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Contents 1. Introduction and overview 2. Human Resources Management 3
Contents 1. Introduction and overview 2. Human Resources Management 3. Legal and Governance 3. Research, Monitoring, Evaluation and Capacity Building Support 4. Priority Project Support 5. Sanitation Programme 6. Intergovernmental Relations and Stakeholder Management 7. Human Settlements Entities Summary 8. Financial Report 9. Challenges 10.Proposed Interventions
Introduction and Overview
Introduction and Overview
In terms of financial management the Department has received an unqualified audit report. The matters of emphasis will receive attention more particularly the matter of departmental performance management and reporting. The Outcome Based Performance Management introduced by Cabinet came into place and required substantial readjustment in how we work and perform as a Department The Department was “internal” focused and there is a clear need for the Department to take its place as the leader and driver of ensuring the facilitation of sustainable human settlements and improving household quality of life. A Departmental Turn-Around Strategy was commenced with in order to ensure the mandate change from “housing to human settlements” development is implemented and achieved.
Introduction and Overview
A key issue is that the Departmental monitoring and reporting programme is weak and will be strengthened in the turn-around. The lack of appropriate programme and project management capacity at the provinces and municipalities is a matter which clearly is reflected in performance and measurement of the outcomes. A number of policy, planning, funding and implementation gaps have been identified including data collection and integrity, value for money, improved performance of the grants and subsidy instruments and steps taken to close the gaps. Governance and compliance gaps will also be closed, improved and strengthened and this includes the entities until control of the Department and Minister. The strengthening of policy responsiveness is also a matter for critical action and intervention including cooperative housing.
Human Resources Management
Personnel Employed and Vacancies
Programme Number of Posts Number of Posts filled Vacancy Rate % Programme 1: Administration 316 281 11.1 Programme 2: Housing Policy Research & Monitoring 82 60 26.8 Programme 3: Housing Planning & Delivery Support 203 144 29.1 Programme 4: Housing Development Finance 105 87 17.1 Programme 5: Strategic Relations & Governance 157 124 21 TOTAL 863 696 19.4
Annual Staff Turnover Rate
EMPLOYMENT AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD (APRIL 2010) Appointments Terminations Turnover rate 559 199 86 15.4
Staff Turnover Rate TERMINATION TYPE NUMBER PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL RESIGNATIONS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL EMPLOYMENT TOTAL Resignation 23 26.7 4.1 86 Expiry of contract 55 64 9.8 Transfers 1 1.2 0.2 Dismissal-misconduct Retirement 6 7 1.1 100 15.4
Performance Rewards SALARY BAND NUMBER OF BENEFICIARIES COST (R’000) Levels – 1-12 204 2855 SMS 14 603
Labour Relations Management
TYPE OF MISCONDUCT NUMBER Dismissal 1 Progressive discipline 6 Suspension without pay as a sanction Pre-cautionary suspension 2 Strike Action 95
Training & Development
TYPE OF TRAINING NUMBER Generic & Short Courses 629 Internships 42 Learnerships – Public Management 24 Learnerships – Public Administration 16 Bursaries awarded 20
Legal and Governance
Legal Matters Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act, 2011 was promulgated; Community Schemes Ombud Service Act, 2011 was promulgated; Rental Housing Amendment Bill was submitted to Cabinet for approval to introduce in Parliament; The Department was a party in the Makhaza case where the City of Cape Town was ordered to build and closed the unenclosed toilets; The Department held a watching brief in the Blue Moonlight case where the Joburg City’s differentiated approach to provision of emergency housing measures was declared to be unconstitutional; The drafting of the regulations for the SHRA commenced.
Legal Matters Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act, 2011 was promulgated; Community Schemes Ombud Service Act, 2011 was promulgated; Rental Housing Amendment Bill was submitted to Cabinet for approval to introduce in Parliament; The Department was a party in the Makhaza case where the City of Cape Town was ordered to build and closed the unenclosed toilets; The Department held a watching brief in the Blue Moonlight case where the Joburg City’s differentiated approach to provision of emergency housing measures was declared to be unconstitutional; The drafting of the regulations for the SHRA commenced.
Special Investigations
The progress on matters under investigation by Special Investigating Unit (SIU) in terms of the Presidential proclamation issued for the 2010/ 2011 financial year are furnished below: Municipal Employees 401 municipal employees were arrested and 334 court cases were finalized. 860 acknowledgements of debt to the value of R8.2 million were signed by municipal employees who committed fraud in terms of the National Subsidy Programme. The relevant Provincial Departments are managing disciplinary cases as maybe required.
Special Investigations
Government Employees A total of 936 government officials were arrested and 871 were convicted of offences related to the National Subsidy Programme - The sentences handed down include suspended sentences and with conditions to repay subsidy amounts. 1615 acknowledgements of debt to the value of R21.7 million were signed by civil servants who defrauded the Department and/or Provinces. The department has to date recovered a total amount of R19 million. This figure is a consolidation of both government and municipal employees.
Research, Monitoring, Evaluation and Capacity Building Support
The Research Programme
The Research Programme for the period included the following: Economic Impact of Government Housing Programmes in low cost housing construction Assessment of the performance of government subsidised housing as an asset The costs of building an informal dwelling in informal settlements Understanding beneficiaries’ perceptions on alternative technologies:
The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
The Unit conducted the following in respect of monitoring and evaluation: The physical verification of project performance done in 285 projects in all Provinces and monitoring reports completed An Impact Assessment Study of the Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme in Limpopo, Free State and Gauteng Provinces was completed Specific physical monitoring done and reports produced on projects in Matatiele, Mount Frere, Mount Ayliff, Flagstaff and Jansenville in Eastern Cape The unit prepared and submitted a progress report on the development of a Human Settlement Index The unit prepared and submitted quarterly POA Summary Reports and Cabinet Memorandum regarding the performance of Outcome 8 and updated the POA System accordingly.
Capacity Building Support
Two hundred and eight one (281) previously disadvantaged learners were awarded scholarships to study towards human settlements qualifications Four provinces were supported to effectively implement the South African Cuban Technical Support Programme Hands on support was provided to all provinces in developing credible provincial capacity development business plans Human Settlements specific training programmes were conducted and 998 councillors,officials and community members were reached beneficiaries were reached through the human settlements consumer education programmes sessions and print material
Priority Projects Support
Priority Projects Support
UNITS PLANNED STATUS COMPLETED ESTIMATED PROJECT BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE N2 Gateway (Western Cape) 30 000 Project in progress 8 450 units R6 bill R1 bill Zanemvula (Eastern Cape) 14 401 3805 sites serviced and ready for top structure construction 4361 units R617 mill R485 mill Mount Moriah (KwaZulu-Natal) 2100 Project has been finalized by Ethekwini 2069 R172mill R245 mill Emnambithi (KwaZulu-Natal) 4 442 No funds were allocated by province Nil R50 mill Chief Albert Luthuli X6 (Gauteng) 300 Province is undertaking the project 151 R17mill R5 mill Mokopane Ex 20 (Limpopo) Ph 1 – 962 Ph Province is undertaking project 962 R315mill R83 mill Grasslands (Free State) Ph Ph Housing delivered but roads, and services yet to be finalised 5 699 Still to be provided
Priority Projects Support
UNITS PLANNED STATUS COMPLETED ESTIMATED PROJECT BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE Klarinet (Mpumalanga) 12 000 Phase 1 in progress 6 units R1,4bill R139mill Lerato Park (Northern Cape) 4 200 Planning for Phase 1 complete, major arterial road complete Nil R910mill R107 mill Ouboks (Northern Cape) 2 354 In progress 250 units R135mill R88 mill Thornhill (Eastern Cape) 5 000 Stalled due to lack of bulk water supply 509 units R 546 mill R96mill Duncan Village (Eastern Cape) 20 000 3 137 units R1.2 bill R305 mill Khutsong (Gauteng) 25 085 235 units R3 bill R259mill Cornubia (KwaZulu-Natal) 24 800 Planning for Phase 1 complete. Tender for road construction to be advertised R24 bill R374 mill
Priority Project Support
UNITS PLANNED STATUS COMPLETED ESTIMATED PROJECT BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE Diepsloot (Gauteng) 7 500 Land purchased, planning in progress, Environmental scoping complete Nil R1,2 bill R102 mill Lephalale (Limpopo) 4 000 Planning, land assembly, R670 mill R140 mill Sweetwaters (Gauteng) 2 698 Planning complete but progress will be stalled due to lack of bulk capability Being calculated R6,3 mill Lufhereng (Gauteng) 25 000 In progress 907 R4,6 bill R276 m Drommedaris 1 588 Planning in progress R160mill R18mill Cornubia (KwaZulu-Natal) 24 800 Planning for Phase 1 complete. Tender for road construction to be advertised R24 bill R374 mill
Sanitation Programme
Sanitation Unit Measure / Indicator Target Actual
No. Of households provided with basic sanitation services including buckets removal 7,418 households served through ACIP 11 000 households served through RHIP 8,426 served through ACIP 5,497 served through RHIP No. Of jobs created through sanitation related projects 200 sustainable job created 275 sustainable jobs created
Intergovernmental Relations and Stakeholder Management
Intergovernmental Relations
Eight municipalities were recommended for accreditation to Level 1 & 2, Six (6) Metropolitan Municipalities; and Two (2) District Municipalities in the Northern Cape. The Municipal Capacity and Compliance Assessment Panel (MCCAP) has been re-established with two key outputs : To assess and determine state of readiness for the priority municipalities to assume level one and two accreditation functions; and To facilitate and manage the post accreditation transitional process.
Intergovernmental Relations
The Department has in place a Technical MinMec as well as a MinMec. The Implementation Forum with a Technical component has been established. A Joint MinMec with CoGTA was held as well as a Joint MinMec with Water Affairs and CoGTA. A Special Presidential Coordinating Council was convened. Delivery Agreements on Outcome 8 were concluded with all Provinces as well as with the Ministers’ of Rural Development and Land Reform, Cooperative Governance and Public Enterprises.
Human Settlements Entities Summary
National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency (NURCHA)
The Department authorized a loan of R75m approved from Cadiz as well as recapitalization of NURCHA in the amount of R300m Contractor Training and Development Programme completed The value of loans disbursed under the affordable housing for houses & sites serviced is R84.9 million The number of houses built and sites serviced under the affordable housing programme are 2092. 33 projects under the infrastructure and community programme were completed during the period review.
Rural Housing Loan Fund (RHLF)
The Department approved the recapitalization of the Fund in the value of R49m to assist with the implementation of the Rural Voucher Scheme Number of loans disbursed : 40 289 against target of 44 933 Value of loans disbursed is R113.6m against target of R112m Total disbursements of R224.4m against target of R202m
National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC)
The Mortgage Default Insurance Program was approved by the MinMec in November 2010. The Department supported the approval of an agreement with the European Investment Bank for the rand equivalent of EUR 30 million. An agreement with Old Mutual Life Assurance Company of South Africa and its BEE Partners to participate in an Affordable Housing Fund with initial funding of R900 million to finance the development and sale of affordable units. The Trust for Urban Housing Finance (TUHF), loan portfolio reached more than R 1bn mark (R 1.2bn). The distressed clients’ turnaround and collection recovery strategy was successfully implemented.
Housing Development Agency (HDA)
Seven Implementation Protocols have been signed with the provincial governments of Limpopo, Free State, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and the City of Tshwane. In excess of hectares of state land was identified for evaluation for release for human settlements development focused on the Outcome 8 which requires the release of hectares of public land A Joint Coordinating Committee on State Land Release has been established by the Department with the HDA as secretariat to manage the requirements of Output Three of the Delivery Agreement.
A policy outlining the criteria for identifying land, and a procedure for the transfer of state-owned land to the Department and/or HDA has been finalised with the relevant state departments. In Limpopo the HDA has taken transfer of 72 hectares of land in Bela Bela, acquired on behalf of the Limpopo Department of Local Government and Housing, for human settlements development
Social Housing Registry Authority (SHRA)
Social Housing Regulatory Programme (“SHORP”) A total of eighteen Social Housing Institutions were accreditated Social Housing Investment Program (“SHIP”) A Call for proposal for SHIP II was issued and in summary, a total of 11 242 units were applied for with a budget requirement of R1,2 billion; Launched the Emerald Sky, TAU Village and Drommedaris Projects Facilitated the delivery 1050 Social Housing units; Implemented the regulatory programme which assisted the SHRA in identifying some policy and legislative challenges with respect to the current program.
National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC)
NON SUBSIDY – HOME ENROLMENTS Type EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC Total Target 2,100 1050 15,750 3,360 3,045 3,150 945 3,300 6,300 39,000 Performance 2,315 903 15,267 2,270 2,389 2,318 714 1,600 4,648 32,424 Variance 215 -147 -483 -1,090 -656 -832 -231 -1,700 -1,652 -6,576 No. of houses completely inspected 888 253 7391 917 960 1,015 364 643 3,200 15,631
Type EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC Total Target 15,000 2500 35,000 15,500 6,500 3,000 3000 7,500 6,000 94,000 Performance 15,422 1,229 15,200 800 1,159 1,948 8,171 49,929 Variance 422 -1,271 -19,800 -9,500 -6,500 -2,200 -1,841 -5,552 2,171 -44,071 No. of houses completely inspected 16,101 1,301 4,586 17,501 7,563 694 788 3,210 5,676 57,420
Financial Report
Adjusted appropriation 2009/10
2010/11 Allocation Programme Adjusted appropriation 2009/10 Allocation 2010/11 Adjustments Adjusted allocation 1. Administration 167,770m 176,175m 45,013m 221,188m 2. Housing Policy, Research and Monitoring 72,175m 45,907m -2,036m 43,871m 3. Housing Planning and Delivery Support 250,899m 206,831m 365m 207,196m 4. Housing Development Finance 13,380,695m 15,598,126m 76,269m 15,674,395m 5. Strategic Relations and Governance 164,659m 174,442m -29,333m 145,109m
Adjustments A rollover amounting to R82,678 million was approved as follows: Programme 1: Administration :R7,1 million R1,9 million for the renewal of Microsoft licenses delayed due to outstanding documents from SITA. The renewal was paid in April 2011 and R5,2 million paid for the purchasing of server which was delayed as it had to be imported. Programme 2: Housing Policy, Research and Monitoring: R1,2 million Outstanding payment on a contract to the value of R1,2 million. Programme 4: Housing Development Finance: R34,9 million This amount is for a transfer payment to the Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA) for establishment
Programme 5: Strategic Relations and Governance: R7,7 million
R7,7 million is for outstanding payments on the following tenders: Closure of Thubelisha Homes; Business plan and establishment of SHRA; Policy development for SHRA; and Determination of institutional arrangement and establishment of Human Settlements Development Finance Institution. In addition Treasury approved an amount of R31.5 million for outstanding sanitation expenditure not provided for in the Department’s 2010/11 budget allocation
Virements approved R27 million required to fund the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) for an audit in the provinces. This Audit is an extension for the expanded mandate to the current agreement between the Department and the SIU to provide for Proclamation R7 of 2007. R14,4 million was to fund the appointment of a services provider to develop and facilitate a turnaround strategy for the Department. R34 million to assist Servcon with its outstanding income tax liability. R7,6 million required to fund the Servcon closure process which was approved after the end of the previous financial year and transferred could not be effected.
Expenditure per Programme - 31 March 2011
Rm Adjusted Allocation Variance % Spent 1. Administration 188,577 221,188 32,611 85% 2. Housing Policy, Research and Monitoring 32,636 43,871 11,235 74% 3. Housing Planning and Delivery Support 158,375 207,196 48,821 76% 4. Housing Development Finance 15,624,981 15,674,395 49,414 100% 5. Strategic Relations and Governance 87,384 145,109 57,725 60% Total 16,091,954 16,291,759 199,805 99%
Total Departmental Expenditure as at 31 Mar 2011
Expenditure per Economic Classification - 31 March 2011
Total Allocation Variance % Spent Rm Compensation of employees 216,455 240,095 23,640 90% Goods and services 222,457 307,518 85,061 72% Interest Paid Financial Leases 173 751 578 23% Payments For Financial Assets 199 209 10 95% Transfer and subsidies 15,533,357 15,541,437 8,080 100% Payment for Capital Assets 119,312 199,252 79,940 60% Total 16,091,954 16,291,759 199,805 99%
Human Settlements Development Grant Allocation
Province 2010/11 Voted Adjustment during year Total Adjusted Allocation Total Available to Provinces Provincial adjustments National Adjustments R'000 Human Settlements Development Grant Eastern Cape 1,598,646 - 39,000 1,637,646 Free State 1,300,691 (263,000) 1,037,691 Gauteng 3,771,831 115,000 3,886,831 KwaZulu-Natal 2,714,109 77,024 (80,000) 2,634,109 2,711,133 Limpopo 1,234,750 11,400 130,000 1,364,750 1,376,150 Mpumalanga 975,863 35,170 1,011,033 Northern Cape 273,260 174,000 447,260 North West 1,288,770 203 (100,000) 1,188,770 1,188,973 Western Cape 1,868,843 83,878 1,952,721 Total 15,026,763 207,675 15,000 15,041,763 15,249,438 Housing Disaster Relief Grant Kwa Zulu Natal 133,800 Grant Total 15,160,563 15,175,563 15,383,238
Human Settlements Development Grant expenditure
Grant Province Total Adjusted Voted Allocation Transfers to Provinces as per Total Adjusted Spent by Provinces Spent as % of total available to Provinces Spent as % of transfer as per total adjusted Unspent as at 31 March 2011 R'000 Human Settlements Development Grant Eastern Cape 1,637,646 1,503,816 92% 133,830 Free State 1,037,691 1,037,685 100% 6 Gauteng 3,886,831 3,855,064 99% 31,767 KwaZulu-Natal 2,711,133 2,634,109 2,711,234 103% -101 Limpopo 1,376,150 1,364,750 1,264,584 93% 111,566 Mpumalanga 1,011,033 975,863 104% Northern Cape 447,260 472,944 106% -25,684 North West 1,188,973 1,188,770 1,040,163 87% 148,810 Western Cape 1,952,721 1,868,843 1,940,037 12,684 Total 15,249,438 15,041,763 14,836,560 97% 412,878 Housing Disaster Relief Grant Kwa Zulu Natal 133,800 Grant Total 15,383,238 15,175,563 14,970,360
Delivery – 01 April 2010 to 31 March 2011
Province Serviced Sites Targets Serviced Sites Completed Houses Targets Houses Completed Total Annual Target Total Delivery EC 8,000 12,979 22,000 10,784 30,000 23,763 FS 13,351 5,328 5,136 18,679 GP 6,791 21,866 33,129 25,117 39,920 46,983 KZN 8,001 4,028 25,002 20,991 33,003 25,019 LP 3,000 2,334 15,489 15,647 18,489 17,981 MP 5,409 2,159 9,656 9,860 15,065 12,019 NC 1,912 2,176 2,524 4,620 4,436 6,796 NW 5,046 6,376 15,996 16,816 21,042 23,192 WC 18,000 11,628 15,000 12,908 33,000 24,536 69,510 63,546 144,124 121,879 213,634 185,425
Challenges Under and Non-reporting by Provinces on the total value chain. The lack of a planned and implementable programme and project pipeline Failure by provinces to prioritize and budget for the resolution of blocked projects. Lack of capacity to verify performance of all projects in the nine Provinces; Reliability and verification of reported programme and project performance data; Availability of reliable data for indicators to measure Human Settlement Index Intergovernmental co-ordination of Capacity Development Programme.
Challenges Improvement in provincial allocation for resources for the implementation of the capacity development interventions including training and consumer education. Required improvements in the alignment and accuracy of delivery performance between the Local, Provincial the National Department. Delays in the reporting timeframe and gaps in the information being reported need to be addressed. Lack of availability of capacity and expertise at provinces for project management to ensure the effective utilisation of available resources within current priority programmes and projects Alignment of provincial and municipal budget allocations to achieve required national outputs and outcomes.
Proposed Interventions
Proposed Interventions
A Departmental Turn-Around Strategy has been approved for implementation. The establishment of a Programme Management Unit has commenced. An Implementation Forum has been established to ensure proper accountability for agreed outputs and outcomes. A Human Settlements and Basic Services Task Team has been established to improve National, Provincial and Municipal Coordination. Required evaluations are to be conducted on key programmes including informal settlement upgrading and social and rental housing to improve performances in funding, planning and implementation.
Proposed Interventions
The development and commissioning of an appropriate performance management system to monitor and manage internal and stakeholder performance has commenced with the assistance of SITA. Improved governance, compliance and performance oversight of provinces, human settlements entities and municipalities is consistent work-in-progress. Improved human resource recruitment, capacity, training and development is planned when the revised organizational structure is implemented.
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