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K. Kawagoe / Kobe-U FJPPL KEK 2007 May 9th

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1 K. Kawagoe / Kobe-U FJPPL workshop @ KEK 2007 May 9th
Detector R&D (1) A common R&D on the new generation detector for the ILC K. Kawagoe / Kobe-U FJPPL KEK 2007 May 9th 2007/5/9

2 Introduction: ILC (International Linear Collider)
ILC design given in Reference Design Report (February, 2007) Number of detectors still under discussion 2007/5/9

3 Detector R&D should be coherent with accelerator R&D !!

4 ILC physics and detector
Many physics events have multi-jet final states. Separation of Z and W is essential. Goal: jet energy resolution of 30%/E Below: nnWW and nnZZ events with different jet energy resolutions Mj1j2 Mj3j4 60%/E Mj1j2 Mj3j4 30%/E 2007/5/9

5 Detector “concepts” LDC SiD GLD 3+1 detector “concepts” are proposed:
No “collaborations” are formed (yet). One may contribute to a few concepts. All but the 4-th are designed to achieve good jet-energy resolution using “Particle Flow Algorithm” (PFA) GLD > LDC > SiD in size (not in cost) 4th 2007/5/9

6 France & Japan in ILC detector R&D
Many French institutes are involved in LDC Many Japanese institutes are involved in GLD LDC and GLD concepts have many common features Good jet energy resolution with PFA TPC for reliable, high precision tracking of charged particles High granularity calorimeter for particle flow measurement ECAL: SiW (LDC) or Sci-W (GLD) HCAL: Analog/digital (LDC) or Analog (GLD) Different detector technologies, but many common issues in hardware/software R&D It would be very good, if we, French and Japanese groups, can work together on the common issues:  form a France-Japan collaboration in the framework of FJPPL 2007/5/9

7 Goals of our project Design and development of reliable Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) which allows studying the design and the geometry of the future detector for the ILC, Design and development of a DAQ system compatible with the new generation of calorimeter currently in design and prototype for the ILC, and Design and development of the optimized detector for the final ILC project, leading the participation of the LOI and TDR document for the ECAL point of view. 2007/5/9

8 Main members France J.C. Brient, H. Videau, J.C. Vanel (LLR)
C. de la Taille, R. Poeschl (LAL) D. Boutigni (CC-IN2P3) Japan K. Kawagoe (Kobe-U) T. Takeshita (Shinshu-U) S. Yamashita, T. Yoshioka (U-Tokyo) A. Miyamoto, S. Kawabata, T. Sasaki, G. Iwai (KEK) 2007/5/9

9 2006-2007: the first fiscal year
Budget (mostly travel expense) France: 13 kEuro Japan: 1.2 MYen (problem: limited only for KEK people) Meetings/workshops First meeting at KEK, Japan (Sep 28/29, 2006) 3 French physicists ~10 Japanese physicists/students Overview of current French/Japanese activities Main topic: readout electronics of SiPM/MPPC Second meeting in LLR & LAL, France (Jan 9-10, 2007) 4 Japanese physicists, mainly from KEK CC Main topic: PFA studies, ILC/CALCIE GRID FJPPL workshop in Japan (today, May 9, 2007) Other meetings/workshops ILC software workshop in LAL Orsay (May 02-04, 2007) CALICE collaboration meeting in Kobe (May 10-12, 2007) 2007/5/9

10 CALICE collaboration CALICE (CAlorimeter for the LInear Collider with Electrons) is a world-wide collaboration for high granularity calorimeter optimized for the particle flow measurement of multi-jet final state at ILC More than 200 physicists/engineers  from 39 institutes and 12 countries coming from the 3 regions (America, Asia and Europe) France is one of the core countries from the beginning Jean-Claude is the spokesperson. Two Japanese universities (Kobe-U and Shinshu-U) in GLDCAL joined CALICE in September Some more institutes from Japan (and Asia) are expected to join. 2007/5/9

11 Hardware R&D 2007/5/9

12 Even before Japan joined CALICE: SiW ECAL test at DESY, 2005-2006
Drift chambers made by Tsukuba-U was installed at a DESY test beam (S21) by Kobe-U in February 2005, and have been used for the CALICE beam tests since then. 2007/5/9

13 SiW ECAL prototype ECAL prototype Readout electronics
1 cm2 Si PADS, 550 µm 1 MIP = e- 216 channels/slab channels total Readout electronics FLC_PHY3 ASIC [LAL] Calibration ASIC [LAL] CRC DAQ boards [UK] 14 layers, 2.1 mm thick 70 boards made in Korea 2007/5/9

14 Study of SiW ECAL with Drift Chamber tracks

15 Silicon wafers So far silicon wafers for the CALICE SiW ECAL prototype have been provided by Russia and Czech: Difficulty in getting enough amount of wafers with good quality: 1/3 of full ECAL prototype is still missing. Looking for other producers From Korea ? From Brazil ? From Japan ? KK will play a role as a contact to Hamamatsu Photonics. 2007/5/9

16 DESY testbeam S21 (2007 March, CALICE SCECAL)
DESY II Electron Synchrotron DESY testbeam S21 (2007 March, CALICE SCECAL) Veto2 Veto1 e- T1 T2 T3 e+ 1~6 GeV ECAL module Movable stage Drift chambers Electronics & DAQ (France, Germany, and UK) ECAL (Japan) Drift chambers (Japan) e+ beam 2007/5/9

17 Calorimeter in the GLD concept (GLD-ECAL is also known as SCECAL in CALICE)
Sampling calorimeter with Pb/W - scintillator sandwich structure with WLSF readout Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) needs particle separation in the calorimeter Fine granularity with strip/tile scintillator Huge number of readout channels ~10M (ECAL) + 4M (HCAL) ! 10K for muon detector Used inside 3 Tesla solenoid use MPPC as photon sensor (multi-pixel avalanche photodiode developed by HPK) Problem: How to read out such huge number of MPPCs ? 2007/5/9

18 Readout electronics of MPPC
French group in CALICE is very powerful in this field (C. de la Taille et al.) Readout of SiW ECAL Readout of AHCAL (SiPM) Readout of DHCAL (GEM, RPC) Electronics developed for the SiPM readout of CALICE AHCAL can easily be used for the MPPC readout. cf. Electronics for the MPPC readout under development also in Japan (KEK: M.Tanaka et al.), but not yet ready. SiPM readout of AHCAL scintillator tile 2007/5/9

19 The SCECAL Test Module MPPCs (1600 pixels) Acryl Frame WLS fiber
Tungsten (3.5 mm thick) Scintillator layer (3 mm thick) Acryl Frame Scintillator strip (1 x 4.5 x 0.3 cm) WLS fiber 2007/5/9

20 Typical events with/without tungsten absorber
6 GeV e+ center injection Calibration run 2007/5/9

21 Some very preliminary plots
To be updated at CALICE07 in Kobe Very Very Preliminary 2007/5/9

22 Time information of Scintillator HCAL
Use time measurements to tag neutron hits Clean up picture for PFLOW reconstruction  cut at 5 ns Keep late hits for energy resolution  gate open for full bx T.Takeshita 2007/5/9

23 Hadron showers with timing
4 GeV p into Pb, no time cut 4 GeV p into Fe, no time cut Electronics to enable this measurement is being developed. 4 GeV p into Pb, time <5ns 4 GeV p into Fe, time < 5ns GLD DOD Effect is stronger for Pb 2007/5/9

24 PFA development 2007/5/9

25 Jet Measurements with PFA
Particle reconstruction Charged particles in tracking Detector Photons in the ECAL Neutral hadrons in the HCAL (and possibly ECAL) b/c ID: Vertex Detector For good jet energy resolution  Separate energy deposits from different particles Large detector – spatially separate particles High B-field – separate charged/neutrals High granularity ECAL/HCAL – resolve particles 2007/5/9

26 Realistic PFA scheme (GLD-PFA as an example)

27 Ejet ( GeV) ATLAS H1 s(EJ)= 0.3√EJ + 0.5 (GeV) Ejet ( GeV)
ATLAS hope for b=3% in barrel only !!! ATLAS While the stochastic term is smaller for H1, the resolution is better in ATLAS because b is smaller H1 PFA-GLD with 2x2cm pixels (T. Yoshioka) H1 reach b=5% PANDORA-LDC 1x1 ECAL + 3x3proj HCAL (M. Thomson) Ejet ( GeV) ALEPH s(EJ)= 0.3√EJ (GeV) Jet energy region we are interested in Compiled by JCB 2007/5/9 Ejet ( GeV)

28 Collaboration in PFA development
PFA is still in a developing phase Resolution at Z0 pole is achieved. Need improvement at higher energies It is a good idea to work together to accelerate the development. Allister may play an important role between France and Japan Need GRID to share common data/codes as well as CPU and storage for efficient work 2007/5/9

29 GRID for ILC studies A talk on GRID by D. Boutigny tomorrow (Comp_3)
ILC GRID in Japan has just begun ILC Computing requirements in coming years Full simulation based detector studies Detector optimization Background studies & IR designs, etc These studies will be based on many bench mark processes. Cross checking of analysis codes Sharing and access to beam test data GRID will be an infrastructure for these studies. Data sharing Utilize CPU resources Among domestic/regional colleagues – easier access to codes & data We (Japanese ILC) are beginners. as a first step, First: minimum resources Get familiar tools and data sharing CALICE-VO & ILC-VO

30 GRID : Future Direction
Universities LCG resource in France and other countries GRID sites No GRID univ’s LCG Tohoku Kobe LCG/Grid Protocol ILC VO, CALICE VO, JHEP VO, … KEK-LAN F/W KEK User PC’s LCG/Grid Protocol GRID-LAN F/W KEKCC LCG environment ILC Resource LCG NFS SE SE2 SE: Storage Element

31 Plan of 2007-2008 Hardware studies PFA studies
Calorimeter components Scintillator strips/tiles, photon sensors (MPPC) Japanese silicon wafers (Hamamatsu) Readout electronics More base boards needed to readout AHCAL+SCECAL Timing measurement for AHCAL Beam tests at CERN (2007) and Fermilab (2008) This is a world-wide effort PFA studies Closer relation between GLDPFA and Pandra (LDC) Comparison of performance Exchange of information Use of common codes/algorithms on different detector concepts Japanese group should start to use GRID for the above studies 2007/5/9

32 Summary France-Japan collaboration on ILC detector R&D started smoothly: Calorimeter R&D PFA studies GRID will play an important role Toward the optimized detector for the final ILC project 2007/5/9

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