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General Music Day Twenty Two.

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1 General Music Day Twenty Two

2 Bell Work How To Always LABEL you bell work with the date.
You may use the same page for several of your bell works. ALWAYS use at least THREE complete sentences to answer the question. Save your bell work for bell work check in’s. If you miss class, you may go onto Mrs V’s website to get the missed bell work question. It is YOUR responsibility to get the bell work completed.

3 Bell Work #22 ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers) was founded in 1914 to protect copyrights and performing rights. Explain why such protection is needed. Use three complete sentences.

4 Planner Homework: No Homework

5 Today I will learn: I will learn about Beethoven & Chopin

6 Ludwig Van Beethoven Someone intense, impatient and impulsive; quick to fly into a temper tantrum and stubborn to a fault.

7 “greatest of the great”
Beethoven is widely considered to be one of the __________________ composers. He was born in ____________ in ____. His first music teacher was his ______. “greatest of the great” 1770 Bonn, Germany father

8 22 Joseph Haydn Anton Salieri classical
When Beethoven was ___ he moved to Vienna. He took violin lessons and studied with ________ composers: Joseph Haydn Anton Salieri classical Beethoven in 1803

9 Renowned music teacher
Beethoven quickly gained widespread recognition as a: Virtuoso pianist Composer Renowned music teacher Two of his well known students were: Carl Czerny Franz Liszt

10 50 deaf By the time Beethoven was ___ he was completely _____.
He had to give up performing but he never stopped composing . After he lost his hearing he used ________________ to communicate with his friends. deaf Conversation books

11 and many other well known works
Beethoven composed in a variety of musical genres such as: Orchestral Chamber Piano Vocal music His compositions include: 32 piano sonatas 9 symphonies his only opera Fidelio and many other well known works

12 He was one of the key composers to initiate the transition from the _______ to the ________ style of composition. Beethoven died in _____ at age ___. He never married and had no children. classical romantic 1827 57 Prince-Elector's Palace (Kurfürstliches Schloss) in Bonn, where the Beethoven family had been active since the 1730s

13 Fast Facts: Name: Ludwig Van Beethoven Dates: 1770-1827
Country of birth: Germany Historical Era: Classical/Romantic Contemporary Composers: Haydn, Schubert Contemporary Artists: Francisco de Goya Other People/Events: Goethe, French Revolution (1789–1799), Discovery of the Rosetta Stone which lead to hieroglyph decipherment (1799), Development of the first electric cell by Alessandro Volta (1800)

14 Fun Fact: Despite the fact that Beethoven was completely deaf by the time he wrote his ninth symphony, he insisted on conducting the first performance. Organizers of the concert knew his lack of hearing would prove problematic for the orchestra, but were too scared of Beethoven to refuse him. They instead allowed him to think he was conducting, while positioning another conductor on stage and advising the orchestra to ignore Beethoven’s beat. It was probably a good thing because at the end of the work he was a few bars out and continued his wild conducting even though the piece had finished. He could not hear the wild applause from the audience behind him and had to be turned around by one of the performers to accept the standing ovation.

15 “Piano Sonata # 14 Moonlight Sonata”
Composer: Beethoven Historical Era: Classical/ Romantic Type of composition: Instrumental Genre: Sonata Click here for song!

16 Frederic Chopin Ask any good pianist for a list of the finest music ever written for the piano and you will almost certainly hear the name Frederic Chopin.

17 “poet of the piano” 19th century Russia
Chopin is known as the _______________ He is among the finest composers of the ___________. Chopin was born in _______ in _____. Due to the occupation of Poland by ______, he had to leave at the age of 20. 19th century Poland 1810 Russia

18 piano Romanticism express emotion
Chopin was a child prodigy on the ______ and began composing music at a very young age. His work represents the Romantic style of art. Classical style was restrained and simple. was free, imaginative and highly emotional. Chopin’s music was written purely to ______________. Romanticism express emotion

19 Almost all of Chopin’s music was written for _________ , and some of his compositions are considered to be among the most difficult piano works ever written. He invented the form known as the ________ and also made creative developments to other forms of music for solo piano such as nocturnes, etudes and impromptus. solo piano ballade

20 shy Chopin was ____ and preferred playing for small, private gatherings rather than large public concerts. He was an extreme ___________ and would often go into a temper-tantrum while working. He never married and he died of tuberculosis at the age of 39. perfectionist

21 Delacroix’s joint portrait of Chopin and George Sand
Delacroix’s joint portrait of Chopin and George Sand. She sews as he plays piano.

22 Fast Facts: Name: Frederic Chopin Dates: 1810 - 1849
Country of birth: Poland Historical Era: Romantic Contemporary Composers: Beethoven, Liszt, Wagner Contemporary Artists: John Constable, Eugene Delacroix Other People/Events: Charles Dickens, Hans Christian Anderson, Charles Darwin, The Industrial Revolution, invention of the camera

23 Fun Fact: Chopin had an irrational fear of being buried alive and therefore requested that his heart be removed after his death... just to make sure! His dying wish was fulfilled and his heart, preserved in alcohol, was later taken back to Poland by his sister where it was buried inside a pillar of the Holy Cross Church in Warsaw.

24 “Fantasie Impromptu Opus 66”
Composer: Chopin Historical Era: Romantic Type of composition: Instrumental Genre: Impromptu Click here for song!

25 Exit: Use complete sentences
Write two complete sentences summarizing what you learned about Beethoven and Chopin.


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