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ESRF Status Report – part 1

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1 ESRF Status Report – part 1
A view from feet ... ESRF Status Andy Gotz

2 ESRF 2.0 ESRF Upgrade Program – next 10 years
ESRFI funded preparation is currently going on 13 work packages in total 2 concern a European User Office 1 on Grid for Synchrotron Science 1 on Online data processing Conceptual Design Reviews of new Beamlines Budget decision next week ! ESRF Status Andy Gotz

3 Project Management ESRF is adopting a new culture of Project Management PCO – Project Coordination Office Concerns projects above a certain size (budget, resources, impact) Project leader has to do a lot of admin work PCO has to be consulted and approve at each step ESRF Status Andy Gotz

4 WP11 – Grid for Synchrotron Science
EU financed project to evaluate the use of the Grid for Synchrotron Radiation data analysis 4 persons (2 fulltime, 2 at 50%), euros hardware Partner labs are PSI, DESY, SOLEIL, ... Current status : Virtual Organisation created called XRAY Glite Grid software installed at ESRF Jobs can be submitted from Grenoble, Hamburg, Internet ESRF on the 8+9 December 2008 Next steps : Setup dCache, export hardware to partners, use geclipse Identify use cases e.g. exporting user data, analyse data ESRF Status Andy Gotz

5 WP11 – Grid is Great ! DESY ESRF PSI SOLEIL ESRF Status Andy Gotz

6 European Projects VEDAC EDNP Virtual European Data Analaysis Center
Not accepted EDNP European Data Management for Neutrons and Photons ESRF, STFC, ALBA, ILL, PSI, SOLEIL, DESY, BESSY, ELETTRA, ... Submitted the 11 September 2008 Decision end of 2008, project could start in 2009 ESRF Status Andy Gotz

7 ITER Workshop on control system choices on the 1+2 October
EPICS / TANGO ? Decision in 2008 ESRF Status Andy Gotz

8 CODAC ESRF Status Andy Gotz

9 Will adopt TANGO ? Two prototypes have been built :
one TANGO and one EPICS TANGO weak points are : NO Timing in kernel NO Realtime OS port ALARM system not part of kernel ARCHIVER is not fast enough FEW kernel developers TANGO strong points are : Device approach Jive + Jdraw + Astor + Atk + ... Many others e.g. PyPlc , ... ESRF Status Andy Gotz

10 But EPICS is the market leader ...
ESRF Status Andy Gotz

11 “New” TANGO Partners ANKA COSYLAB Steve Hunt
Softwareschneider - Karlsruhe ESRF Status Andy Gotz

12 ESRF Status Report – part 2
A view from the trenches ... ESRF Status Andy Gotz

13 TANGO binding for SPEC Available since May 9, 2008, RELEASE 5.08.01-1
Uses the Tango C binding tango_io(dev, cmd [, argin [, argout]) – execute a command tango_get(dev, attr) - reads a device attribute. tango_put(dev, attr, value) - writes a device attribute ESRF Status Andy Gotz

14 ESRF Device Server Developments - 1
BpmLibera device server: collaboration between Soleil and ESRF on a single version of device servers has been efficient until now. The initial server from SOLEIL was of great help for ESRF. since then ESRF have added new features which have been integrated to the server. However, from now on, we are confronted to uncompatible requests from our users which make the merging more and more difficult. Should we continue to share the same source and make complicated tricks for the uncompatible needs? Should each institute maintain a distinct version of the server based on common library? ESRF Status Andy Gotz

15 ESRF Device Server Developments - 2
BpmLiberaAll device server: A tango server to build an orbit attribute out of the 224 liberas we use. It includes fine correction of the position in function of the beam current and some others general features. This server could be useful for other institutes using liberas but it includes few specificities of ESRF architectures MultiBunchFeedback device server: server developed above the Libera Mulitbunch feedback version. It is in operation in CTRM. ESRF Status Andy Gotz

16 ESRF Device Server Developments - 3
CryoCtrl device server: to control a cryogenic plant used at ESRF and interfaced on wago controllers. This device is very linked to the hardware achitecture and cannot be shared with other institutes PyPLC device server: Initially developed at ALBA, this server is used at several places at ESRF. Emittance device server: Above CCD1394 device server, this class calculates the emittance of the electon beam by making calculations on the image taken by CCD. ESRF Status Andy Gotz

17 ESRF Device Server Developments - 4
Icepap device server: After having tried the device pool we have decided to write a C++ device server for the icepap motors in view of using it in the accelerator control. We have decided this strategy because we want to add this class in a MultipleAxe device server which is already in use for Vpap motors. We want to make this server compatible with the abstract interface proposed by Vicente Rey. This server is under development and will be finished soon. We are waiting some new features (e.g. home switch management) from the icepap programmer. Once this server will be finished, it can be used in any place where icepap and Tango are used. ESRF Status Andy Gotz

18 ESRF Device Server Developments - 5
Labview TANGO binding: This binding, initally developped at Soleil was not working on linux with the 2 last versions of labview. This was due to the version of compilers used by Labview which was incompatible with our. The problem has been recently been solved by re-linking tango libraries with libstdc++ V5 the same version of than NI. This work can benefit for all the community. ESRF Status Andy Gotz

19 ESRF Device Server Developments - 6
Keithley2700 device server: The Keithley 2700 is a precision high end voltmeter. this server has been recently debugged and will be released soon on Sourceforge. Keithley6220 device server: The Keithley 6220 is a high precision current source. This server has been recently debugged and will be released soon on Sourceforge. ESRF Status Andy Gotz

20 ESRF Device Server Developments - 7
CurrentTransformer device server: Device server developped specifically for measuring the current and the lifetime of the beam. It used a keithley2700 and the keithley6220 classes. It may be released on Sourceforge but we are still in discussion with our user about some specification. PhotonicsCcd device server: Device server in Python written by Photonics Science for their CCD cameras Replaces Imagepro device server ESRF Status Andy Gotz

21 ESRF Device Server Developments - 8
Itr90 (pressure gauge)‏ KBaligner (a new device (a camera for mirror measurment) running on a windows PC)‏ SLS218 reading of 2 temperatures of a LakeShore. RefillSim (a fake DS to test security macros during refilling)‏ A simple PyTango DS to communicate with serial line or GPIB devices. Tango is useful for what we have "for free" : pseudo counters in spec with attr_ct. the database storage of attributes. monitoring and all jive things. Cyril Guilloud (BLISS)‏ ESRF Status Andy Gotz

22 ESRF Device Server Developments - 9
HQPS system is now driven by Tango DS. A mix a C++ and Python device servers. In the Python DS set, 5 instances of a class inheriting from the PyPLC class which has been developped by ALBA even if we do not use the latest release The classical C++ Modbus class has also been improved in this project framework Emmanuel Taurel ESRF Status Andy Gotz

23 Well done to all contributors !
ESRF Status Andy Gotz

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