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Step Up crew _Hazwani, sheikha ,ahmad, sean, rafail

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Presentation on theme: "Step Up crew _Hazwani, sheikha ,ahmad, sean, rafail"— Presentation transcript:

1 Step Up crew _Hazwani, sheikha ,ahmad, sean, rafail
It’s All About Seeds! Step Up crew _Hazwani, sheikha ,ahmad, sean, rafail

2 How seeds are form? Most plants make seeds in order to keep their species going. Some Plants could put stickers on their seeds to make them stick to animals and humans. That’s one way they travel. Some other seeds are light, and have an aero-dynamic shape. This helps them to move in the wind. Picture Extracted from: istockphoto

3 Dispersal of seeds! Seed dispersal is the movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant. Plants have limited mobility and consequently rely upon a variety of dispersal vectors to transport their propagules, including both abiotic and biotic vectors. There are four main modes of seed dispersal: wind , water , animals, and, gravity. Extracted from :

4 Why Are trees Important?
Trees produce oxygen, which is important for the existence of life… Trees provide shade and beautify the place… Trees bear fruits for humans and animals…

5 Flower Development A flower exists to produce seed.
For that, two organs are essential. The stamen produces pollen grains that later form the male cells, or sperms. The stamen has a stalk, or filament, at the tip of which is the pollen sac, or anther.

6 Germination! Germination is the process in which a plant or fungus emerges from a seed or spore, respectively, and begins growth. The most common example of germination is the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm. In a more general sense, germination can imply anything expanding into greater being from a small existence or germ. Photo extracted from : Extracted from :

7 Suckers! :p This is a phenomenon of natural asexual spread, also known in plants as vegetative. It is a plant propagation strategy and the complex of individuals formed by a mother plant and all its clones produced form a single genetic individual, a genet. The plant suckers are clones from the mother plant. The plant will be a genome identical to that which it arose. Photo : Extracted from :

8 Conditions! Hydroponic systems will not compensate for poor growing conditions such as improper temperature, inadequate light, or pest problems. Hydroponically grown plants have the same general requirements for good growth as field-grown plants. Temperature. Plants grow well only within a limited temperature range.Warm-season vegetables and most flowers grow best between 60° and 75° or 80° F. Cool-season vegetables such as lettuce and spinach should be grown between 50° and 70° F. Extracted From:

9 How does a seed grow? Like all living things, plants also require nutrients to grow. The growth process depends on the nutrients like sunlight, water, fertile soil and minerals. If ample amounts of these nutrients are not provided the plant will lose its colour and eventually die. Abundant Sunlight: One of the major nutrients that a plant requires is sunlight. If the plant does not receive plenty of sunlight the stems of the plant become thin. Sufficient Water: Amount of water required will differ from one type of plant to another. However, the dryness of the soil signifies that it requires water. The plant has to be watered till the water starts seeping out of the hole in the bottom of the pot. . Extracted From:

10 Photosynthesis Sunlight plays an important role in the process of plant growth and is a vital ingredient in the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process by which the energy from the sun is trapped by the chlorophyll. This is later converted to chemical energy, which is stored in the form of sugar. For the photosynthesis to take place, the plant needs water, CO2 and light. Extracted from:

11 It’s Time For Quizzes!!!!

12 Question One~! What Are One Of The 5 Main Modes Of Dispersal? 1)Wind 2)Plant 3)Human 4)All Of The Above

13 Question two~! What Are The Important Conditions For The Plant To Grow? 1)Warmth 2)Water 3)Air 4)All The Above

14 Question THREE~! Why Are Trees Important? 1)They Provide Shade
2)They Produce Oxygen For Us,(Animals, Humans) 3)They Let Animals And Insects Live On Them 4)They produce by spores

15 Question four~! What Traps The Sunlight In A Process Of A Photo Sythesis? 1)Chlorophyll 2)Chloroplast 3)Vacuole 4)Cell Membrane

16 Last QUESTION~! What Is The Smelliest Plant In Earth?
(Are To Answer Without Options) Guess The Correct ANSWER!~ Winner Will Get A NOTEPAD WITH A PEN AND REFILLER INCLUDED!

17 Thank You! Step Up Crew

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