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Gamification: Engaging or distracting? Hennie Yip

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Presentation on theme: "Gamification: Engaging or distracting? Hennie Yip"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gamification: Engaging or distracting? Hennie Yip

2 What? “Game Based Learning is the integration of gaming into learning experiences to increase engagement and motivation. Gamification refers to the use of a pedagogical system that was developed within gaming design but which is implemented within a non-game context” Higher Education Academy (HEA), UK

3 gamification features
Rewards: to record achievements “badges” or scoreboards Recognition: Competitive elements and rankings “scoreboards” Motivation: Encouraging progression and markers Increasing engagement and motivation

4 Game based learning environment
Progression – working towards a goal Choose actions and consequences Making mistakes – risk free Actively learning and practice; collaborative Relevance Transference

5 Health and safety Health and safety training at the Academy
An idea inspired by Ms Antonia Collins (Head of ETMD)

6 Your turn!

7 The Looming Gamification Of Higher Ed Kentaro Toyama, October 2015
“Good pedagogy is a delicate dance, with instructors sometimes leading, sometimes following, all in the hope that the student will find her own beat so that she can go solo. Gamification may be appropriate, even necessary, in some contexts, but the eventual goal should be to wean students off of games, so that they can groove to the rhythm of their own inner drummer”. The Looming Gamification Of Higher Ed Kentaro Toyama, October 2015 (

8 Thank you!

9 References HEA Starter Pack: Gamification and Game-based Learning
( The Looming Gamification Of Higher Ed ( Learning with digital games: A practical guide to engaging students in higher education (2010) Nicola Whitton Future Learning:

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