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6th Period—Homeroom Independent Study Time. Take out any unfinished work and begin working on it. Please be in your seat and keep the noise level low.

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Presentation on theme: "6th Period—Homeroom Independent Study Time. Take out any unfinished work and begin working on it. Please be in your seat and keep the noise level low."— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Period—Homeroom Independent Study Time. Take out any unfinished work and begin working on it. Please be in your seat and keep the noise level low.

2 Wednesday September 7, 2016 Make sure that you have both handouts.
2) Take out your headphones and laptop and start logging in. 3) After you log in, go to my website

3 Tuesday 9/6/2016 Make sure you picked up handout and you have your spiral. Turn in any assignments you took home. Turn to page 3 in your spiral and label it WARM-UP WARM UP—complete the warm-up on page three. You only have to write the answers. You have 5 minutes You want to see if playing music makes plants grow taller. What is the dependent variable in this experiment? You want to see if playing music makes plants grow taller. What is the independent variable in this experiment? Orchids were studied to determine if the amount of humidity affected the flowering of these plants. Which of these was the independent variable in this study? (A. Amount of humidity, B. amount of growth of orchids, C. amount of sunlight.)

4 Biology and the Characteristics of Living Organisms

5 Announcements Make sure you pick up your absence work.
I’ll handout individual progress reports tomorrow. Bring them signed by your parents for 10 points extra credit. You will need laptops tomorrow. Make sure they’re charged and ready to go. I will answer questions and let you go to the restroom after the first five minutes of class. I’ll handout restroom passes later this week.

6 What is Biology? Biology comes from the Greek ‘bios’ which means life, and ‘logos’ which means the study of Biology is the study of life But wait…what is life?

7 Careers in Biology Medical Field (Doctor, Nurse, Dentist, radiologist, anesthesiologist, pharmacist) Zoologist (Studies animals) Botanist (Studies plants) Biomedical Research (cancer, genetic disorders) Wildlife Biologist Park Ranger Game Warden Ecologist Marine Biology Forensic Sciences TEACHER

8 Which one of these are living?

9 1. Cells All living things are made up of one or more cells
Unicellular- single celled Multicellular- many celled

10 2. Growth & Development Use nutrients as building blocks to get larger. Organisms go through life stages during their life time

11 3.Reproduction Production of similar offspring.
Species-Organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.

12 Stop and discuss… Why aren’t a lion and tiger of the same species if they and reproduce to have offspring called ligers?

13 4. Respond to environment
Homeostasis- an organisms internal adaptation to external conditions. Keeping equilibrium or balance. Maintenance of internal balance in response to external conditions.

14 Stop and discuss… Describe a way that your body maintains thermal homeostasis.

15 5. Metabolism Produce energy and excrete waste.
Break substances down and rebuild them into new substances.

16 6. Adaptations evolve over time
Species evolve traits that help them with their survival over time

17 7. Biology is organized and can be studied at many different levels

18 1 11 2 10 3 9 4 5 8 6 7

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