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DOTmLPF-P Change Recommendations

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1 DOTmLPF-P Change Recommendations
19 October 2016 1

2 Objectives Define Joint DCRs and their uses
Describe the Joint DCR generation and staffing process Review Joint DCR content and format requirements Describe the Joint DCR implementation process Provide best practices and common pitfalls for DCR drafting, staffing and implementation

3 DOTmLPF-P Change Recommendations
Joint DCRs document and validate non-materiel solutions as an alternative to, or complement of, materiel solutions (JCIDS Manual, 12Feb2015) Required when: A non-materiel solution addresses a capability gap A materiel solution requires changes that impact DOTmLPF-P areas outside of the materiel program A material solution exists in the joint force, but must be organic to the sponsor (i.e. cannot be satisfied by an RFF or RFC) ICD DCR CBA, Studies, Lessons Learned, JROC, JIEDDO, etc… DCR

4 F.A.R.M. And TSOC DCR’s

5 Staffing a DCR Gatekeeper will identify the appropriate FCB (and supporting FCB if necessary) (JCIDS Manual, 12Feb2015) One of 2 JSDs will be assigned JROC Interest JCB Interest

6 Basic Parameters and Format
Maximum Length: 30 Pages Format: Cover Page, Validation Page (Placeholder during DRAFT), Waivers (format) Executive Summary: 1 Page Document Body: (1) Operational Context (2) Threat Summary (3) Capability Discussion (4) Change Recommendation (5)*Implementation Plans Outline notional plans for the DOTmLPF-P changes (will be further refined post-validation by Sponsor or Lead Org, task OPRs & FPO’s. Each DOTmLPF-P Change area shall provide: Implementation Plan, with Major Milestones and Completion Date Description of relationships between tasks and timelines ID Key Intelligence support capabilities affected by changes Proposed OPR and Rationale (ID proposed OPR for each action) ROM: resources required to implement proposed change Appendices: (References, Acronyms, Glossary and Classified Annex) Implementation Plan: Proposed Plan to include Milestones and Completion Dates Description of relationships between tasks and timing (IE: Organizational change has implications for personnel change which influences training plans in time and place) Ensure previously fielded or new key intel support affected by changes to DOTmLP-P are identified and adequately addressed. Proposed OPR and Rationale: Sponsor must socialize OPR noms with affected organizations, but may submit DCRs without formal acceptance of the OPR Nom. Validated JROCM will formalize OPRs

7 Section 5, Joint DCR Proposed Implementation Plan
What makes a good DCR? Format and length conforms to JCIDS manual Recommendations: Discrete, actionable tasks Examples Stronger: “Update Joint Pub 3-03 to reflect…” Weaker: “Update joint doctrine to reflect…” OPR Specific organization with oversight or authority over assigned task Stronger: “STRATCOM J7” Weaker: “Combatant Commands” Implementation Timeframe Specific, realistic yet minimized to maintain momentum Stronger: “30 September 2013” Weaker: “FY2013 plus 60 months” ROM Cost Realistic, conservative Myth: DCRs don’t have a cost Section 5, Joint DCR Proposed Implementation Plan

8 Implementation of Validated DCRs
Approved recommendations from DCR Section 5 become JROC Memo (JROCM) actions Overall lead designated in JROCM; responsible for leading completion of actions with OPRs Functional Capabilities Boards (FCBs) provide oversight of execution Extensions for action deadlines approved by Joint Staff J8 Deputy Director for Requirements via JROCM

9 Why DCRs Fail in Implementation
Common Implementation Failures: OPRs fail to meet suspense dates Actions reported complete, yet intent is not met Causes: Failure to properly review draft DCRs Arbitrary or unrealistic action suspense dates “Lead Organization” fails to lead Recommendations: Sponsor is the Lead Organization POCs for OPRs identified prior to validation and engaged in drafting process Determine suspense dates by developing a POAM for each action Lead Organization forms an implementation working group upon validation Leverage all available resources to complete actions within suspense dates

10 DCR Help Joint Staff J8 Joint Capabilities Division: JCIDS Process Owners JCIDS Gatekeeper & DCR Lead: CDR Greg “Sluggo” Leland, , Functional Process Owners (FPOs): Provide advice to sponsors during staffing of DCRs; oversee implementation of recommended changes DOTmLPF-P Area Functional Process Owner POC Joint Doctrine Joint Staff/J-7 CAPT Todd Glasser, , Joint Organizations Joint Staff/J-8 CDR Pete Kennedy, (843) /7509 Joint Training Dan Abahazy: (703) / Joint Materiel Mr. Fred Gregory, , Joint Leadership and Education Mr. Jack Roesner, , Joint Personnel Joint Staff/J-1 Mr. Andy Rivera, , Joint Facilities Joint Staff/J-4 CDR Wallace (Interim placeholder, summer 16 swap out) Joint Policy Joint Staff/J-5 Mr. Jim Raycraft, , Functional Capabilities Boards FCB POC Battlespace Awareness Mr. Chris Hall, , C4/Cyber Ms. Becky Gentry, , Force Application Mr. Chris Hanway, Force Support Mr. Joe Coleman, , Logistics Mr. Rick Abernathy, , Protection Mr. Mike Shalak, , KM/DS Help Desk: Mr. Mike Farmer, ,

11 Summary Joint DCRs document and validate non-materiel solutions as an alternative to, or complement of, materiel solutions Joint DCRs follow the standard JCIDS process for staffing (~97 days) 5 Sections Maximum 30 pages plus 1 page Executive Summary Critical Section: “Joint DCR Findings and Proposed Implementation Plan” Lead Organization coordinates implementation of validated Joint DCRs with FCB oversight. (DDR approves extension requests) Successful implementation is dependent on comprehensive staffing and a pro-active Lead Organization

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