 2: Photosynthesis
Breakdown of photosynthesis ____ main parts (reactions) _______________________ or __________________________________________ __________________________________________ In the form of ________ Location: _____________________ _________________ excites the ____________, which require a special carrier called __________ to carry the electrons to part 2 of PSN 2 Light Reaction Light Dependent Reaction Produces energy from solar power ATP Chloroplasts solar energy electrons NADPH

15 Section 2: Photosynthesis
2. __________________ or _________________________________ Location: _____________ Uses ____________________________________ _________ carried over from _______ to aid in building of __________ molecules Once ________ delivers the electrons then _______ is sent back to part 1 or ___________________ to continue the cycle Calvin Cycle Light independent Reaction Chloroplasts Energy from light reaction to make sugar (glucose) electrons NADPH glucose NADPH NADP+ Light dependent reaction

16 Light Reaction Dark Reaction Chloroplast CO2 H2 O light ATP NADPH
Electron Transport chain Calvin Cycle ADP+P NADP+ H O2 Glucose

17 Section 3: Cellular Respiration
Formula= C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy process in which chemical bonds of energy-rich molecules such as glucose are converted into usable energy

18 Section 3:Cellular Respiration
Where do plants obtain glucose from? Where do animals obtain glucose from? Through the process of ___________________ Metabolism= _________________________________ ____________________________________________ PSN Dark Reaction Food Metabolism process where food is converted into energy and products needed for life

19 Section 3: Cellular Respiration
mitochondria Location: _____________________ _______________________________________ But _____________________________________, instead it makes ____________________________________________ Where most of the cells ATP is made It does not make ATP directly from food ATP through many chemical reactions

20 Mitochondria Inner Membrane Outer Membrane Cristae Matrix

21 Section 3: Cellular Respiration
Before cellular respiration can happen, ________________________________________ Process= _________ This is an __________ process, meaning it does not require _________ Breaks _________ down into ___ ________ These are _______________________________________ Food has to be broken down into smaller molecules Glycolysis anaerobic oxygen Glucose 2 Pyruvate 3-Carbon Molecules

22 Section 3:Cellular Respiration
Overview: Glucose Glycolysis Pyruvate Pyruvate ***Then, cell respiration may begin

23 Glycolysis 2ATP 2ADP + P C C C 4ADP + P 4ATP C C C C 2NAD+ 2NADH

24 Section 3: Cellular Respiration
Krebs Cycle Phase 1: ___________________ Begins with ________________ Waste Product ___________ Phase 2: ___________________ Similar to ________ Difference is no __________________ So __________________________________________________ 1 Pyruvate CO2 Electron Transport chain PSN Light photons Instead electrons are carried by NADH and FADH2

25 Matrix Inner Membrane 38 2 1

26 PSN Cellular Respiration Chloroplasts Animals Plants Light reaction Mitochondria ETC ETC= 2nd ATP ETC= 1st ATP Synthase Inner membrane sunlight Thylakoid membrane NADH and FADH H2O= reactant H2O= product Creates NADPH

27 PSN Cellular Respiration Calvin Cycle= 2nd Glycolysis Krebs Cycle= 1st Stroma 6 times NADPH→NADP+H Matrix ATP →ADP+P 2 pyruvate CO2= reactant CO2= product CO2 enters through stomata NAD+H→NADH FAD+H2→FADH2 ADP+P→ATP Glucose is a reactant Glucose= product

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