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Cryogenics at the European Spallation Source ESS

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Presentation on theme: "Cryogenics at the European Spallation Source ESS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cryogenics at the European Spallation Source ESS
Wolfgang Hees ESS - Group Leader Cryogenics & Vacuum , TTC meeting, Beijing

2 ESS in general Neutrons Organisation & Schedule Linac Cryogenics Cryomodules Segmentation

3 European Spallation Source – a pan-European research centre
- a world-leading facility for materials research and life science - scientists will use neutrons to study the materials of tomorrow – from plastics and proteins to motors and molecules - spallation uses a high-power proton beam to extract neutrons from a heavy metal target ➼ average beam power 5 MW ➼ proton energy 2.5 GeV ➼ 2.86 ms pulses @ 14 Hz ➼ length: 500 m ➼ 1 target station ➼ 22 instruments

4 ESS in Lund Neutron Source and Synchrotron Light Source on same site: ESS & MAX-IV World leading cluster of science facilities: XFEL, PETRA at 300 km Excellent communications: minutes to CPH airport destinations - high speed rail link to Stockholm & Hamburg - a crossroads for 10 european countries Öresund region: an intellectual capital - 10’000 scientists ’000 students - Lund university is 3rd largest attractor of EU R&D funds 4

5 High time average and peak flux
Berkeley 37-inch cyclotron 350 mCi Ra-Be source Chadwick 1930 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 105 1010 1015 1020 1 ISIS Pulsed Sources ZINP-P ZINP-P/ KENS WNR IPNS ILL X-10 CP-2 Steady State Sources HFBR HFIR NRU MTR NRX CP-1 1940 1950 1960 Effective thermal neutron flux n/cm2-s (Updated from Neutron Scattering, K. Skold and D. L. Price, eds., Academic Press, 1986) Evolution of the performance of neutron sources FRM-II SINQ SNS ESS J-PARC

6 ESS Organisation CEO C. Carlile Machine Director Science
Data Management ESS AB Board CEO C. Carlile Accelerator Target Conventional Facilities Instruments Administration Director Machine Director Science Steering Comm (STC) Adm Financial Comm Programme Director Programmme Office Science Adv. Comm Technology Adv. Comm Preconstruction Construction Operation Phase Collaboration Partners Neutron Science

7 International collaboration
Sweden, Denmark and Norway cover 50% of cost 17 Partners today The remaining ESS members states together with EIB cover the rest!

8 in global research networks
Technical R&D in global research networks SRF: CEA Saclay IPN Orsay Rostock University Royal Holloway CERN DESY / XFEL

9 A sustainable research facility
Responsible Carbondioxide: ton/year Energy efficiency Responsible Carbondioxide: ton/year Renewable Carbondioxide: ton/year Högsta temp: 118 GWH All värme: 215 GWh = villor Recyclable Carbondioxide: ton/year

10 ESS construction cost estimates
Investment: M€ / ~10y Operations: 106 M€ / y Decomm. : 346 M€ (Prices per 2008) 250 M€ 2011 2020

11 ESS personnel 450 2011 2025

12 Accelerator Milestones & Cryomodules
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 concept design prototype series design ← first protons on target manuf. inst.

13 ESS linac tunnel

14 LINAC layout Length (m) Input Energy (MeV) Frequency (MHz) Geometric β
# of Sections Temp (K) RFQ 5 75 × 10-3 352.2 -- 1 ≈ 300 DTL 19 3 Spoke 58 50 0.50 18 (2c) ≈ 2 Low Beta 108 200 704.4 0.70 16 (4c) High Beta 196 500 0.90 14 (8c) HEBT 100 2500 25

15 The Cryogenic Systems of ESS
➚ almost an LHC cryoplant linac: extrapolation estimate: 14 equiv. supplied at 2 K + screen temps. target: TD heat load calculations: 68 (15 equiv.) supplied at < 20K instruments: interpolated from ILL: 17 l/h LHe (35 l/h peak) → liquefier cap. 45 l/h 200 l/h LN2 (delivery based solution) labs, test stands etc ... ➚ and another one

16 Cryomodules Physical boundaries, tunnel geometry etc ...
ESS linac tunnel: cross section: 5 x 3.5 m2 TBC length: 522 m (390 m cold linac) slope: none space for external cryoline, valveboxes, jumper connections space for CM with diameter ∼ 1200 mm space for CM transport DRAFT

17 Specification temperature: 2 K 8 cavities, 2 sc quads
alignment: 0.5 mm reduced heat load transportable (<12.3 m) possibility to service indiv. input from beam physics dept. 17

18 Reducing heat load Hybrid design (proposal) open questions:
assess advantages - heat load gains vs cooling load & cost cryogenic design - cooling of utility module mechanical design - vacuum jacket, bellows etc ...

19 Segmented Design & Warm Quads
Choice between hybrid design and segmented design is based on a number of criteria to be evaluated, e.g. heat load, costs, etc ... Decision about segmented design will be followed by the decision about cold or warm quadrupoles.

20 ESS Cryomodule Design Design of spoke CMs
IPNO (Duthil et al) preliminary work has started Design elliptical CMs limited options: JLab, FNAL, IPNO negotiations ongoing Manufacturing and testing prototype at CERN ? series re-use of XFEL line Saclay/DESY ? options being studied

21 Decide on cryomodule concept ! (January 2012)
Next steps Decide on cryomodule concept ! (January 2012) Contract a designer for the elliptical cryomodules ! (March 2012) List requirements, write spec ! (May 2012) 21

22 We’re hiring cryogenic engineers !
We’re hiring cryogenic engineers !

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