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We will consider the value of setting professional goals and the attributes of a strong goal. I will evaluate sample goals so that I can thoughtfully create.

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Presentation on theme: "We will consider the value of setting professional goals and the attributes of a strong goal. I will evaluate sample goals so that I can thoughtfully create."— Presentation transcript:

1 We will consider the value of setting professional goals and the attributes of a strong goal.
I will evaluate sample goals so that I can thoughtfully create my own T-TESS Goals that meet the outlined criteria.


3 Why Set Professional Goals?
To move me forward To transform insurmountable mountains into walkable hills To help me believe in myself To hold me accountable for failure To get the most out of my work 1. Having a goal written down with a set date for accomplishment gives you something to plan and work for. A written goal is an external representation of your inner desires; its a constant reminder of what you need to accomplish.There’s a very common pattern that comes with working towards goals that we’re all familiar with: you set your mind to something, you get excited and work like mad, and then motivation starts to wane. Having goals that you can focus on and visualize helps you better connect yourself with your inner desires, and gives you the motivational energy you need to work through periods where your focus inevitably starts to wane 2. Most of us have big dreams that seem impossible to accomplish. Its easy to feel discouraged when you’re staring at a massive, seemingly insurmountable mountain. Proper goal setting can help break larger, intimidating aspirations into smaller, more achievable stepping stones. Planning towards these smaller goals not only makes it easier to formulate a definite plan of action that we can start working on right away, but research has shown that hitting smaller milestones provides real motivation and greater contentment. 3. Setting goals for yourself is a way to fuel your ambition. Goal setting isn’t just about creating a plan for your life and holding yourself accountable, its also about giving us the inspiration necessary to aim for things we never thought possible.Do you want to accomplish something that many people dream about, but few people ever actually accomplish? Unless you make it a goal for yourself and work everyday towards achieving it, why would you ever believe that you could accomplish it? Unless you see yourself slowly making progress, your dreams and aspirations are nothing more than vague notions floating around in your imagination. 4. There’s something extremely humbling about looking back on a goal you set for yourself 6 months, 1 year, or even 5 years ago and realizing that you were supposed to accomplish a lot more than you actually did. Its a concrete sign that whatever you’re doing isn’t working, and you need to make real changes if you want to get where you want to be. 5. When you take the time to set goals, you ensure that your life is geared towards getting the most out of every moment. There’s so much to do and experience in life, but many of the things we want to achieve and experience won’t be handed to us – we need to work for it. Which way should you go? (Photo credit: Luigi Montebello) Imagine you’re on a vacation. You have a limited amount of time to take in all the sights, sounds, and experiences of a foreign land. Wouldn’t you want to figure out exactly what you want to do and what you want to see? Or would you wander around, hoping to find something interesting? And if you do have some sights and landmarks in mind that you want to visit, wouldn’t you do a little research to find out how to get there? Or would you wander around, hoping that you’ll eventually find the place you’re looking for? In many ways, life is like a vacation (though it certainly doesn’t feel like it); we’re given a finite amount of time to pursue the experiences we want and then before you know it, its time to go. If you want to get the most out of your precious moments of life, you have to know what you want. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to have every single moment of your life planned out. After all, what’s a vacation without a little serendipity? During your journey, you’ll find lots of interesting things to see and do that you never would have thought of before you started. Heck, your destination might change as you travel down the road and learn more about yourself and the world you inhabit. But without a clear sense of what you want to do and where you want to go, you’ll never be able to live life to the fullest.

4 “A good goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.”
– Joe Vitale, Entrepreneur


What exactly do you want to achieve? MEASURABLE Establish clear definitions to help measure if you’re reaching your goal. ATTAINABLE Outline the exact steps you will take to reach your goal. RELEVANT Does this goal relate to your mission? TIME-BOUND How long will it take you to reach your goal?

Goals should be straightforward and emphasize what you want to accomplish. Specifics help us focus our efforts and clearly define our action plan.

When you measure your progress you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience the satisfaction of achievement that spurs you to continue your effort to reach your final goal.

9 ATTAINABLE CAN THIS GOAL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME FRAME? Goals that may have seemed far away and out of reach eventually move closer and become attainable, not because our goals shrink, but because we grow to match them.

RELEVANT OUR MISSION IS STUDENT LEARNING!! HOW DOES YOUR GOAL RELATE TO YOUR MISSION? Your goal must be one that will drive you forward. If it is worthwhile, if now is the right time, if you are the right person, then your goal will benefit the entire organization.

Without a time frame there is no sense of urgency. But if you anchor your goal with a time frame, you set your mind in motion to begin working on the goal.

12 “A GOAL is a dream with a deadline.”
- Napoleon Hill (American author, )

13 Types of Goals Quantitative Qualitative Focus on numbers
Who, what, where, when Match with outcomes Uses statistical data analysis Easily measured with data Focus on quality Which, How (prioritize) Match with effectiveness outcomes Seeks to make connections Can be measured with more “elusive” evidence




17 Evaluation Activity – Select a sample Professional goal from the ziploc bag. Read the professional goal. Evaluate the goal based on these criteria – Does the written goal answer the question completely? (Does it include the T-TESS Dimension?) Is it BIG enough? (Will it both scare and excite?) Is it SMART? Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-Bound Edit the goal to meet the criteria. Share your changes with your tablemates.

18 Reflect on where you are and where you want to be.
Write your BIG & SMART Goals. Make an intelligent plan for achieving the goals. Share your goals and your plan with PLC. Review your goals regularly. Celebrate your progress and rethink when you fall short.

19 Achieving a goal is never an accident.
It always is a result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.

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