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Year 8 Study Day 11th January 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 8 Study Day 11th January 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 8 Study Day 11th January 2017

2 Outcomes To equip everyone with the skills they need to make their studying a success To ensure that everyone approaches their learning with a ‘Growth Mindset’ For everyone to decide on actions they must take to achieve their outcomes

3 Where is it all leading to?
Post -16 options, apprenticeships and college Re-sits of Maths and English if under grade 4

4 How to listen? You need to listen today in order to get the most from the day. So how do you listen?

5 What techniques can we use to boost our learning?
BE ORGANISED Mind mapping Pomodoro Technique Growth Mindset Response to feedback-green pen Review your learning every day Use Show My Homework – every night Be resilient and determined to learn and to succeed

6 Show My Homework Use your planner with Show My Homework
Check every night Plan what homework is being done Year 8, minimum of 1 and a half hours per night Every day and week review your learning

7 The steps to implementing the Pomodoro Technique
Time Management Pomodoro Technique The steps to implementing the Pomodoro Technique Have your planner and equipment on the desk Make a list of tasks/ homework to be done Decide on the first task to be done Set the Pomodoro timer to 25 minutes Work on the task until the timer rings Take a short break of 5 minutes, have a drink or a snack Set the Pomodoro timer to 25 minutes again and complete another task Why is time management important? Video link on image

8 How has Year 8 started for you?
What is going well for you? What is more challenging? What barriers are there to your progress? Activity- on your table list the 3 most common things that are going well and 3 challenges at the start of Year 8. Discussion follows


10 Is this you?

11 How can someone be outstanding?
their family natural talent where they live fearlessness the equipment they use Or……. Is it loads and loads of practice Is it persistence and learning from mistakes

First business failed. He ended up eating dog food because he was so poor Was told Mickey Mouse would never be successful because it would “scare women” Was told that the three little pigs would be a failure because it needed more characters Saw the setbacks as challenges and opportunities to prove himself ENJOYED CHALLENGES

Stephen Hawking Told that he had 2 years to live when he was in his early 20’s Became restricted to a wheelchair and lost the ability to speak or move Began using a new system to communicate and write books His book, A Brief History of Time, has sold over 10 million copies Kept going and believed in himself and his own abilities WAS RESILIENT WHEN FACED WITH PROBLEMS

Michelle Obama Brought up in a 1 bedroom flat in a rough area of Chicago Worked so hard in primary school that she was put forward a year Has high aspirations and attended a different after school club each night. She also took on the role of Head Girl. Gained 3 law degrees from the top universities in America Worked hard and put in maximum effort at every step of her education SAW EFFORT AS PART OF THE PATH TO SUCCESS

15 How can someone be outstanding?
THEIR Mind-set

16 Developing a ‘Growth Mindset’
Look at the ‘Developing a ‘Growth Mindset’ sheet How could you change the negative statements in the left column (FIXED MINDSET statements) into positive statements in the right column (GROWTH MINDSET statements) You have 10 minutes to complete the task


18 Using the ‘Growth Mindset’
Discussion - How would you deal with these issues?: You have done badly in a test which you did not know how to revise for. You are not sure what to do in a 2 week History project Following an MFL lesson you go home and look in your book and think I did not understand today’s lesson. You still do not understand a topic in Maths despite asking the teacher You are not keeping all 10 RTL points each half term


20 Pupil Voice survey – Year 8 2017
Please complete the pupil voice questionnaire Be fair – focus on all of your lessons over time and not just one subject If you want to make any further comments – write on the sheet

21 Outcomes To equip everyone with the skills they need to make their studying a success To ensure that everyone approaches their learning with a positive mindset For everyone to decide on actions they must take to achieve their outcomes

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