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Governor Election Results and Membership Report

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1 Governor Election Results and Membership Report
2017 John Bootes Lead Governor Council of Governors Incorporating hospital and community health services, teaching and research

2 Thanks to our outgoing Governors
Helena Charles : (public: Hackney) Siva Anandaciva: (public: Outer Area) Welcome to our newly elected Governors Eric Cato (public: Hackney) Danny Turton (public: Hackney) Mary Rose Thomson (public: Outer Area)

3 Membership Report April 2016 – March 2017
Council of Governors Incorporating hospital and community health services, teaching and research

4 Membership growth (April 2016 – March 2017)

5 Age: Membership and population

6 Council of Governors Council of Governors consists of 25 governors plus the Chairman of the Trust 10 Hackney Public Governors; 2 City Public Governors and 2 Outer Area 4 Staff Clinical Governors and 2 Non Clinical Governors 5 Appointed Governors - Hackney Council; Queen Mary University London; Corporation of London, City University; a Hackney GP appointed by City and Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group

7 Council of Governors cont’d
The Chairman of the Trust chairs both the Board of Directors and the Council of Governors This ensures strong communication between the two groups and a common purpose in ensuring the Trust is well governed while recognising the different roles of the Council and the Board Public governors are in the majority on Council - a statutory requirement.

8 How do the Governors fulfil their role
Completing induction and, where needed, attending further training Attending Council of Governor meetings Attending selected hospital committees Attending ward rounds, and the community centres The Pre-Council of Governors’ Meeting, includes presentations by Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) and the Chairman.

9 Council of Governors Role
Over-riding role: to hold the non-executive directors individually and collectively to account for the performance of the Board and to represent the interests of members and the public Appointing/removing the chairman, NEDs or external auditors Questioning NEDs on how the Board is delivering on the forward plan Decide remuneration and allowances and other terms and conditions of the office of the Chair and the NEDs

10 Council of Governors Role cont’d
Represent the membership, and act as a channel for members’ views on health related matters Meet a minimum of three times a year in public Joint Board and Council of Governor meetings occur: present the annual report, quality account and annual accounts for discussion and approval.

11 Governor responsibilities
Decide whether the Trust’s non-NHS work would significantly interfere with its principal purpose, which is to provide goods and services for the health service in England, or performing its other functions. Approve amendments to the Trust’s constitution The Council of Governors may require one or more of the directors to attend a governors’ meeting to obtain information about performance of the Trust’s functions or the directors’ performance of their duties Not responsible for decisions taken by the Board

12 Governor responsibilities cont’d
Do not play an operational role Represent the interests of the member of the Trust as a whole and the interests of the public Approve “significant transactions” Approve an application by the Trust to enter into a merger, acquisition, separation or dissolution Approve (or not) any new appointment of a Chief Executive.

13 Particular interests taken by Governors in 2016/17
The Trust’s implementation of its action plans in response to the CQC reports on maternity and Mary Seacole Impact of Junior Doctors’ Industrial Action Interaction with presentations on TB Services, PLACE, Agency Nursing Costs, Senior Nursing Rounding's, Trust Business Development Hackney devolution pilot and strategic planning Pathology Services.

14 Particular interests for Governors in 2017/18
Pathology Services North East London - Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) Appraisal of Chairman and NEDs Member Engagement and Communications Committee “Adopting a Ward” and the Community Services Dementia Friends Outpatient Services.

15 It is the view of the Council of Governors that the Board of Directors has worked well together and integrated positively with the Council of Governors.

16 In conclusion If you feel stimulated by what you have heard – maybe stimulated enough to want to participate – then why not stand for election as a Governor when the next vacancies on the Council are announced?

17 How to contact us 0208 510 5302 Trust Offices
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Homerton Row, London E9 6SR Details of Council of Governor meetings, which are open to the public, are also available on the Trust website at www.

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