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Jehovah and His Premortal Ministry
Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel
$2 – in the Bookstore by the Main Office
Printed Readings in book form $2 – in the Bookstore by the Main Office
3 Doctrines What is Kolob? Abraham 3:1–4
What qualified Christ more than anyone else to be the Savior? How is time different in heaven?
One Thousand Years How long have you been away from God’s presence?
1000 years our time=1 day with the Lord If you live 100 years on earth= 1/10 of one day with the Lord 1/10 of 1 day = 2.4 hours Your age x .694 = how many minutes you’ve been away from God’s presence CAN YOU BE GOOD FOR 2 HOURS? One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Peter 3:8 (5)
Kolob: How is it a Symbol of the Savior?
Kolob: How is it a Symbol of the Savior?
The great one (Abraham 3:3) (4)
Kolob: How is it a Symbol of the Savior?
The great one (Abraham 3:3) The Great I AM (D&C 29:1) (4)
Kolob: How is it a Symbol of the Savior?
The great one (Abraham 3:3) The Great I AM (D&C 29:1) The first creation (Abraham 3:3) (4)
Kolob: How is it a Symbol of the Savior?
The great one (Abraham 3:3) The Great I AM (D&C 29:1) The first creation (Abraham 3:3) The Firstborn (D&C 93:21) (4)
Kolob: How is it a Symbol of the Savior?
The great one (Abraham 3:3) The Great I AM (D&C 29:1) The first creation (Abraham 3:3) The Firstborn (D&C 93:21) Source of light for other stars and planets (Abraham 3:6) (4)
Kolob: How is it a Symbol of the Savior?
The great one (Abraham 3:3) The Great I AM (D&C 29:1) The first creation (Abraham 3:3) The Firstborn (D&C 93:21) Source of light for other stars and planets (Abraham 3:6) Source of light for the immensity of space (D&C 88:5-13) (4)
The story
What are the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant?
God’s Promise Scripture Reference Abraham 2:6 Abraham 2:9 Abraham 1:18 Abraham 2:10
What are the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant?
God’s Promise Scripture Reference Land Abraham 2:6 Abraham 2:9 Abraham 1:18 Abraham 2:10
What are the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant?
God’s Promise Scripture Reference Land Abraham 2:6 Posterity Abraham 2:9 Abraham 1:18 Abraham 2:10
What are the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant?
God’s Promise Scripture Reference Land Abraham 2:6 Posterity Abraham 2:9 Priesthood Abraham 1:18 Abraham 2:10
What are the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant?
These are the PROMISES God’s Promise Scripture Reference Land Abraham 2:6 Posterity Abraham 2:9 Priesthood Abraham 1:18 Exaltation Abraham 2:10
What is the Abrahamic COVENANT?
“Abraham received the gospel and was ordained to the higher priesthood, and he entered into celestial marriage, which is the covenant of exaltation. Abraham received a promise that all of the blessings of these covenants would be offered to his mortal posterity, called the Abrahamic covenant. Through it all the nations of the earth are blessed.” Guide to the Scriptures, “And ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.” (Jeremiah 30:22)
What are the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant?
God’s Promise Scripture Reference Land Abraham 2:6 Posterity Abraham 2:9 Priesthood Abraham 1:18 Exaltation Abraham 2:10
What is a birthright?
What is Foreordination?
“God’s premortal ordination of his valiant spirit children to fulfill certain missions during their mortal lives.” Guide to the Scriptures, Abraham 3:22-23
Some people became ‘bad’ in the pre-earth life.
True/False Some people became ‘bad’ in the pre-earth life.
Elder Bruce R McConkie “When we come into mortality, we bring the talents, capacities, and abilities acquired in our prior existence. Mozart composed and published sonatas when but eight years of age because he was born with musical talent. Melchizedek came into this world with such faith and spiritual capacity that “when a child he feared God, and stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire.” (JST, Gen. 14:26.) Cain, on the other hand, like Lucifer, was a liar from the beginning.” Ensign, May 1974, p.71
“We knew before we were born that we were coming to the earth for bodies and experience and that we would have joys and sorrows, ease and pain, comforts and hardships, health and sickness, successes and disappointments, and we knew also that after a period of life we would die. We accepted all these eventualities with a glad heart, eager to accept both the favorable and unfavorable. We eagerly accepted the chance to come earthward even though it might be for only a day or a year. Perhaps we were not so much concerned whether we should die of disease, of accident, or of senility. We were willing to take life as it came and as we might organize and control it, and this without murmur, complaint, or unreasonable demands” (Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle, 106).
God knows what we will do before we do it.
True/False God knows what we will do before we do it.
Elder Neal A. Maxwell “By reason of that surpassing knowledge, God reads the future; He knows what each of us will do under given conditions. His foreknowledge is based on intelligence and reason. He foresees the future as a state which naturally and surely will be.” The Great Apostasy, p. 20. James E. Talmage, Quoted by Neal A. Maxwell, Things As They Really Are, p.28)
True/False All Melchizedek Priesthood holders were foreordained to be Melchizedek Priesthood holders.
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 365.
“Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world was ordained to that very purpose in the grand council of heaven before this world was.” Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 365. Alma 13:2-3 (cross-reference Jeremiah 1:5-6) “And those priests were ordained after the order of his Son … being called and prepared from the foundation of the world according to the foreknowledge of God.”
We agreed to do the things we were foreordained to do.
True/False We agreed to do the things we were foreordained to do.
Elder Neal A. Maxwell “Orson Hyde taught, ‘It is not impossible that we signed the articles thereof with our own hands, which articles may be retained in the archives above to be presented to us when we rise from the dead…Our forgetfulness cannot alter the facts.” (Journal of Discourses, 7:314–15.) Hence, the degree of detail involved in the covenants and promises we participated in at that time may be a more highly customized thing than many of us surmise.” Neal A. Maxwell, Brigham Young University 10 October 1978.
Our birth time and location was based on our pre-earth life choices.
True/False Our birth time and location was based on our pre-earth life choices.
Elder Bruce R. McConkie “As a result of preexistent faithfulness, certain of the Father's children earned the right to receive preferential treatment during their mortal sojourn. Some who were noble and great were foreordained. Others merited birth into the house of Israel so they would be in a position to hear the word of truth before that same gift was given to others.” The Promised Messiah, p.506
President David O McKay
“Our place in this world would then be determined by our own advancement in the pre-mortal state, just as our place in our future existence will be determined by what we do here in mortality” Home Memories of President David O. McKay, 228–30.
We chose our spouses in the Pre-Earth Life.
True/False We chose our spouses in the Pre-Earth Life.
“We have been counseled not to teach the idea of a ‘one and only
“We have been counseled not to teach the idea of a ‘one and only.’ The Church does not teach that we chose our companion or our parents during our pre-mortal existence. A successful date or marriage often depends more on being the right person than on finding the right person.” Seminary Teachers Manual for O.T. p. 59
The Test of Life Abraham 3:22-25
“You may enjoy music, athletics, or be mechanically inclined, and someday you may work in a trade or a profession or in the arts. As important as such activities and occupations can be, they do not define who we are. First and foremost, we are spiritual beings. We are sons and daughters of God and the seed of Abraham” (“Becoming a Missionary,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2005, 47).
The test is not over…. “Although Satan and his followers have lost their opportunity to have a physical body, they are permitted to use their spirit powers to try to frustrate God’s plan. This provides the opposition necessary to test how mortals will use their freedom to choose. Satan’s most strenuous opposition is directed at whatever is most important to the Father’s plan. Satan seeks to discredit the Savior and divine authority, to nullify the effects of the Atonement, to counterfeit revelation, to lead people away from the truth, to contradict individual accountability, to confuse gender, to undermine marriage, and to discourage childbearing (especially by parents who will raise children in righteousness).” Elder Oaks, “The Great Plan of Happiness,” Ensign, Nov. 1993, 72-75
Jehovah and His Premortal Ministry
Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel
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