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Feeding Lambs Goal is to do it as cheap as possible.

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Presentation on theme: "Feeding Lambs Goal is to do it as cheap as possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feeding Lambs Goal is to do it as cheap as possible.
Adding weight to lambs is the value added portion of most sheep operations. Goal is to do it as cheap as possible. DGM:ISU

2 Overview Nutrient Requirements How to Feed What to Feed
Nutritional Disorders DGM:ISU

3 Phases of Lamb Feeding Pre-weaning 0-3 weeks 3 weeks - weaning
Post-weaning Marketing Goals Feed Resources Facilities DGM:ISU

4 0-3 weeks phase Milk is the only source of nutrients
ewes in condition for milking healthy udders frequent observation for starve outs DGM:ISU

5 3 weeks to weaning phase Get lambs started on creep
palatable and fresh corn, SBM, hay, molasses creep environment nicest place in the barn multiple entrances DGM:ISU

6 Rumen Development Fully functional at 6-8 weeks of age
Before hay is of less value than for ewes Lambs learn from mom’s to eat Hay is effective in the creep Rumen development starts as soon as lambs begin eating. DGM:ISU

7 Stages of rumen development
from The Ruminant Animal Digestive Physiology and Nutrition, Church Market lamb 2 weeks birth 4 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks

8 Weaning Stress Remove ewes and leave lambs
ideally out of sight and hearing Do not change ration at weaning Maintain same groupings ie keep sibs together Minimum interruptions DGM:ISU

9 Post Weaning Decisions
How to feed self-feeder or hand fed What diet to feed gain desired relative costs equipment to mix and handle what form Nutrient requirement DGM:ISU

10 Self-feeder vs hand fed
Less labor Lower cost for feeders Equipment for filling Sorting Lamb observation Control intake Lamb observation Use roughage Stricter schedule More bunk space 6-10 in /hd DGM:ISU

11 What diet to feed? Gain desired targeted marketing date
maximum gain most efficient Ex. 50 pound lamb 2.5 intake = gain .64 & FE of 3.9 2.0 intake = gain .46 & FE of 4.3 DGM:ISU

12 Comparison Shopping Ration cost has the biggest single
effect on cost of gain Currently ration costs should be < $.17 per pound Compare on cost of gain basis not cost per pound of ration DGM:ISU

13 Example Corn vs Oats Corn serves as the Standard energy source
$7.28 / bu / 56 lb/bu = $.13 per pound $.13 / .77 lb TDN/ lb corn= $.169 per lb TDN Oats are worth: 32 pound bu X 68% TDN = 21.8 lb TDN 21.8 X $.169 = $3.68/bu

14 Standard Ration Whole corn : pelleted protein supplement superior FE
10-20% less feed less processing cost customized downfall sorting DGM:ISU

15 Feed form and Intake Level on performance and carcass
Hamp Targee cross Whole Corn Pelleted Corn ADG* Feed Conversion Dress % BF REA* Fluharty etal. 1999 DGM:ISU

16 Nutrient Requirements
Affected by: Weight Sex Genetics DGM:ISU

17 Important Nutrients Energy and Protein Calcium Phosphorous H2O
Selenium Vitamin E

18 Frame Size, Growth and Carcass Traits
Texas Rambouillet Wethers Small Medium Large Gain on Wheat Past Gain feedlot Feed conversion Feed cost of gain/cwt $36.36 $34.02 $35.28 Feed cost per head $18.18 $17.01 $17.64 Nichols etal. 1992 DGM:ISU

19 Market Feeds by protein content?
Why do Feed companies Market Feeds by protein content? DGM:ISU

20 Using the Information Sort lambs by weight groups
Sort lambs by sex and/or growth potential Adjust protein concentration frequently (every 3 weeks or less) Market lambs when ready how do you know

21 How do you know what weight
lambs should be ready? 65 % of average weight of dams on the dam and sire side. Example: Polypay ewe bred to Suffolk ram ( ) / 2 = 212.5 212.5 X 65% = 138 lbs expected wt when lamb has .15 in. back fat

22 Cost of gain Ration cost per ton Feed Conversion genetics
death loss and over all health waste Average daily gain Timely marketing

23 Nutritional Disorders
Enterotoxemia/overeating poor vaccination program or bunk management White muscle inadequate Vitamin e or selenium intake Polioencephalomacia/thiamine deficiency screwed up rumen Coccidiosis DGM:ISU

24 Additives  Coccidiosis Enterotoxemia chloratetracycline
Bovatec 30 grams per ton or Decox 22.7mg/100lb about 10 grams / ton Enterotoxemia chloratetracycline 20-50 grams/ton or oxytetracycline 10-20 grams per ton Ralgro implants, 12 mg Note: one can not legally feed Bovatec and antibiotics together DGM:ISU

25 Summary  Lamb feeding is common sense Nutrient requirements change
so should the ration Goal is to produce cheap gains Lamb finishing is the value added portion of the sheep industry DGM:ISU

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