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Assignment In lab this week we will carry out all the analysis necessary for the assignment. You must take these results and write them up in the form.

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment In lab this week we will carry out all the analysis necessary for the assignment. You must take these results and write them up in the form."— Presentation transcript:

1 BPK 304W Writing Assignment: Writing the results section of a refereed journal paper

2 Assignment In lab this week we will carry out all the analysis necessary for the assignment. You must take these results and write them up in the form of the Results section of a refereed journal article. Requirements: Title page – Appropriate Title, Name, Student number, Course #, S.F.U., Semester Text of the results section Tables and Figures each on separate pages after text (not in-line with text) with captions (in bold font - tables at top, figures at bottom).

3 Components of the Results Section
Report the results without discussion. It is not enough just to include figures, you must describe the results. No need to justify form of analysis – this was done in the Methods section. Use tables and/or charts to illustrate the results. Do not repeat the same information in both a chart and a table – Space is at a premium. Do not repeat all of a table in the text.

4 Components of the Results Section
Always start with a table describing the sample. Include Means, Standard Deviations and sample sizes (Standard Errors of Means not necessary). Statistical analysis can often be indicated on this table. Then follow with tables or figures to illustrate the hypothesis testing

5 Tables Tables should be able to stand alone.
Table captions must give enough detail to stand alone. Not just: Sample Descriptives If variable name abbreviations are used, the full name must be in a table footnote, or the table caption.

6 Tables It is unnecessary and distracting to report digits if they have little scientific relevance. Your device can measure blood pressure to within 0.01 mmHg and your sample mean is mmHg. How do you report the sample mean? As , as 115.7, or as 116 mmHg? Does a resolution smaller than 1 mmHg really matter? In contrast, a resolution to units is essential for variables like pH or body density.

7 Density converted to % Body Fat using Siri Equation % Body Fat = ((4
Density converted to % Body Fat using Siri Equation % Body Fat = ((4.95/Density)-4.5)*100 Density gm/ml %Body Fat 1.030 30.6 1.035 28.3 1.040 26.0 1.045 23.7 1.050 21.4 1.055 19.2 1.060 17.0 1.065 14.8 1.070 12.6 1.075 10.5 1.080 8.3 1.085 6.2

8 Reporting the results of a t-test
Men are significantly (p<0.05) bigger than women in skinfold-adjusted forearm girth and grip strength

9 Means and Standard Deviations of Skinfold-adjusted Arm Girth and Maximum Right Hand Grip Strength in Male (N=20) and Female (N=23) University Students Sex Mean S.D. Sig Skinfold-adjusted Arm Girth Male 25.8 2.0 * Female 21.4 1.5 Maximum Right Hand Grip Strength 52.3 7.8 35.3 6.9 * sig. diff. between male and female means, independent t-test d.f.=41, p<0.05

10 Often no need to report statistical results in a table, just include description in the text:
In a two-way Analysis of Variance with VO2max as the dependent variable, both Age Group and Sex were found to be statistically significant factors (P<0.05)

11 Charts Charts should be able to stand alone. Captions should provide enough detail. Do not refer to abbreviations only found in text. Either provide key in caption or footnote to table. Do not bunch up data in one corner of chart. Use Black and white only. Distinguish different data points for group using different shapes

12 Figure should be able to stand alone with it’s caption.
Figure 1: Plot of maximum grip strength versus skinfold-adjusted Forearm girth, showing correlation coefficients between variables for men (♂) and women (♀) separately and men and women combined (♂+ ♀) Figure should be able to stand alone with it’s caption. Must be in black and white. But make sure different symbols can still be distinguished

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