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A guide for teachers and students Thursday, November 14, 2013 

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1 A guide for teachers and students Thursday, November 14, 2013 
Preparing for the Fall 2013 Stark County High School Model United Nations (SCHMUN) A guide for teachers and students Thursday, November 14, 2013 

2 This afternoon’s agenda
Welcome to students and teachers Country assignments Our three issues this fall Steps in the process

3 1.a. Welcome to students How many of you are new to Model UN? New to SCHMUN? New to Malone’s campus? Welcome! It is all about you learning and having fun! Simulations: Stay in character: Play your role Bonus: MUN is a great extracurricular



6 1.b. Welcome to Teachers: Thank you!!
Professional Development Contact Hours are available Questions on practical matters?

7 2. Country assignments Delegation assignments:
Any problems or changes?

8 3. Our three issues The problem of small arms and light weapons proliferation The refugee spillovers from the Syria conflict Cyber-security issues globally

9 3.a.i. The problem of small arms and light weapons proliferation

10 3.a.ii. The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)

11 3.b.i. The refugee spillovers from the Syria conflict
Veli Gurgah/Anadolu Agency, via European Pressphoto Agency

12 3.b.ii. Syrian refugees: Solutions and responses?
Immediate humanitarian assistance Support for a negotiated political transition? Protection and safe zones? (example: Operation Provide Comfort in 1991) No fly zones? Taking sides in a war against the Assad regime?

13 3.c.i. Cyber-Security: Problems
Cyber-attacks by governments as a substitue for physical war Stuxnet or China vs. the US military Cyber-vandalism: Example against UN/ITU conference Spying and Security Breaches Wikileaks (Bradley/Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange) Edward Snowden and NSA revelations of spying

14 3.c.ii. Solutions to Cyber-Security?
Setting general norms or rules? UN Group of Experts: General Security and Economic “Streams”: Taking over regulation of the Internet? ITU programs like IMPACT

15 4. Steps in the process for our simulation
Researching Writing resolutions Getting resolutions to the full floor Rules of procedure

16 4.a. Researching In addition to websites for issues (above), see . . .
Some powerful Google search tips

17 4.b. Writing Resolutions See handout (blue paper) on how to write resolutions You will view them via classroom projectors in Committees: Bring a flash drive, or it to yourself, or use Apple Airplay to project directly from your device

18 4.c. Getting resolutions to the floor
Each committee will be allowed to pass only TWO resolutions (for a total of six that will go the full Assembly)

19 4.d. Rules of procedure See handout (pink paper)
Also posted on the website:

20 Final Word: Dates, Times, Locations
Committee meetings (one committee per issue) Thursday, December 12, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, meet here and go to breakout rooms after that. Full General Assembly Saturday, December 14, from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon, here in Silk Auditorium. Visitors are welcome!

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