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Previous Stuff.

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1 Previous Stuff

2 more dc circuits February 15, 2010

3 Which diagram ain’t right?

4 Which bulbs in the diagram will light?
B C All lights will light. A and B will light A and C will light B and C will light None of these answers are correct. It is the same diagram that is on the handout.

5 A B A I(A)=I(B) B I(A)<I(B) C I(A)>I(B) D None of the above
A steady current flows through the wire shown below. At one point, the wire suddenly narrows. Which of the following is correct? I A B A I(A)=I(B) B I(A)<I(B) C I(A)>I(B) D None of the above

6 Which bulb do you think is brighter?
A B C A B C All the same

7 A current I flows through a device. The difference in potential
from one side of the device to the other is V. How much POWER is dissipated in the device?

8 Resistance February 17, 2010 Resistivity 2/17/2010

9 Measuring Voltage Set to proper scale Resistivity 2/17/2010

10 Measure current Set to proper scale Resistivity 2/17/2010

11 But First … a few clicks Resistivity 2/17/2010

12 Which lamp is brighter? A R1 on the left R2 on the right Both the same

13 Where is the current largest?
A Point A B Point B C Point C D They are all the same B C A Resistivity 2/17/2010

Resistivity 2/17/2010

15 REMEMBER - Resistivity 2/17/2010

16 Which bulb is brighter? R1 on the top R2 on the bottom Both the same

17 A Bulb A is Brighter B Bulb B is brighter C Both are the same
The two batteries and all of the resistors (light bulbs) have the same values. Which light bulb is brighter? A Bulb A is Brighter B Bulb B is brighter C Both are the same BB A B

18 which has more current? A B C They are the same.
Normal Wire High Resistance Wire (W) A B C They are the same. Resistivity 2/17/2010

19 which has more current? A B C They are the same.
Normal Wire High Resistance Wire (W) A B C They are the same. Resistivity 2/17/2010

20 which has more current? A B C They are the same.
Normal Wire High Resistance Wire (W) A B C They are the same. Resistivity 2/17/2010

21 Resistivity 2/17/2010

22 Resistance February 17, 2010 Resistivity 2/17/2010

23 Get Moving on these *@&^ing WebAssigns!
Resistivity 2/17/2010

24 What? A Quiz? Noooo… Resistivity 2/17/2010

25 which has more current? A B C They are the same.
Normal Wire High Resistance Wire (W) A B C They are the same. Resistivity 2/17/2010

26 Resistance increases with length.
Resistivity 2/17/2010

27 which has more current? A B C They are the same.
Normal Wire High Resistance Wire (W) A B C They are the same. Resistivity 2/17/2010

28 which has more current? A B C They are the same.
Normal Wire High Resistance Wire (W) A B C They are the same. Resistivity 2/17/2010

29 Resistance inverse to area.
r is resistivity units=W-m 1/r=s=conductivity r is a property of the material Resistivity 2/17/2010

30 Resistivity W-m Resistivity 2/17/2010

31 Idea: What stays the same?? VOLUME!
A wire has a resistance of R Ω. It is melted down, and from the same volume of metal a new wire is made that is two times longer than the original wire. What is the resistance of the new wire? Idea: What stays the same?? VOLUME! Resistivity 2/17/2010

32 What is the resistance A-b?
Resistivity 2/17/2010

33 That’s why you pay tuition .. isn’t it??
Resistivity 2/17/2010

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