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Master degree in Economics Master degree in Finance,

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1 Multiple diploma student exchange programme International Finance Programme IFP: Italy-France-Poland
Master degree in Economics Master degree in Finance, specialty Law and Finance Masters degree in Markets and Financial Institutions

2 The Exchange Programme
The Exchange Programme in: International Finance and Economy aims to provide advanced competencies in Economics, Finance, Management, Law that will allow graduates to work in a wide range of international contexts. Career opportunities Banks & Financial Intermediaries Asset Management Companies Insurance Companies Consulting & Auditing Companies Export Oriented & International Companies International Trade Agencies Central Banks International Organizations

3 General Information 2 year study program (4 terms)
English taught Classes: (theoretical lectures, discussion of case studies, group work) Integration of theoretical and practical competences through seminars held by professionals. First term Second term Third term Fourth term Home University Macerata Angers University Torun Students from University Macerata  × × University Angers × 

4 Course of Study Program
Second Term (University of Macerata – Italy) ECTS Financial risk management 6 Advanced international trade Mathematical methods for economics and finance International marketing 9 Financial crisis 3 Total ECTS 30 Third Term (University of Angers – France) ECTS Corporate Finance 9 Financial Regulation 11 Law & Economics 10 Total ECTS 30 Third Term (University of Torun – Poland) ECTS Master's Diploma Seminar / Master Thesis 10 Academic Writing and Research Seminars 8 Financial Analysis and Managerial Accounting 6 Portfolio Theory Total ECTS 30

5 Admission requirements
A maximum of ten students from each institution will be selected to participate the program. Students are required to be compliant with the eligibility criteria in effect in each country to enroll to a master’s degree. Italian and University of Macerata regulations require that students must hold a 3-years Bachelor’s degree in economic, finance or management disciplines. English language: English language will be a preferential condition for the selection.

6 Practical information
The students admitted to the exchange program will only pay registration fees of their home institutions and they will be admitted in the partner universities in force of the mutual agreement. The students selected joining the mobility programme are required to collect 30 credits in each semester. The rules to take and repeat exams are those in effect in the university which hosts the group of students. During the abroad-terms students may receive financial support by applying to the Erasmus+ programme.

7 Partner Universities

8 The University of Macerata is one of the three oldest public universities in Italy and among the oldest in Europe, founded 1290

9 Strong university-industry linkages in one of the largest fashion & design district; very export oriented with many job opportunities Typical small ancient Italian city; student focused; environment friendly; everything at a walking distance in the historic centre; excellent university sport facilities; famous opera house & theatre. Cost of life really affordable (compared to other Italian cities) International Environment


11 One of the best Universities in France
Strategic partner of Nicolaus Copernicus University since 1980’

12 Location in the centre of Poland
Nicolaus Copernicus University Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management

13 AACSB Acreditation the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management as the first and the only state university in Poland received this very prestigious business AACSB accreditation. Currently, only 5% of all business schools in the world hold an AACSB accreditation including: Harvard University, London Business School. Receiving AACSB Accreditation means that a given institution is able to achieve a rigorous set of quality standards defined by AACSB International. The AACSB Accreditation Standards challenge post-secondary educators to pursue excellence and continuous improvement throughout their business programs.

14 Nice city, full of attractions








22 NCU – Universite d’Angers – University of Macerata (Italy)
Triple degree: NCU – Universite d’Angers – University of Macerata (Italy) Master in Economics & Finance: International Finance Programme

23 Information Meeting about Triple Diploma MACERATA – ANGERS - TORUŃ
Nicoletta Marinelli Office hours: Monday 11-13

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