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Barnes, Coleman and Greenley

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Presentation on theme: "Barnes, Coleman and Greenley"— Presentation transcript:

1 Barnes, Coleman and Greenley
Women in Leadership Barnes, Coleman and Greenley

2 Introduction NUS National Campaign Sabbs Support Female representation

3 What is a leader? Are you? Qualities of a leader
Perceptions of Leadership

4 Miss Representation 2011
40:22 – 52:13

5 Being a leader involves more than being given a leadership role or job title

6 Activity Make a list of all the people that if they told you they were disappointed in you, you wouldn’t even bother getting out of bed

7 Why we have too few women leaders

8 Strengths What are your strengths? Now think about your weaknesses
How many do you have on each list?

9 Recognising Leadership
Your values, beliefs, purpose who you uniquely are essential -brings you alive a strong belief we carry everyday operating principle help decisions and priorities

10 Exercise - Values Person A: speak about a ‘peak experience’ you’ve had in your life: a time where you felt really valued and empowered Person B: listen out for and note the values of the person you are paired Switch and repeat

11 Leadership List two or three of your most inspiring qualities or values List two or three ways you enjoy expressing those qualities/values as a leader when interacting with others

12 What is 1 action you will take away as a result of this session?

13 Barnes, Coleman and Greenley
Women in Leadership Barnes, Coleman and Greenley

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