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Presentation on theme: "Inflammatory/Valvular"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inflammatory/Valvular

2 Infective Endocarditis
Infection of the innermost layer of the heart Usually caused by staph and strep Vegetations: stick to valves 7 result in emboli. Signs of this are; petechiae painful pea size lesions on fingertips or toes Roth’s spots on retina

3 Diagnostic Tests Health history Blood cultures ESR CXR Echo ECG
Cardiac Cath

4 S/S Increased temp Activity intolerance: SOB Weight gain or loss
Anorexia Dysrhythmias Murmur Heart failure

5 Rheumatic Heart Disease
Chronic condition resulting from rheumatic fever. This scars heart valves

6 Mitral Valve Regurgitation
P. 791 Most are caused by MI. Allows backwards flow of blood due to incomplete valve closure Manifestation: weakness, fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea, orthopnes, PND, peripheral edema, S3 WHAT OTHER CONDITION THAT WE’VE STUDIED DO THESE SX SOUND LIKE???????

7 Aortic Valve Stenosis Obstruction of blood flow from L vent to the aorta during systole. This = vent hypertrophy and increased myocardial oxygen consumption. This = lowered CO=lowered tissue perfusion and leads to heart failure.

8 Vascular Disorders P. 803 PAD: intermittent claudication, paresthesia, more likely to have CAD Management: Tobacco cessation Physical exercise Ideal body weight Plavix & pentoxyfylline Treat hyperlipidemia Surgery: with graft or amputation or popliteal peripheral bypass surgery

9 ABI with PAD P. 805 Done with Doppler Classifies mild , mod. or severe PAD

10 VENOUS PROBLEMS P. 816 Phlebitis Thronboembolus
Anything that causes venous stasis Drugs: thrombin inhibitors (bivalrudin, apixaban, dabigatran, ) low molecular wt. heparin (lovenox or arixtra)

11 V for venous and A for arterial
Vena cava filters P. 822 Chart p. 823 Leg ulcers V for venous and A for arterial

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